Smithsonian African expedition under the direction of Col. Theodore Roosevelt (1909-1910), book 2, numbers 1859-3094
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[start page]
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Smithsonian African Expedition
Under the Direction of col. Theodore Roosevelt (1909-10)
Book II
Numbers 1859 - 3294..
No. [[?]]
Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, Collector
[[Sert humer?]]
[[Sert humer?]]
[[start left page]]
1859 [[Gramim?]].
>>1860 Hypiricum.
>>>>1861 Legum.
>>1862 Rosae.
1863 Scroph.
1864 Gramin.
1865 [[Camp.?]]
1866 [[Camp.?]]
1867 [[strikethrough]] [[Meribouix?]] [[/strikethrough]] Legumiosae Desmodium repandum (Vahl) DC det B.G. Schubert 1/81
1868 (check mark)
1869 Coup.
1870 Gramium.
[end page]
[start page]
From camp on Mount Kenia (2550 meters), at lower border of Bamboo zone, westward to the Kasorongai River (1950 meters), British East Africa.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 17-19, 1909
[end page]
1871 Gram.
1872 Gramin
1873 Cyp.
1874 Leb.
1875 Drynarin
1876 [[Srplemium?]] maman thas L. !
1877 Dryopliris & pentheri (Krasser) C. Chr. Aspidiceae - 2 sheets
1878 Dryoplius pentheri (Krasser) C. Chr.
1879 Srpleumium
1880 Lonchitis
1881 [[strikethrough]] Dryoptois [[/strikethrough]] Arachniodes foliosa (C. Chr.) Schelpe Aspidiaceae
1882 [[Aspleumium?]] loxoscaphodes Bak.
1883 [[Asplemium?]] aethiopicum (Burm.t.) Becherer Aspleniaceae
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
From camp Mount Kenia (2550 meters), at lower border of Bamboo zone, westward to the Kasorongai River (1950 meters), British East Africa
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 17-19, 1909
[[Start page]]
1884 Asplenium linckii Kuhn det Bonaparte 1923
1885 (Moss)
[[line across page]]
1886 Amaryllidac.
1887 [[check mark]]
1888 Typha
1889 Comp
1890 [[check mark]]
1891 [[check mark]]
1892 [[check mark]] Apocynaceae Det.A.J.M.Leeuwenberg 1985
[[underlined]] Acokanthera shimperi [[/underlined]] (A. DC.) Schweinf.
1893 Amaryllidac.
1894 Orchid.
1895 Umbellif.
1896 Umbellif.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for numbers 1884-1885]]
From camp on Mount Kenia (2550 meters), at lower border of Bamboo zone, westward to the Kasorongai River (1950 meters), British East Africa
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 17-19, 1909
[[Line across page]]
[[Label for numbers 1886-1896]]
Trail from the Kasorongai River (1950 meters) to the Katheroni River (1800 meters), British East Africa
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 18 and 19, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
1897 Umbellif.
1898 Sambucus africana Standley Paratype
1899 Umbellif.
1900 [[checkmark]] Podocarpaceae
Podocarpus milanjianus Rendle
1901 Comp
1902 Comp.
1903 [[checkmark]]
1904 Senecio?
1905 Polystichum fuscopaleaceum ^Alston
[[Line across the page]]
1906 [[checkmark]]
1907 Solanum aculeastrum Dunal.
1908 [[checkmark]]
1909 Crassulac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for numbers 1897-1905]]
Trail from the Kasorongai River (1950 meters) to the Katheroni River (1800 meters), British East Africa
No. Dr. EDGAR A MEARNS, Collector October 18 and 19, 1909
[[Line across page]]
[[Label for numbers 1906-1909]]
Nyeri and vicinity, British East Africa; altitude about 1950 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 20, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
1910 Crass.
1911 Orchid
1912 Solanum mauense Bitter
1913 Euphorbiac.
1914 Aloe sp.
1915 Commelinac.
Aneilema leiocaule K. Schum.
1916 Orchid
1917 Orchid
1918 Euphorbiac.
1919 Amaryllidac.
1920 Commelinac.
Aneilema aequinoctiale (P. Beauv.) Kunth
1921 Comp.
1922 Euphorbiac
[[end page]]
[[start page]
Nyeri and vicinity, British East Africa; altitude about 1950 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 20, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
1923 (Zinqiberac.)
[[line across page]]
1924 Crotalaria
1925 [[check mark]]
1926 [[check mark]]
1927 Cuscuta
1928 [[check mark]]
1929 [[check mark]] Celastraceae
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
1930 Alsinac.
1931 [[check mark]] Chenopod.
Chenopodium fasciculosom Aellen var murali forme Aellen. q
1932 Comp.
1933 [[check mark]] Rubiaceae
Rothmannia manganjae (Hiern) Keay
1934 Comp.
1935 Comp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 1923]]
Nyeri and vicinity, British East Africa; altitude about 1950 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 20, 1909
[[line across page]]
[[Label for 1924-1935]]
Trail from Nyeri to Wambugu, British East Africa; altitude 1800-1500 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 21-25 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
1936 Comp.
1937 Rubiac.
[[underlined]] Pentas longiflora [[/underlined]] Oliver (det.Mearns, ! B.Verdcourk 29/11/50)
1938 [[check mark]]
1939 Verbenac.
1940 Asclep.
Pergularia daemia (forssk.) Chiov.
1941 Caesalpiniac.
1942 [[strikethrough]] Solanum [[/strikethrough]] Verbenaceae
Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliv. det H.N. Moldenke 1972
1943 Caesalpiniac.
1944 [[check mark]]
1945 Cardiospermum
1946 [[strikethrough]] Solanac [[/strikethrough]] Verbenaceae
Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliv. det H N Moldenke 1972
1947 [[check mark]] Rubiaccae
Canthium gueinzii Sond.
1948 Acanthac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Trail from Nyeri to Wambugu, British East Africa; altitude 1800-1500 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 21-25, 1909
1949 Legum.
1950 [[check mark]] Melianthaceae
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. subsp. ^abyssinica
1951 - 2 sheets [[check mark]] Melianthaceae
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. subsp. ^abyssinica
1952 [[check mark]]
1953 Comp. det S. Smith 3/84 ! RBF
Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) DC.
1954 [[check mark]]
1955 Labiat.
1956 Legum
Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston
[[underlined]] 1957 [[/underlined]] Comp.
1958 Legum.
1959 [[check mark]]
1960 [[check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
1961 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[ Typed Label]]
Trail from Nyeri to Wambugu, British East Africa; altitude 1800-1500 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 21-25, 1909
[[Start page]]
1962 [[check mark]] Melianthaceae
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. subsp. abyssinica
1963 [[check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
Croton macrostachys Del.
1964 [[check mark]]
1965 [[check mark]]
1966 Acanth.
1967 [[check mark]]
1968 [[check mark]]
1969 [[check mark]] Melianthaceac
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. subsp. abyssinica
1970 [[check mark]]
1971 Cassia
1972 [[check mark]]
1973 [[strikethrough]] Solanac. [[/strikethrough]] Verbenaceae
Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliv. det H N Moldenke1972
1974 Verbenac
Verbena officionalis L. det H N Moldenke 1962
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Trail from Nyeri to Wambugu, British East Africa; altitude 1800-1500 meters
No. Dr. EDDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 21-25, 1909
[[Start page]]
[[underlined]] 1975 [[/underlined]] [[check mark]]
1976 Amaranth.
1977 Lab.
1978 Comp.
1979 Comp.
1980 Rufus
1981 [[check mark]]
1982 [[check mark]]
1983 [[check mark]]
1984 Polygonac.
1985 Cucurb.
Momordica foetida Schumach.
1986 Gram.
1987 Legum
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Trail from Nyeri to Wambugu, British East Africa; altitude 1800-1500 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 21-25, 1909
[[end page]]
1988 Lab.
1989 Comp.
1990 Malv.
1991 Bigrion.
1992 Euphorb.
1993 [[check mark]]
1994 [[check mark]]
1995 Tiliac.
1996 Comp.
1997 Caesaepin.
Aeschynomene schimperi A. Rich. det B. Verdcourt 1969
1998 Verben.
Verbena officionalis L. det H N Moldenke 1962
1999 Gram.
2000 Gramin.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Trail from Nyeri to Wambugu, British East Africa; altitude 1800 - 1500 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 21-25, 1909
[[Start page]]
2001 Borag.
2002 [[check mark]]
2003 Acanth.
2004 Legum.
2005 [[check mark]] Rosaceae
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkm.
2006 [[check mark]]
2007 Mimios.
[[line across page]]
2008 [[check mark]]
2009 Cucurb.
2010 Cucurb.
2011 Punica
2012 Comp.
2013 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 2001- 2007]]
Trail from Nyeri to Wambugu, British East Africa; altitude 1800-1500 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 21-25, 1909
[[line across page]]
[[Label for 2008- 2013]]
Vicinity of Fort Hall, British East Africa; altitude about 1200 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 25-28, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2014 Anacard.
Rhus longipes Engl.
2015 [[strikethrough]] Meibormia [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae
Desmodium salicifolium (Poir.[[strikethrough]] ex Lam [[/strikethrough]])DC. det. B.G. Schube 1/81
2016 [[/strikethrough]] Loranth. [[/strikethrough]] Vitaceae Rhoicissus tridentata (L.f.) Wild & Drummond
2017 [[check mark]] Thymelaeaceae
Guidia apiculata (Oliv.) Gilg
2018 Cyp.
2019 Gram.
2020 Legum.
2021 Rhamnac. [[check mark]]
Zizyphus abyssinica A. Rich.
2022 [[check mark]] Anacardiaceae
Ozoroa insignis Del. sbp. reticulata (Bak.F.) Gillett
2023 [[check mark]] Rubiaceae
Adina microcephala (Del.) Hiera
2024 Comp.
2025 Capparia.
2026 2 sheets [[check mark]] Simaroubaceae
Brucea antidysenterica Mill.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Fort Hall, British East Africa; altitude about 1200 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 25-28, 1909
[[end page]]
[[start of page]]
2027 Solanum
Solanum renschii Vatke
2028 [[check mark]]
[[line across page]]
2029 Cyp.
2030 [[check mark]]
2031 Thelastomatac.
2032 Lab.
2033 [[check mark]]
2034 Euphorb.
Euphorbia rivae Pax
2035 Legum. Det. B. Verdcourt 3/69
[[underlined]] Eriosema psoraleoides [[/underlined]] (Lam.) G. Don
2036 Rubiac.
2037 [[check mark]]
2038 [[check mark]] Simaroubaceae
Brucea antidysenterica Mill.
2039 Zingiherac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 2027 and 2028]]
Vicinity of Fort Hall, British East Africa; altitude about 1200 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 25-28, 1909
[[line across page]]
[[Label for 2029 through 2039]]
Trail from the first native market south of Fort Hall to Saba- Saba, British East Africa; altitude about 1500 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 29-31, 1909
[[start of page]]
2040 [[check mark]] Anacardiaceae
Ozoroa insignis Del. subsp. reticulata (Bak. f.) Gillett
2041 [[check mark]] Flacourtiaceae
Flacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merrill
2042 [[check mark]] Vitaceae
Rhoicissus tridentata (L. f.) Wild & Drummond
2043 Anacard.
Rhus longipes Engl.
2044 Euphorb.
Euphorbia rivae Pax
2045 Begiron.
2046 Punica
2047 Comp.
2048 Acanth.
2049 Euphorb.
2050 [[check mark]] Evenaceae
Euclea schimperi (A. DC.) Dandy
2051 [[check mark]]
2052 Legum Det. B. Verdcourt 3/69
[[underlined]] Eriosema psoraleoides [[/underlined]] (Lam.) G. Don
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Typed Label]]
Trail from the first native market south of Fort Hall to Saba-Saba, British East Africa; about 1500 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 29-31, 1909
[[Start page]]
2053 Eucalyptus
2054 Acanth.
2055 Lab.
2056 Dryopteris
[[line across page]]
2057 Scroph.
2058 [[checkmark]]
2059 Crassulac.
2060 [[checkmark]]
2061 Lab.
2062 [[checkmark]]
2063 Orchid
2064 Crassulac.
2065 Comp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Typed Label for 2053-2056]]
Trail from the first native market of Fort Hall to Saba-Saba, British East Africa; altitude about 1500 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 29-31, 1909
[[line across page]]
[[Typed Label for 2057-2061]]
Vicinity of Nairobi, on the Uganda Railway, British East Africa; altitude about 2000 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2066 Orchid.
2067 Casuarina
2068 Varbascum
2069 Begrion.
[[line across page]]
2070 [[checkmark]]
2071 Legum.
Millettia usaramensis Taub. det J B Gillett 1968
2072 Liliac.
2073 Legum.
2074 Euphorb.
2075 Comp.
2076 Malv.
2077 Lob.
2078 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Typed Label 2066-2069]]
Vicinity of Narobi, on the Uganda Railway, British East Africa; altitude about 2000 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November, 1909
[[line across page]]
[[Typed Label 2070-2078]]
Along the trail from Mombasa to Changamwe, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2079 [[checkmark]] Apocynaceae
Rauvolfia mombasiana Stapf det A.P.M. de Kruit 1983
2080 Legum.
2081 [[checkmark]]
2082 Legum.
2083 [[checkmark]] Sapotaceae
Sideroxylon inerme L. subsp. diospyroides (Baker.) J.H. Hemsl.
2084 Mimos. Fabaceae
Acacia stuhlmanii Taub.
2085 Verben.
Lantana viburnoides (Forsk.) Vahl subsp. richardii R. ^ [[Fernandes var. richardii det. R. Fernandes 1987]]
2086 Liliac.
2087 Scroph.
2088 Rubiac.
2089 Verben.
Lantana rugosa Thunb. det H N Moldenke 1965
[[line across page]]
2090 Gram.
2091 Gram.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 2079-2089]]
Along the trail from Mombasa to Changamwe, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November, 1909
[[line across page]]
[[Label for 2090-2091]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2092 [[check mark]]
2093 Cissampelos
2094 Amaranth.
Achyranthes aspera L.
2095 [[check mark]]
2096 [[strikethrough]] Malv. [[/strikethrough]] Tiliaceae
Grewia plagiophylla K. Schum.
2097 [[check mark]]
2098 Vitac.
2099 Liliac.
2100 Cucurb.
2101 Cyp.
2102 Caesalpin.
2103 Lab.
2104 Lab.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2105 Craeca
2106 Camp.
2107 [[strikethrough]] Meiformia [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae
Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. det. B.G. Schubert 7/81
2108 Cyp.
2109 Gramin.
2110 Cyp.
2111 Gramin.
2112 Legum
2113 Tiliac.
2114 Legum.
Abrus precatorius L.
2115 Malv.
2116 Rubiac.
2117 Gramin.
[[end page]]
[[start page]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2118 Gramin.
2119 Vitac.
2120 Gramin.
2121 Gramin.
2122 Gramin.
2123 Lab.
2124 Malv.
2125 Comp.
2126 Loranth.
2127 Acacia zanzibarica (S. Moore) Taub. var. zanzibarica (Fabaceae)
2128 Comp.
[[line above 2129]]
2129 Lobeliac.
2130 Comp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2131 Gram.
2132 Gramin.
2133 Gramin.
2134 Digitaria
2135 [[check mark]] Commiphora boiriniana Engl. (indumentum sparser than usual)
Burseraceae det. J B. Gillett 6/1982
2136 [[check mark]] Rubiaceae Hymenodietyon parvifolium Oliv.
2137 [[check mark]] [[strikethrough]] Fabaecae [[/strikethrough]] Annonaceae
[[strikethrough]] Dalbergia [[? folia]] Vatke [[/strikethrough]]
Uvaria leptocladon Oliv. det Verdcourt 1968
2138 Gramin.
2139 Cyp.
Kyllinga polyphylla [[strikethrough]] Willd. [[/strikethrough]] Kunth
2140 Gramin.
2141 Scroph.
2142 Gramin.
2143 Gramin.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2144 Legum.
2145 Verbenac.
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh.
2146 [[strikethrough]] Loranthac.? [[/strikethrough]] Salvadoraceae
Dobera loranthifolia (Warb.) Harms.
2147 [[checkmark]]
2148 [[checkmark]] Loranthaceae
Helixanthera kirkii (Oliv.) Danser
2149 Gram.
2150 [[checkmark]] Rubiaceae
Hymenodictyon parvitolium Oliv.
2151 Gramin.
2152 Gramin.
2153 [[checkmark]] Sapotaceae
Sideroxylon inerme L. subsp. diosyproides ^(Baker) J.H. Hemsl.
2154 Verbenaceac
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh
2155 Gramin.
2156 Chenopod. [[check mark]]
Suaeda monoica J.F. Gmel.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2157 [[check mark]]
2158 [[strikethrough]] Rubiac. [[/strikethrough]] Verbenaceae
Premna holstii Gürke det H N Moldenke 8/1947
2159 [[check mark]]
2160 [[check mark]] Amaranthaceae
Psilotrichum sericeum (Roxb.) Dalz.
2161 Scroph.
2162 [[check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia hirta L.
2163 [[check mark]] Sapindaceae
Deinbollia borbonica Scheff.
2164 Legum.
2165 Legum.
2166 Legum.
2167 Legum.
2168 Legum.
2169 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 16/1/1969
[[underlined]] Indigofera longiracemosa [[/underlined]] Baill.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909.
[[end page]]
2170 [[check mark]] Simaroubaceae
Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv.
[[line over 2171]]
2171 Gramin.
2172 Gramin.
2173 Cyp.
2174 Rubiac. ? [[check mark]]
Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch var. bojeri
2175 [[check mark]] Legum.
Cassia (Chamaecrista) mimosoides L.
2176 Euphorbiac.
2177 Legum.
2178 Legum.
2179 Tiliac.
2180 Gramin.
2181 Legum.
2182 Lab.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2183 Waltheria?
2184 Tiliac.
2185 Caesalpia.
2186 Comp.
2187 Lantana [rugosa Thunb.
Verbenaceae det HN Moldenke 1965]
[[inserted on right page]] ^ Lantana viburnoides (Forsk.) Vahl Subsp. richardii R. Fernandes var. richardii det. R.Fernandes 1987
2188 [[checkmark]]
2189 Comp.
2190 Legum.
2191 Legum.
2192 [[checkmark]]
2193 [[checkmark]]
2194 [[checkmark]] Legum Teramnus labialis (L.f.) Spreng. subsp. arabicus Verdc. det. Verdcourt 1969
2195 Comp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2196 Malo.
2197 Verben. Lantana vibarnoides (Forsk.) Vahl
subsp. richardii R. Fernandes var. richardii det. R. Fernandes 1987
2198 Comp.
2199 [[checkmark]]
2200 Gram.
2201 Legum.
2202 Legum.
2203 [[checkmark]]
2204 Corotalaria axillaris Ait. seen for FTEA
2205 Comp
2206 Comp.
2207 [[check mark]] Legum Teramnus labialis (L.F.) Spreng.
subsp. arabicus Verdc. det Verdcourt 1969
2208 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2209 Acacia Fabaceae
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn.
2210 [[checkmark]]
2211 Comp.
2212 [[check mark]] Violaceae det A. Goldberg 4/1996
Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell.
2213 Legum.
2214 Euphorb.
2215 Comp.
2216 Amaranth.
2217 [[strikethrough]] Meibomia [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae - 2 sheets
Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC. det B. G. Schubert 8/71
2218 Tiliac.
2219 Euphorb.
2220 [[check mark]]
2221 Legum.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2222 Legum.
2223 Cissampelo
2224 [[checkmark]]
2225 [[checkmark]] Sapindaceae
Deinbollia borbonica Scheff.
[[line]] ____
2226 Comp.
2227 Amaranth.
2228 Liliac.
2229 Legum.
2230 Legum
Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston
2231 Euphorb.
2232 Euphorb.
2233 Scroph.
2234 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
2235 [[strikethrough]] Acacia [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae (Mimoseae)
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. subsp. cinerea
2236 Verben. Lantana viburnoides (Forsk.) Vahl.
subsp. richardii R. Fernandes var. richardii det. R. Fernandes 1987
2237 Legum. - 2 sheets
Dalbergia vacciniifolia Vatke - isosyn -[[insert on right page]] ^types of Dalbergia mearnsii De Wild. (cf. 2263)
2238 Comp.
2239 Scroph.
2240 Legum.
2241 Legum.
2242 Vitac.
2243 Legum.
2244 Legum.
Clitoria ternatea L. det Verdcourt 1968
2245 Lequm.
Millettia usaramensis Taub. det J.B. Gillett 1968
2246 Gramin.
2247 Cyp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[start page]
2248 Lequm.
>>2249 (checkmark)
>>2250 Grauim.
>>2251 Asparaque
>>2252 Euphorb.
>>2253 Lequm.
>>Abrus precatorius L.
2254 (checkmark)
>>2255 Lequm.
>>2256 Lequm. Fabaceae
>>Albizia Versicolor Oliv. (Det. Verdcort 1969)
2257 Coup.
>>2258 Coup.
>>2259 Solauae.
>>Solanum incanum L.
2260 Vitac.
[end page]
[start page]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles
from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100
meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[end page]
[start page]
2261 Boerhaaira
2262 Lequm.
>>2263 Lequm.
>> Dalbergia vacciniifolia Vatke - isosyntype [continue on next page] of Dalbergia mearnsii De Wild. (cf. 2237)
2264 Varbeu. Lantana viburnoides (forsk.) Vahl subsp.[continue on next page] richardii R. Fernandes var. richardii
>> (but stems with hairs somewhat longer)
2265 Lequm.
>>2266 Lequm.
>>2267 (checkmark)Anacardiaceae
>>Sclerocarya birrea /A. Rich.) Hochst.
2268 Grauim.
>> Deinbollia borbonica Scheff.
2270 (checkmark)
>>2271 (checkmark)
>>2272 Lequm.
2273 Varbeu. det HN Moldenke 8/1947
>>Premna chrysoclada (Bojer) GUrke
[end page]
[start page]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[end page]
[[start page]]
2274 Liliac.
2275 Legum. cited in FTEA Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.
2276 [[strikethrough]] Rubiac.[[/strikethrough]] Apocynaceae Rauvolfia mombasiana Stapf det. A.P.M. de Kruif 1983
2277 Commeliac. Commelina forskaolii Vahl
2278 [[checkmark]]
2279 [[checkmark]]
2280 Orchidae.
2281 Rhizphora
[[line]] ____
2282 Amaranthac. Amaranthus dubius Thell.
2283 Convolo.
2284 Verbeun
Premna chrysoclada (Bojer) Gurke det H N Moldenke 2/1962
2285 [[checkmark]] Convolvulaceae Astriponoea hyoscyamoides (Vatke) Verdc.
2286 Legum Canaralia ensiformis (L.) DC. cited in FTEA
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100
meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2287 [[checkmark]]
2288 Amaranthus Amaranthus dubius Thell.
2289 Gramin.
2290 Commelinae.
Commelina forskaolii Vahl
2291 Persicaria
2292 [[checkmark]]
2293 Cissampelos
2294 [[checkmark) ]] Rubiaceae Lamprothamnus zanguebaricus Hiern
[[pen line across page]]
2295 [[checkmark]]
Commiphora boiviniana Engl. (indumentum sparser then usual)
Burseraceae det J.B. Gillett 6/1982
2296 [[strikethrough]] Euphorb.[[/strikethrough]] Verbenaceae Premna chrysoclada (Bojer)Gurke det HN Moldenke 2/62
2297 [[checkmark]]
2298 Apocynac. Det. A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 1985
[[underlined]]Catharanthus roseu[[/underlined]] (L.) G. Don
2299 Gramin.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 2287-2294]]
Vicinity of Changamwe, on the Uganda Railway, 14 miles from Mombasa, British East Africa; from sea-level to 100 meters elevation
No. Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, Collector November 21-30, 1909
[[pen line across page]]
[[Label for 2295-2299]]
Immediate vicinity of Mombasa, British East Africa; at sea-level
No. Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, Collector November 28, 1909
[[end page]]
[start page]
2300 Grauiu.?
>>2301 Euphob.
>>Euphorbia hirta L.
2302 Lorauthac.
>>2303 Acacia zanzibarica (S.Moore) Taub. var.
>>zanzibariea (Fabaceae)
2304 Lequm
>>Clitoria ternatea L. (Isotype of...)
2305 Grauim.
2306 Rubiac.
>>2307 Rubiac. Det. B. Verdcourt 29/11/50
>>_Pentanisia_ _ouranogyne_ S. Moore
2308 Lequm. Det. J.B. Gillett 16/1/1969
>>_Indigofera_ _volkensii_ Taub.
2309 Tribulus terrestris L.
____ Zygophyllaceae
2310 Aceuthac.
>>2311 Scroph. ?
>>2312 Verbeuae Lantana sp., not L. rugosa ....
>> [Lantana rugosa Thunb. det HNMoldenke 1965]
[end page]
[start page]
Immediate vicinity of Mombasa, British East Africa; at sea-level
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector November 28, 1909
>>>>>>>>>>Clitoria mearns De Wild.) det Verdcourt 1968
Vicinity of Kilima Kiu, British East Africa; altitude about 2000 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 1, 1909
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thumb. det. R. Fernandes 1987
>>>>[end page]
2313 Tiliac.
2314 Crassulac.
[[line across page]]
2315 Legum.
2316 Umbell.
2317 Cassia
2318 Umbell.
2319 Hibiscus
2320 Thalictrum
[[circled]] 2321 Costalia (Exact locality uncertain) [/circled]]
2322 [[check mark]]
2323 Comp.
2324 Legum.
2325 Rubas.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 2313 and 2314]]
Vicinity of Kilima Kiu, British East Africa; altitude about 2000 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 1, 1909
[[line across page]]
[[Label for 2315-2320 and 2322-2325]]
Bamboo zone, western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, at about 3000 meters elevation
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Sept. 28 to Oct. 7, 1909
(numbers 2315 - 2384, excepting only no. 2321).
2326 Comp.
2327 [[check mark]]
2328 Scroph.
2329 [[check mark]]
2330 [[check mark]] Hypericaceae
Hypericum sp. (sterile)
2331 Lab.
2332 Viola
2333 Euphorb. [[check mark]]
Euphorbia ugandensis Pax
2334 [[check mark]]
2335 Legum.
2336 Gramin.
2337 Gramin.
2338 Scroph.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Bamboo gone, etc; etc;,
[start page]
2239 Trifolium burchellianum Ser. subsp.
>>johnstonii (Oliv.) Gillett var. johnstonii
2340 Trifolium
>>2341 Grucif.
>>2342 Coup.
>>2343 Coup.
>>2344 Gertiauac.
>>2345 (checkmark)
>>2346 Rerac.
>>2347 Coup.
>>2348 Rurnex
>>2349 (checkmark)
>>2350 Asparagus
>>2351 Coup.
>>>>[end page]
[start page]
Bamboo zone. etc., etc.
[end page]
[start page]
2352 Lab.
>>2353 Aspleuium aethiopicum (Burm.f.)
>> Becherer Aspleuiaceae
2354 (checkmark)
>>2355 (checkmark)Rubiaceae
>>Tarenna graveolens (S. Moore) Bremek.
2356 Euphorb. (checkmark)
>>Erythrococca sp.
2357 Scroph.
>>2358 Juncus
>>2359 Care x
>>2360 Frargllidac.?
>>2361 (checkmark)
>>2362 Lequm.
>>2363 Euphorbiac.
>>Euphorbia ugandensis Pox
2364 (checkmark)
>>>>[end page]
[start page]
Bamboo Zone, etc., etc.
[end page]
[start page]
2365 (checkmark)Rhamnaceae
>>Rhamnus staddo A. Rich.
2366 (checkmark)
>>2367 Coup.
>>2368 Lorauth.
>>2369 Coup.
>>2370 Coup.
>>2371 Rubus
>>2372 Coup.
>>2373 Lequm.
>>2374 Senecio
>>2375 Coup.
>>2376 Labiat.
>>2377 Legum.
>>>>[end page]
[start page]
Bamboo zone, etc., etc.
[end page]
[start page]
2378 Viola
>>2379 Coup.
>> Legominsoae
2380 Trifolium surchellianom Ser. subsp.
>>johnstonii (Oliv.) Gillett var. johnstonii
2381 Coup.
>>2382 Caryoplyllac.
>>2383 Impatius
>>2384 Polypodium
2385 Senecio
2386 Crucif.
>>2387 Coup.
>>2388 Solanum aculeastrum Dunal.
>>2389 Crass.
>>2390 Liliac.
>>>>[end page]
[start page]
Bamboo zone, etc., etc.
Ikodiage. hohel read "Nil. Reuia, Brit. E. Africa. Oct. 1909. E.A. Mearns."
(no data n altitude).
[end page]
2391 Amaryllid.
2392 Portulacae.
2393 Comp.
[[line drawn aross both pages]]
2394 (Bamboo)
[[line drawn across both pages]]
2395 [[check mark]]
2396 [[check mark]]
2397 Eragrostis
2398 (Gram.)
2399 (Mimos.) Fabaceae
Acacia polyacantha Willd.
2400 Solanac.
Solanum incanum L.
2401 Caesalpiniae.
2402 [[check mark]]
2403 Amaranth
Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp.
creuntus (L.) Thell.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[re: entry 2394]]
British East Africa. [[underlined]] Mearus. [[\underlined]] (no further data).
[[re: entry 2395-2403]]
Vicinity of Kampala, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 - 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 21 and 22, 1909
2404 Acanth.
2405 [[image -check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill.
2406 Comp.
2407 Legums.
Vigna sp.? luteola (too poor) det [[?]] Verdcourt
2408 Senecio
2409 Capharidae.
2410 Vitac.
2411 Chaetochloa
2412 Leptochloa
2413 Physalis
2414 (Comp.)
2415 Cassin
2416 Acanthac.
[[image - line drawn across bottom of both pages]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - small typed descriptor of location, collector, and date]] Vicinity of Kampala, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, Collector December 21 and 22,1909
[[image - line drawn across bottom of both pages]]
2417 [[check mark]] Fabaceae
Albizia glaberrima (Schumach. & Thonn.) Beuth.
2418 [[check mark]] Lippia grandifolia Hochst.
Verbenaceae dat H N Moldenke '94F
2419 [[strikethrough]] Rutac. [[/strikethrough]] Ulmaceae
Chaetacme aristata Planch.
2420 [[check mark]]
2421 [[check mark]]
2422 Asparagus
2423 [[check mark]]
2424 [[check mark]]
2425 [[check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
Sapium ellipticum (Krauss) Pax
2426 [[check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
Sapium ellipticum (Krauss) Pax
2427 [[check mark]]
2428 Gramin.
2429 Amaranthac.
Achyranthes aspera L.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
same loc.
[[small typed descriptor of location, collector, and date]]
Vicinity of Kampala, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 - 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 21 and 22, 1909
[end page]
2430 [[check mark]]
2430 Gramin.
2432 [[check mark]] Oleaceae
Olea europaea L. subsp. africana (Mill.) P. S. Green
2433 [[check mark]]
2434 Solanac.
Solanum mauense Bitter
2435 Solanac.
2436 [[check mark]]
2437 Mimosac. Fabaceae
Albizia coriara Oliv.
2438 Gramin.
2439 Bo^[[insertion]] e [[/insertion]]ahaaria
2440 [[check mark]]
2441 [[check mark]]
2442 [[check mark]] Simarowbaceae
Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[small typed descriptor of location, collector, and date]]
Vicinity of Kampala, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 - 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 21 and 22, 1909
2443 Combretaceae
2444 [[strikethrough]] Rutac. [[/strikethrough]] Ulmaceae
Chaetachme aristata Planch.
2445 [[underlined]] Mass. [[underlined]]
[[line drawn across page separating 2445 from 2446 and continuing across both pages to denote 2 different locations]]
2446 Cambratac.
2447 Legum.
2448 [[check mark]]
2449 [[check mark]]
2450 [[check mark]] Apiaceae (Umbellicerae)
Heteromorpha trifoliata (Wendl.) Eckl.& Zeyh.
2451 [[check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
Sapium ellipticum (Krauss) Pax
2452 [[check mark]] Tiliaceae
Grewia mollis A. Juss.
2453 Legum.
Labiab purpureus (L.)Sweet det Lackey 1980
2454 Aristida
2455[[strikethrough] Nacadac. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Podostemaceae [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Tristicha trifaria (wild.) Spreng. [[/stikethrough]]
Najas pectinata (Parl.) Magnus
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[small typed descriptor of location, collector, and date]]
Vicinity of Kampala, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 - 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 21 and 22, 1909
[[line drawn separating 2445 from 2446 and continuing across both pages to denote 2 different locations]]
[[small typed descriptor of location, collector, and date]]
Vicinity of Kisimbiri, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 - 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 23, 1909
[start page]
2456 Echinochloa?
>>2457 (checkmark)Solanaceae
>> Solanum terminale Forssk.
2458 (Barhiria?) Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)
>> Piliostigma Thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Rech.
2459 Corrolirilac.
>>2460 Acauthac.
>>2461 (checkmark) Leguminosae (caesalpineae)
>> Tylosema fossoglensis (Scheweinf.) Torre + Hillc.
2462 (checkmark) Tiliaceae
>> Grewia mollis A. Juss.
2463 (checkmark) Rubiaceae
>> Tarenna sp.
2464 (checkmark) Rhamnaceae
>> Zizyphus abyssinica A. Rich.
2465 Acauthac.
2466 Cardieac.
>>2467 Gramin.
>>2468 Coup.?
>>>>[end page]
[start page]
Vicinity of Kismbiri, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria
Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110- 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 23, 1909
Vicinity of Kikandwa, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria
Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 24, 1909
>>>>>>[end page]
[start page]
2469 Chamaecyce Euphorbiaceae
>> Euphorbia inaequilatera Sond.
2470 Gramin.
>>2471 Cyperec.
>>2472 Rubiac.
>>2473 Gramin.
>>2474 Mimosac. Fabaceae
>> Mimosa pigra (L.) Fawc. & Rendle
2475 Gramin.
>>2476 (checkmark) Rubiac.
>> Rubia cordifolia L.
2477 Lequm. sem for FTEA
>> Crotalaria glauca Willd.
2478 Verbenac.
>>2479 Lequminosae det R. Polhill 1969 Polhill
>> Crotalaria lanceolata E. Mey. subsp. contigua
2480 Chamaecyce
>>2481 Lequm.
>>>>[end page]
[start page]
Vicinity of Kikandwa, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria
Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 24, 1909
[end page]
[start page]
2482 Comp.
2483 [[checkmark]]
2484 Comp.
2485 Malo.
2486[[strikethrough]] Acacia [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae Cassia bicapsularis L. det. A. Lasseigne 1977
2487 Mimosac. Fabaceae Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.
2488 Comp.
2489 Malo.
2490 Legum.
2491 Copparidac.
2492 Cruceifer.
2493 Pelloea.
2494 Solanium mauense Bitter
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kikandwa, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria
Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 24, 1909
Vicinity of Nykanuna, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria
Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 25, 1909
[[end page]]
2495 Gramin.
2496 Solanum
Solanum ? giganteum Jacq.
2497 Canna
2498 Phytoloccac
2499 [[check mark]]
2500 Dalim
2501 Solanum nigrum L. Solanaceae
2502 Sapindac. [[checkmark]] (2 sheets) Paullinia pinnata L. det Croat 1975
2503 Melastomatac.
2504 Asclepiadoe. Gomphocarpus
2505 Gramin.
2506 Gramin.
2507 [[check mark]] Tiliaceae Grewia sp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Nkyanuna, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria
Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 -
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 25, 1909
2508 Cassia
2509 Carduns.
[[line across page]]
2510 [[strikethrough]] Mirbornia [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae - 2 sheets. Schubert Desmodium adscendens (Sw.) DC. var robustom [[image - arrow pointing to the following text]] det B.G. Schubert 1/81
2511 Pulaca
2512 Cheilautha?
2513 Cyp.
2514 Cracca
2515 Polygonac.
2516 Tiliac.
2517 Mimoasac. Fabaceae Mimosa pigra (L.) Fawc. & Rendle
2518 Nicotiaria
2519 Dryopteris
2520 Verbenae. Lantana trifolia L. ? forma hirsuta Moldenke det. R. Fernandes 1987 [Lantana mearnsii Moldenke det HN Moldenke 1965]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Nkyanuna, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria
Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 -
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 25, 1909
[[line across page]]
Vicinity of Kabula Muliro, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 - 650 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 26, 1909
[[start page]]
2521 Lobiat.
2522 Gramin.
2523 Lab.
2524 Comp.
2526 Lab.
2527 Cyp.
2528 [[checkmark]]
2529 Gramin.
2530 Malo.
2531 Cyp.
2532 Gramin.
2523 Gramin.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Typed on a piece of paper taped into the notebook]]
Vicinity of Kabula Muliro, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 26, 1909
[[end page]]
2534 Gramin.
2535 Euphorbiac.
[[pencil line across]]
2536 Lequm.
2537 Comp.
2538 Comp.
2539 [[check mark]]
2540 [[check mark]]
2541 [[check mark]]
2542 Legum.
Crotalaria glauca Willd. seen for FTEA
2543 [[check mark]]
2544 Comp.
2545 Caryophyllae. Aizoaceae
Mollugo nudicaulis
2546 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kabula Muliro, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 26, 1909
[[pencil line across]]
Vicinity of Kutwi, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 27, 1909
[[end page]]
2547 Cucurbitae. Diplocyclos palnmtus (L.) C. Jeffrey
2548 Leptochloa
2549 Eragrostis
2550 Clematis
2551 Legum
2552 Eclipta alba
2553 Legum.
2554 Legum.
2555 Onagrac.
2556 [[strikethrough]] Meibomia [[/strikethrough]] Legum. (Papilionaceae) Pseudarthria hookeri Wight & Arn.
2557 Asclepiadae. Secamone sp.
2558 Liliac.
2559 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kutwi, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110 - 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 27, 1909
2560 Vitac.
2561 Platycerium
2562 Zingiberac
2563 [[check mark]]
2564 [[check mark]] Verbenaceae det HN Moldenke 1962 Vitex doniana Sweet var. parvifolia (Engl.) Moldenke
2565 Lab.
2566 Commelianac. Aneilema beniniense (P. Beauv.) Kunth
2567 Platycerium
2568 Commelniac.
Aneilema aequinoctiale (P. Beauv.) Kunth
2569 Acanthac.
2570 Phytolaecac.
2571 [[check mark]] Apocynaceae Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl det A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 1968
2572 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kutwi, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 27, 1909
2573 [[check mark]]
2574 Gomphrena
2575 Gramin.
2576 [[check mark]]
2577 [[check mark]] Loranthaceae prob. Tapinanthus sp.
2578 Cassia
2579 Cissampelos
[[line across page]]
2580 Cucurbitac.
2581 Mimosac. Fabaceae Acacia hockii De Wild. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
2582 Comp.
2583 Euphobiac.
2584 Rumex
2585 Gramin.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kutwi, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 27, 1909
[[line across page]]
Vincinity of Kisingo, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 28 and 29, 1909
[[Start page]]
2586 Gramin.
2587 Acanthac.
2588 Gramin.
2589 Cyperac.
2590 Comp.
2591 Melastomatac.
2592 Liliac.
2593 Platycerium
2594 Lab.
2595 [[check mark]]
2596 Lab.
2597 Ficus
2598 [[check mark]] Tiliaceae Corchorus olitorius L.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kisingo, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 28 and 29, 1909
[[end page]]
2599 check mark
2600 [[Graussin]]
2601 Awaraultac.
2602 Cucurbitac Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey
2603 Legum.
2604 check mark
2605 Sapindac.
2606 check mark Anacardiceae Rhus Vulgaris Meikle
2607 check mark Anacardiaceae Rhus nataleusis Krauss
2608 Legum.
2609 Clematis
2610 Legum. Fabaceae Albizia glabevrima (Schumach. & Thonn.) Benth.
2611 Dryopteris
Vicinity of Kisingo, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Ny-
anza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 28 and 29, 1909
Vicinity of Kigomma, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Ny-
anza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-
650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 30, 1909
[[start page]]
2612 Cyp.
2613 Gramin.
2614 Polygolia.
2615 Cypucc.
2616 Amarauthac.
2617 Pteridium
2618 Sapindao.
2619 Amaranthac. Achyranthes aspera L.
2620 Rubiac.
2621 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 16/1/1969
[[underline]] Indigofera garckeana [[/underline]] Vatke
2622 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 1968
[[underline]]Indigofera garckeana [[/underline]] Vatke
2623 Malvac.
2624 Legum. Sesbania cf. pachycarpa DC. emend Guill. + Perv. det B. Verdcourt 12/69
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kigomma, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 30, 1909
[[pencil line across]]
Vicinity of Yilo, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 31, 1909
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2625 Comp.
2626 Gramin
2627 [[checkmark]]
2628 Legum.
2629 Polygolac.
2630 Bidens?
2631 Phytulnecac
2632 Senecio
2633 Solonac.
2634 [[checkmark]]
2635 Cucurb. Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C. Jeffrey
2636 [[checkmark]]
2637 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Yilo, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 31, 1909
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2638 Legum
Tephrosia vogelii Hook.f det RK Brumnitt 1969
2639 Zingiberae
2640 [[check mark]]
2641 Ficus
2642 Bignoniaceae
Stereospermum kunthianum Cham.
2643 Euphorbiac
2644 Legum.
Crotalaria glauca Willd. seen far FTBA
2645 [[check mark]]
2646 Asclepiarac
Secamione sp.
2647 Umbellifer.
[[ horizontal line ]]
2648 [[check mark]]
2649 Comp.
2650 Xanthoxalis
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - cutout entitled "Vicinity of Yilo, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters" w/ footer "No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 31, 1909"]]
[[ horizontal line ]]
[[image - cutout entitled "Vicinity of Kikondo (or Kitanda), on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters" w/ footer "No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 1, 1910"]]
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2651 [[check mark]] Tiliaceae Corchorus trilocularis L.
2652 Amaranthac.
2653 Piperac. Piper umbellatum L.
2654 [[check mark]]
2655 Bidens
2656 Oxalidac. Biophytum abyssinicum A. Rich.
2657 Convolvulac.
2658 Comp.
2659 [[check mark]]
2660 Comp.
2661 [[check mark]]
2662 Comp.
2663 [[check mark]] Rubiaceae sterile, indet.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kikondo (or Kitanda), on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 1, 1910
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2664 [[checkmark]]
2665 Legum.
[[pencil line across]]_____________________________________________________
2666 Euphorbiac. Euphorbia
2667 Mecliac.
2668 Cypuac.
2669 Cypuac.
2670 Lab.
2671 Cassia.
2672 Gramin.
2673 [[checkmark]]
2674 Commelinic. Commelina benghalensis L.
2675[[strikethrough]] Misfornia [[/strikethrough]] Legum. (Papilionaceae)
Pseudarthria hookeri Wight + Arn.
2676 Lab.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Kikondo (or Kitanda), on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 1, 1910
[[pencil line across]]________________________________________________________
Vicinity of Hoima, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 2 and 3, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2677 Legum. Abrus cf. canescens Welw. ex Bak. det B. Verdcourt 1969
2678 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 16/1/1969
[[underlined]] Indigofera emarginella [[/underlined]] A. Rich.
2679 Legum. Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. var. nubica Chiov. det. B. Verdcourt 12/69
2680 Bignoniac.
[[pencil line across]]
2681 [[strikethrough]] Urticac. [[/strikethrough]] Labiatae Iboza multiflora (Benth.) E. A. Bruce
2682 Cassia
2683 Comp.
2684 Legum.
2685 Peelaea
2686 [[checkmark]] Bixaceae Bixa orellana L. det D. Baer 1976
2687 [[strikethrough]] Caryopheypllac. [[/strikethrough]] Acanthac.
2688 Conna
2689 Cucurbitae.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Hoima, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 2 and 3, 1910
[[pencil line across]]__________________________________________________________[[Label]]
Vicinity of Eajuia, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 4, 1910
[end page]
[[start page]]
2690 [[strikethrough]]Meibomiae [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae
Desmodium salicifolium (Poir. [[strikethrough]] ex Lam [[/strikethrough]] DC. det B.G. Schubert 1/81
2691 [[check mark]]
2692 Malvac.
2693 Cyperac.
2694 Graimin.
2695 Comp.
2696 Acanthac.
2697 Vitac.
2698 Legum.
Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. det Verdcourt
2699 Comp.
2700 Rubiac.[[check mark ]]
Rubia cordifolia L.
2701 Begrioviac.
2702 Legum.
Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. det Verdcourt
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image - cutout entitled "Vicinity of Eajuia, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters" w/ footer "No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 4, 1910"]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2703 Legum.
2704 Amaranthac.
2705 Gramin.
2706 Gramin.
2707 Gramin.
2708 Gramin.
2709 Gramin.
2710 Cyperac.
2711 Acanthac.
2712 Mimosac. Fabaceae Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.
2713 Senecio
2714 Gramin.
2715 Lab.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Eajuia, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110- 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 4, 1910
[end page]
[[Start page]]
2716 Cassia bicapsularis L. Leguminosae det A. Lasseigne 1977
2717 Anacardiac -2 sheets Rhus vulgaris Meikle
2718 [[checkmark]]
2719 Eupharbiac.
2720 [[checkmark]]
2721 Lab.
2722 Malvac.
2723 Gramin.
[[pencil line across]]_________________________________________________________
2724 Tamarinclus
2725 Capparidac.
2726 [[checkmark]]
2727 Mimosac. Fabaceae Mimosa pigra (L.) Fawc. & Rendle
2728 Malvac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Eajuia, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 4, 1910
[[pencil line across]]
Vicinity of Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude about 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 5 to 7, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2729 Arundo
2730 Euphorbiac.
2731 Cyperac.
2732 Amaranthac.
2733 [[checkmark]]
2734 Gramin.
2735 [[checkmark]]
2736 Gramin.
2737 Legum Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth, det Verdcourt
2738 [[strikethrough]] Esphorbiac [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]
2739 [[checkmark]]
2740 [[checkmark]]
2741 Pistia stratiotes
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude about 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 5 to 7, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2742 Umbellif.
2743 Cyperac.
2744 Cyperac.
2745 Legum. Crotalaria brevidens Benth. var. intermedia (Kotschy) Polhill det. Polhill 1969
2746 Gramin.
2747 Euphorb. Erythrococca
2748 Legum.
2749 Tribulus terrestris L. Zygophyllaceae
2750 Cyperac.
2751 Cyperac.
2752 Gramin.
2753 Lab.
2754 Legum.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude about 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 5 to 7, 1910
[[end page]]
2755 Cassia
2756 Cucurbitac.
2757 Dryopteris
2758 Gramin.
[[line across page]]
2759 Comp.
2760 Cyperac.
2761 Aeschynomene uniflora E. Mey. det. V. Rudd Legum. (Papilionaceae)
2762 Gramin.
2763 Legum.
2764 Euphorbiac
2765 Legum.
2766 [[check mark]]
2767 Aeschynomene uniflora E. Mey. det V. Rudd Legum. (Papilionaceae)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 2755-2758l]]
Vicinity of Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude about 650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 5 to 7, 1910
[[line across page]]
"[[underlined A [[/underlined]]ll"
[[Label for 2759-2767]]
Between Kigomma and Butiaba, on the trail from Entebbe,
Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Dec. 30 1909, to Jan. 7, 1910
2768 Cucurbitae.
2769 [[check mark]] Asclepiad. Stathmostelma
2770 Legum. ( Papilionaceae) Alysicarpus glumaceus (Vahl) DC. subsp. glumaceus
2771 Rubiac.
2772 [[check mark]]
2773 Eclipta
2774 Lab.
2775 Euphorb.
2776 Comp.
2777 Cyperac.
2778 [[check mark]] Rubiaceae Spermacoce radiate (DC.) Hiern
2779 [[check mark]] Simaroubaceae Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv.
2780 Phytolaecac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"[[underlined]] A [[/underlined]]ll"
Between Kigomma and Butiaba, on the trail from Entebbe,
Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Dec. 30, 1909 to Jan. 7,1910
[[end page]]
2781 Gramin.
2782 Legum. (Papilionaceae) Teramnus uncinatus (L.) Sw. between subsp. ringoetii [[insertion]] (De Wild). Verdc. & subsp. axilliflorus (Kotschy) Verdc.? (material not very good). det B. Verdcourt 1969 [[/insertion]]
2783 [[check mark]]
2784 Eclipta
2785 Legum.
2786 Comp.
2787 Asclepiadac.
2788 Comp.
2789 Stipa?
[[line cross page]]
2790 [[check mark]]
2791 [[check mark]] Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae) Afzelia africana Pers.
2792 [[check mark]] Fabaceae Entada gigas (L.) Fawc. & Rendle
2793 [[check mark]]
[[insertion]] 2794 [[/insertion]] [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"[[underlined]] A [[/undelrined]]ll"
Between Kigomma, and Butiaba, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Dec. 30, 1909 to Jan. 7, 1910
[[line across page]]
On the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba,
Albert Nyanza, Uganda; alt. 1110-650 meters. Dec. 20, 1909 to
Jan. 7, 1910. Dr. E.A. Mearns, collector.
([[underlined]] Special [[underlined]] localities
for 2790 - 94
not given and not
known.) WRM [[underlined]] .... [[/underlined]]
[[line across page]]
[[strikethrough]] 2794 [[/strikethrough]]
2795 Cucurbitac.
2796 Onagrac. diffusa (Forssk.) Raven det Raven / 1962
Ludwigia adscendens (L.) Hara subsp.
2797 Gramin.
2798 Gramin.
2799 Gossypium
2800 Leguminosae Desmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. var. densiflorum [[insertion]] Schubert B.G. det Schubert 8/71 [[/insertion]]
2801 [[check mark]]
2802 Lequm. Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. det Verdcourt
2803 Maloac.
2804 Mimosac Fabaceae Acacia siebevana ^ [[insertion]] DC. [[/insertion]] var. woodii (Burtt Davy) Keay & Brenan
2805 [[check mark]]
2806 Cucurbitae.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[line across page]]
[[Label]] "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[start page]]
2807 Legum.
2808 Vitac.
2809 Compos.
2810 Legum.
2811 Cyperac.
2812 Cyperac.
2813 Comp.
2814 Cucurbitac.
2815 [[checkmark]]
2816 Legum.
2817 [[checkmark]] Tiliaceae Grewia sp.
2818 [[strikethrough]] Legum[[/strikethrough]] Mimozac. Fabaceae Albizia coriara Oliv.
2819 [[checkmark]] Zizyphus pubescens Oliv. Rhamnaceae
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb.2, 1910
[[pencil line ]]____
"B.8 (2"
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2820 Capparidac.
2821 Gramin.
2822 [[checkmark]]
2823 [[checkmark]]
2824 Legum. Abrus precatorius L.
2825 Comp.
2826 [[checkmark]] Rubiaceae Hymenodictyon sp.
2827 [[checkmark]]
2828 Solanac. Solanum dasyphyllum Thonn. det. M. Nee
2829 Gramin.
2830 [[checkmark]]
2831 [[checkmark]] Rubiaceae Vangueria sp.
2832 Cyp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEANRS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[pencil line]] ___
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2833 [[checkmark]]
2834 Cyperac.
2835 Gramin.
2836 Legum.
2837 [[checkmark]]
2838 [[underline]] Castalia [[/underline]]
2839 Paspalium
2840 Cyperac.
2841 Cyperac.
2842 [[checkmark]]
2843 [[checkmark]]
2844 [[checkmark]]
2845 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[skip 21 lines down]]
[[pencil line]] ____
D1 [[or Dl]]
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2846 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 16/1/1969
[[strikethrough]] Indigofera][[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]Indigofera conjugate [[/underlined] Bok.
2847 Gramin.
2848 Boraginac.
2849 Legum.
2850 [[strikethrough]]Comp.[[/strikethrough]] Labiatae (Lamiaceae) Hoslundia opposita Vahl
2851 [[checkmark]]
2852 Acanthac.
2853 [[checkmark]]
2854 [[checkmark]]
2855 [[checkmark]]
2856 Comp.
2857 [[checkmark]] Verbenaceae det HN Moldenke 1972 Clerodendrum cordifolium (Hochst.) A. Rich.
2858 Comp.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado enclave, Congo Free
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[end page]]
[[start of page]]
2859 [[check mark]] Cochlospermaceae
Cochlospermum tinctorium A. Rich.
2860 [[check mark]]
2861 Acanthac.
2862 [[check mark]] Ebenaceae
Diospyros mespiliformis A. DC.
2863 Cocubreta C.
2864 [[check mark]] Verbenaceae det H.N. Moldenke 1972
Clerodendrum cordifolium (Hochst.) A. Rich.
2865 [[check mark]]
2866 [[check mark]]
2867 Lab.
Hoslundia opposita Vahl
2868 [[check mark]]
2869 Acanthae.
2870 Amarainthac.
2871 Legum.
[[end of page]]
[[start of page]]
J2[[or D2??]]
[[typed label affixed to top of page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[end of page]]
[[Start page]]
2872 Legum.
2873 [[check mark]] Combretaceae
Combretum sp.
2874 Malvac.
2875 Convolvulac.
2876 Acanthac.
2877 [[strikethrough]] Celastriae [[/strikethrough]] Ochnaceae
Ochna ovata F. Hoffm.
2878 Liliac.
2879 Carduus
2880 Malvac.
2881 Solanac.
2882 Compro.
2883 Rubiac.
2884 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[pencil line
D [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2885 Scrophulariac.
2886 [[strikethrough]] Meibomia [[/strikethrough]] Leguminosae
Desmondium velutinum (Willd.) DC. det. B.G. Schubert 8/71
2887 [[check mark]] Euphorbiaceae
Tragia sp.
2888 [[check mark]]
2889 [[check mark]]
2890 Cyperac.
2891 [[check mark]]
2892 Alismac.
2893 Gramin.
2894 Persicaria
2895 [[check mark]]
2896 [[check mark]]
2897 [[check mark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2898 Gramin.
2899 Funqus on #2898
2900 [[check mark]]
2901 Cyperac.
2902 Vitac.
2903 [[check mark]]
2904 Castalia
2905 [[check mark]]
2906 Cyperac
2907 Cyperac.
2908 Gramin.
2909 [[check mark]]
2910 Compo.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2911 [[strikethrough]]Convolvu [[/strikethrough]][[chek mark]] Onagraceae (Forsk.) Raven
(Ludwigia adscendens (L.) Hara subsp. diffusa det. Raven (1962)]
^[[Ludwigia stolonitera (Guill. & Perr.) Raven det. Elsa Zardini 1986]]
2912 Convolvulac.
2913 Persicaria
2914 Gramin.
2915 [[strikethrough]] Acanthac. [[/strikethrough]] Rubiaceae
Pavetta sp.
2916 [[check mark]]Simaroubaceae
Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv.
2917 Onagraceae det Raven (1961), Ramamoothy (1980)Ludwigia leptocarpa (Nutt.) Hara
2918 [[strikethrough]]Pediculariac? [[/strikethrough]] Lentibulariaceae
Utricularia inflex Forssk.
[[pencil line across]]
2919 [[checkmark]]
2920 Gramin.
2921 Crassulac.
2922 [[checkmark]]
2923 Persicaria
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State
No. Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, Collector Jan.10 to Feb. 2, 1910
[[pencil line across]]
^ [[B 5,6, & 7.]]
[[Label for numbers: 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, from Rhino Camp," Lado Enclave, Congo Free State, to Gondokoro, Uganda
No. Dr.Edgar A. Mearns, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 25 1910
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2924 Malvac.
2925 Compos.
2926 Convolvulac.
2927 Leguminosae. Crotalaria pallida Ait. var. obovata
(G. Don) Polhill det R. Polhill 1969
2928 Acanthac.
2929 Legum. Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. det Verdcourt
2930 Cyperoc.
2931 Legum. Aeschynomene cristata Vatke var. pubescens Leonard det B. Verdcourt 1969
2932[[checkmark]] Capparidaceae Capparis ? erythrocarpos Isert
2933 [[checkmark]]
2934 Cyperac.
2935 [[checkmark]]
2936 Eclipta
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, from "Rhino Camp," Lado Enclave,
Congo Free State, to Gondokoro, Uganda
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2937 Gramin.
2938 Asclepiadac. Kanahia laniflora (Forssk.) R. Br.
2939 Cypaec.
2940 Asclepiadac.
2941 Euphorbiac.
2942 [[checkmark]] Verbenaceae det H.N. Moldenke 1972 Clerodendrum cordifolium (Hochst.) A. Rich.
2943 Lab.
2944 Bignoniac.
2945 [[checkmark]]
2946 Legum.
2947 Malvac.
[[pen line across]]_____________________________________________________
2948 [[checkmark]] Bignoniaceae
Stereospermum kunthianum Cham.
2949 Legum.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, from "Rhino Camp," Lado Enclave,
Congo Free State, to Gondokoro, Uganda
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Jan. 10 to Feb. 25, 1910
[[ a line from a left page above No. 2948 and No. 2949]] _____________________________________________________
3,4,5,6. [[Label]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro, Uganda
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2950 Legum
2951 [[checkmark]]
2952 [[checkmark]]
2953 Amaranthac.
2954 [[checkmark]]
2955 Acanthac.
2956 Gentianac.
2957 Adiantum ?
2958 Gramin.
2959 Cyperac.
2960 Capparidac.
2961 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett [[underlined]] Indigofera hirsute [[/underlined]] L. forma [[strikethrough]] Sudan. Equatorial Province [[/strikethrough]]
2962 Cucurbitac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2963 [[checkmark]]
2964 [[checkmark]]
2965 [[checkmark]]
2966 [[checkmark]]
2967 Meliac.
2968 [[checkmark]]
2969 Chenopodiac? Aizoaceae Zaleya pentandra (L.) Jeffrey
2970 Asclepiadac. Gomphocarpus
2971 Liliac.
2972 [[checkmark]]
2973 Cucurbitac. Cucumis figarei Naud.
2974 Legum.
2975 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2976 Amaranthac.
2977 Vitac.
2978 Euphorb.
2979 Legum. det JB Gillett 1968 Oromocarpum trichocarpum (Taub.) Engl.
2980 [[checkmark]] Boroginac. Trichodesma zeylanicum (L.) R. Br.
2981 [[checkmark]]
2982 [[checkmark]]
2983 [[checkmark]]
2984 [[checkmark]] Pedaliaceae Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl.
2985 [[checkmark]]
2986 Orchidac.
2987 Asclepiadac.
2988 Tribulus terrestris L. Zygophyllaceae
[[end page]]
[[start page]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
2989 Waltheria?
2990 Cyperac.
2991 Gramin.
2992 [[checkmark]]
2993 Comp.
2994 Gramin.
2995 Cucurbitac.
2996 Cucurbitac.
2997 [[checkmark]]
2998 Boraginac.
2999 Compos.
3000 Caesalpiniac.
3001 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3002 Palmac.
3003 Gramin.
3004 [[checkmark]]
3005 [[checkmark]]
3006 Legum.
3007 [[checkmark]] Vitaceae Cissus cf. cornifolia (Bak.) Planch. e desc.
3008 Copparidoc.
3009 Legum.
3010 Commeliniac. Aneilema lanceolatum Benth.
3011 [[checkmark]]
3012 Solonac. Solanum dasyphyllum Thonn. (det M. Nee)
3013 Portulacac.
3014 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3015 Cyperac.
3016 Acanthac.
3017 Cyperac.
3018 Gramin.
3019 [[checkmark]]
3020 Cyperac.
3021 Cyperac.
3022 Gramin.
3023 [[checkmark]]
3024 Gramin.
3025 Gramin. (Bambriza?)
3026 Labiat.
3027 [[checkmark]] Cochlospermaceae Cochlosparnum tinctorium A. Rich.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3028 [[checkmark]] Verbenaceae det. H.N. Moldenke 1972 Clerodendrum cordifolium (Hochst.) A. Rich.
3029 Labiat.
3030 Gramin.
3031 Gramin.
3032 Compos.
3033 Gramin.
3034 Gramin.
3035 Caesalpiniac.
3036 [[checkmark]]
3037 [[checkmark]]
3038 [[checkmark]]
3039 Gramin.
3040 Cucurbitac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3041 [[checkmark]]
3042 Compos.
3043 Compos.
3044 Gramin.
3045 Compos.
3046 Gramin.
3047 Compos.
3048 Melastormatac.
3049 Gramin.
3050 Compos.
3051 Compos.
3052 Gramin.
[[ pen line across]] ________________________________________________________
3053 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and Gondokoro,
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 4 to 25, 1910
[[pen line across]] ______________________________________________________
[[Label for no. 3053]]
Vicinity of Gondokor, Sudan Republic
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 17 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3054 [[checkmark]] Rubiac. Mitracarpus villosus (Sw.) DC.
3055 Scrophulariac.
3056 Compos.
3057 [[checkmark]]
3058 [[checkmark]] Aizoaceae Mollogo nudicaulis Lam.
3059 [[checkmark]] Olacaceae Ximenia americana L. var. americana
3060 Bignoniaceae Stereospermum kunthianum Cham.
3061 [[checkmark]]
3062 [[checkmark]] Leguminosae Afzelia africana Pers.
3063 Euphorbiac.
3064 Legum. Abrus schimperi Hochst. ex Bak. subsp. schimperi det B. Verdcourt 1969
3065 [[checkmark]] Thymelaeaceae Gnidia
3066 [[checkmark]] Bignoniaceae Stereospermum kunthianum Cham.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Gondokoro, Sudan Republic
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 17 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3067 [[checkmark]]
3068 Vitac. Cissus cf. cornifolia (Bak.) Planch. e desc.
3069 Polygalac. [
3070 Gram.
3071 [[checkmark]] Tiliaceae Grewia mollis A. Juss.
3072 Compos.
3073 [[checkmark]] Rubiac. Spermacoce sphaerostigma (A. Rich.) Vatke
3074 Cyperac.
3075 [[checkmark]] Aizoaceae Mollugo nudicaulis Lam.
3076 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett [[underlined]]Indigofera conjugata [[/underlined]] ^[[Bak.]] var. [[underlined]]schweinfurthii[[/underlined]] (Taub.) Gillett
3077 Legum.
3078 [[checkmark]]
3079 Legum.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Gondokoro, Sudan Republic
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 17 to 25, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3080 [[checkmark]] Euphorbiaceae Antidesma venosum Tul.
3081 Legum. Fabaceae Acacia macrothyrsa Harms
3082 Gram.
3083 [[checkmark]]
3084 Lab.
3085 Copparidac.
3086 Meliac.
3087 Cucurbitac.
3088 Parkinsonia
3089 Mimozac. Fabaceae Acacia albida Del.
3090 Compos.
3091 Compos.
3092 [[checkmark]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for numbers 3080 -3087]]
Vicinity of Gondokoro, Sudan Republic
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector February 17 to 25, 1910
[[ pen line across]]
[[Label for numbers 3088 -3091]]
Lake No, White Nile, Sudan
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector March 4, 1910
[[ pen line across]]________________________________________________________
[[Label for No.3092]]
"Gordon Tree," on the White Nile, near Khartum, Sudan
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector March 14, 1910
[[end page]]
[[Start page]]
3093. Cyperac.
3094. Castalia
[[ pen line across]] __________________________________________________________
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"Gordon Tree," on the White Nile, near Khartman, Sudan
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector March 14, 1910
[[ pen line across]]________________________________________________________
[[underlined]]Finis! [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[blank page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Uganda Itinerary. Plants. [[/underlined]]
Dec. 20. Entebbe ^ [[insertion]] 3697W [[/insertion]] Uganda [[insertion]] on Victoria hyauza [[/insertion]]
" 21 + 22. Kampala "
" 23. Kisimbiri "
" 24. Kikandwa "
" 25. Nkyanuna "
" 26. Kabula Muliro "
" 27. Kutwi "
" 28 + 29. Kisingo "
" 30. Kigomma "
" 31. Yilo "
Jan 1 Kikondo (or Kitanda) "
" 2 +3. Hoima "
" 4. Eajuia "
" 5 to [[strikethrough]] 6 [[strikethrough]] 7. Butiaba [[insertion]] 2170 n. [[/insertion]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
^ [[insertion]] on about hyauza[[/insertion]] "
Jan. 9. Bahr el Jebel ( Bribings )
Jan. 10 - Feb. 2. "Rhino Camp", Bahr el Jabel, Lado
Enclave, Congo Free State
Feb. 4 - 6, Nimule, Bahr el Jabel, Uganda.
" 7. Assua River, Uganda.
" 8. Kerefi, "
" 9. Jombeki River, "
" 10. Uma River, "
" 11 Nyouri Jardin, "
" 12 and 13. Lokko Vegga (or Zegga), Uganda.
" 14. Ledgus, "
" 15 and 16. Logos, Bahr el Jebel, "
" 17 - 15.Gondokoro, do "
[[end page]]
[[all text handwritten]]
I. [[underlined]] Paekets A 1 - 16, bedding box. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Uganda. [[/underlined]] Entebbe to Butiaba (Victoria to Albert lakes). Dec. 20 1909 to Jan. 7, 1910.
[[strikethrough]]A1[[/strikethrough]] Kampala =a1
A2 Kabula Muliro - a6
A3 Mar Butiaba 16
A4 Kutwi 7
[[strikethrough]]A5[[/strikethrough]] Kampala a2 2
A6 Kisingo 9
[[strikethrough]]A7[[/strikethrough]] Kisimbiri a3 3
A8 Kigomma to Butiaba, 11 Dec. 30, 1909 to Jan. 7, 1910.
A9 Kigomma 10
A10 Kutwi 8
A11 Hoima 14
[[strikethrough]]A12[[/strikethrough]] Nkyanuna a6~ 5
A13 Yilo 12
A14 Kikondo (or Kitanda) 13
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[all text handwritten]]
[[strikethrough]]A15[[/strikethrough]] Kikandwa a4
A16 Eajuia 15
II. Packets B 1-8. On or Near Bahr el Jebel [[strikethrough]](upper White Nile).[[/strikethrough]] Lake Albert to Goudokoro, on the White Nile [[strikethrough]]proper[[/strikethrough]].
Uganda and (Rhino Camp) Lado Enclave, Congo Free State.
[[checkmark]] B.1. Nimule to Gondokoro, Uganda.
[[checkmark]] B.2. do
[[checkmark]] B.3. do
[[checkmark]] B.4. do
[[checkmark]] B.5. Bahr el Jebel from Rhino Camp, Lado Enclave to Gondokoro, Uganda. Jan. 10 to Feb. 25, 1910.
[[checkmark]] B.6. do
[[checkmark]] B.7. do
[[checkmark]] B.8. Rhino Camp, Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State (passed over to British control at death of the late King of Belguim, about the time we left there), January 10 to Feb. 3, 1910.
[[end page]]
III Packets C. 1 - 8. Bahr el Jebel from Rhino Camp, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State to Gondokoro, Uganda.
[[check mark]] C. 1. Gondokoro, Uganda, Feb. 17 - 25, 1910.
[[check mark]] C. 2. do do
[[check mark]] C. 3. Nimule to Gondokoro, Uganda. Feb. 4 - 25, 1910.
[[check mark]] C 4. do do
[[check mark]] C 5. do do
[[check mark]] C 6. do do C 7. do do
[[check mark]] C 8. Rhino Camp, Lado Enclave, Congo Free State, Jan. 10 to Feb. 2, 1910.
[[check mark]] IV. Packets D. 1 - 3 do
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Start page]]
[[image- on two pages pen drawing of angled line marked with different altitudes, vegetation and forests zones, and with borders of glaciers and snow. It represents a slope of the Mt. Kenya (Kenia).]]
+ Zoning 16,500.
Snow and !!Glacier marks 15,500
15,500- 15,000 Glacial lakes and permanent snow line
+ 13 700 ft. Giant lobelia + groundsel
13 000 giant heath
Giant heath 13 000-11 000
+ 12 100 ft in [[underlined]] giant [[/underlined]] heath, groundsel, giant Hypericum + Gt. Lobelia
11 000 upperborder of Podocarpus
10 700 ft-8, 500 Bamboo
10 700 upper border of bamboo
10 000 feet in bamboo zone
+ 8 500
7 500? W. Kuna Forest Station
8 500 - [[6 000?]] Mixed forest mostly cedar [[underlined]] Juniperus [[/underlined]] [[image: drawings of 6 shaded areas ]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Open grassy plains
Open grassy slopes surrounded by forest
Nyeri 5943 ft.
[[strikethrough]] 6000 ft [[/strikethrough]]
snow felt to this point one one day.
Forest zones on Mt. Kinia:-
6000-8000 feet partly open country, partly mixed forest, cedar, deciduous trees, etc. etc.
8000-11 000 Podocarpus, mostly on ridges,
11 000-13 000 giant heath, Hypericum, etc.
13 000- 15 000- giant (senecio) groundsel, grass, bare areas, ferns under rocks, rushes beside glacial pools.
[[Image - map showing the Nile - Congo Watershed.]]
[[blank page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[loose paper]] To [[fr?]]
[[Image - newspaper cutting of a cartoon. Title "having fun with Theodore" below which is a drawing of man holding gun and standing in front of numerous dead animals and a building labelled USA National Museum]]
[[blank page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Image - newspaper cutting of a cartoon with the title "having fun With Theodore." Underneath is a drawing of man holding gun and standing in front of numerous dead animals and a building called USA National Museum.]]
English Periodical Pictures Mr. Rooservelt as the Modern Noah.
[The Sketch.]
To file
[[start page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[pocket with papers folded inside]]
#72 Mearns 2. field notes
[[end page]]
[[Image - Map of British East Africa Protectorate
Uganda Protectorate
Victoria N'yanza]]
[[back cover]]