Field notebook, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 1901

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Record of work done for Charles D. Walcott by S. Ward Loper on the Cambrian formations of Cape Breton, June - August, 1901. Included in these notes are diagrams (maps) of locations, descriptions of fossils found (including trilobites, mollusks such as brachiopoda, and other types of specimen). Localities include but are not limited to Salmon River, Marion Bridge, Morrison’s Brook, Upper Leitches Creek, and McLean's Brook.

Date Range


Start Date

Jun 03, 1901

End Date

Aug 08, 1901

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  • Geology
  • Paleontology


  • Canada
  • Cape Breton Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • Salmon River


  • Fieldbook record
  • Field notes
  • Maps

Accession #

SIA RU007264

Collection name

Collected notebooks, manuscripts, drawings, photographs, and correspondence on vertebrate and invertebrate paleontology, United States National Museum, circa 1850-1940 and undated

Physical Description

1 field book

Physical Location

Smithsonian Institution Archives


Box 2 Folder 4

[[front cover of notebook]] Nova Scotia. [[underlined]] Cape Breton [[/underlined]] Loper 1901 [[preprinted]] U.S. Geological Survey [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted]] 9-896 [[/preprinted]]
P. Ward Loper U.S. Geo. Survey Cape Breton, N.S. 1901. [[end page]] [[start page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[Page is map of area: orientation shows N[[orth]] at the top of the page, with W & E also indicated at left and right edges. Shown are the landmarks Bras d'Or Lake, Barachois River, East Branch. Boisdale Road is shown; striations are shown next to No.1 & No.2. A square on Boisdale Road is labeled McMullen; a circle at Bras d'Or Lake is labeled Barachois]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 1 Monday, June 3d 1901, Commenced work on east bank of Barachois River, East Boisdale. 1 1/2 miles east of Boisdale R.R. Station 1/4 mile south of road from Boisdale to Upper Leitches Creek, Cape Breton. Exposure of about 200 ft of Upper Cambrian shales along the river bank. Strike N.E. & S.W. Dip 50° S.E. Collected 160 Shells. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] [[Trias.?]] [[image: sloping line to line across page; labeled "Bed No. 1 on Diagram."]] June 4th. On one of Dr. Mathew's localities on small branch of Barachois River on the east side, 1/2 mile north of the Boisdale road. Estimated at least 200 ft. lower than No. 1. Collected 200 specimens. The specimens Sent Mr. Walcott last winter in a cigar box were from this horizon. This No. 2 on Diagram.
[[Page is map of area: orientation shows N[[orth]] at the top of the page, with W & E also indicated at left and right edges. Shown are the landmarks Bras d'Or Lake, Barachois River, East Branch. Boisdale Road is shown; three striations are next to location No.1 on Barachois River; two striations are by location No 2, and three by locations No 3, both on the East Branch. A square on Boisdale Road is labeled McMullen's; a circle at Bras d'Or Lake is labeled Barachois]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 2. Wednsday, June 5th On same horizon as yesterday, - No. 2. Collected 160 shells and one fair Trilobite. Just at night found a bedding farther north on the same east branch [[strikethrough]] quarter [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 1/16 [[/insertion]] of a mile north, and [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] much lower, dark, bluish shales carrying very small shells & a few Trilobites. Bedding No.3. Thurs. June 6th Worked the locality found last night. Found shells not seen before, also found a few good Trilobites. Had to change the course of the water in order to get at the shales which lay in the bed of the river. Collected in all 150 specimens. This locality not worked by Dr Mathew, Is 200 ft lower than No.2. This horizon No.3 on Diagram. [[end page]]
Friday June 7th 3 Found still another horizon on East Branch. 50 ft lower than No. 3. Same bluish grey shales. These also in the bed of the brook & had to do extensive digging to divert the course of the water. Well paid by finding good trilobites. Collected 32 of these, some of them fine ones. Also collected 75 shells. Dip and strike continues about the same thus far. This locality not worked by Mather. [in blue] No. 4 Diagram on next page.
[[image - map: basic line drawing and text]] N. Bas d'or Lake Barachois Barachois R. E. No. 4 East Branch No. 3 No. 2 [[McMillen's?]] [[image - square]] Boisdale Road No. 1. [[end page]] [[start page]] 4. Saturday, June 8th. Worked today on same horizon as yesterday. A very fine locality. Found over 40 good representations of the Trilobites and nearly 100 shells. In all 130 specimens. 900 spec. to date. This is bed No. 4 on Diagram.
[[image - line drawn map]] Bras d'or Lake N. Barachois No. 5. Barachois R. 6 [[Dips?]] [[nearly?]] E. No. 4. No 3 East Branch No 2 McMillans Boisdale Road. No. 1 [[Dip?]] S.E. [[end page]] [[start page]] 5. Monday, June 10th. Searched along the east bank of Barachois River to the N. during the forenoon. Found a few shells at No. 5 on the diagram about 1 mile from the Boisdale road. Obtained 25 specs. In the afternoon located trilobites and shells on the west bank of Barachois R. above the Branch. This is No. 6 on diagram, and the dip appears to carry this bedding below. The shales at No. 4 on the east Branch. Secured 80 specs. shell of trilobites.
[[image - sketch map]] Bras d'or Lake N. 5 Barachois R. 6 E 4 3 2 1/2 2 [[McMullens?]] [[image - square]] [[Brisdale?]] Road No. 1. [[end page]] [[start page]] Tuesday, June 11th 6. In forenoon worked on bedding No. 4 on East Branch. Exhausted the locality by noon. Got 37 specs. Shells & Trilobites. Afternoon. Located fossils on East Branch 25 ft. Lower than No. 2. Small Trilobite heads & tails and few small shells- collected 87 specs. This No 2 1/2.
[[image - map: line drawing with text]] N.[[orth]] Bras d'or Lake Barachois River [[with numbers]] 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 1/2, 2 Boisdale Road McMullen's 4 [[end page]] [[start page]] 7. Wedns. June 12th In forenoon worked horizon No. 6 on West bank of Barachois R. A narrow strip of meadow lies between the high cliff of shales and the river. This bank belongs to Kenneth McMullen. Found heads & tails of Trilobites - 50 specs in all. In afternoon opened another horizon about 50 ft. [[strikethrough]] above [[/strikethrough]] below No. 6. This bedding only a short distance north of the Boisdale Road. Got 150 shells and 1 Trilobite. This No. 7 on Diagram.
[[NOTE: This page is a map]] N.[[orth]] Bois D'Or Lake Barachois River [[with numbers]] No. 1., 7, 6, 8, 9, 5, 2, 2 1/2, 3, 4, McMullens Boisdale Road [[end page] [[start page]] 8. Thursday, June 13th In morning worked on No. 1 which was worked on June 3d Secured 220 shells & 1 Trilobite. In afternoon searched ravines on ^ [[insertion]] west [[/insertion]] shore of Barachois River without success. Just at night found indications of Trilobites on West Bank of Barachois River 150 [[strikethrough]] lower [[/strikethrough]] higher than No. 6 Shall work on this locality tomorrow. Will be No. 8 on Diagram. Apparently lower than the horizons on East Branch. [[end page]]
Friday, June 14th 9. Worked the new bed found last night. Trilobites [[underlined]] abundant [[/underlined]] , some shells. Secured in all 140 specimens, mostly trilobites. Quite a number nearly perfect. This bedding very promising, shall work it thoroughly. Judged to [[underly?]] the beddings in the East Branch. [[OF?]] is near the top of the Bluff. Owner of the land came down and ordered us off at noon, but succeeded in pacifying him by giving him [[insertion]] $ [[/insertion]] 2 for privilege of working. His name is Kenneth McMullen. I suppose there was an understanding with him.
[[image - map]] Beas d'Or Lake Barachois Glen 2 1 Last yr. No 5 this year 5 Barachois River Called Last year McClane's Brook Boisdale Road [[end page]] [[start page]] 10. Saturday June 15th Searched down Barachois Glen towards Barachois. [[strikethrough]] Glen w [[/strikethrough]] Same ground gone over last year. Found one bedding lower than the one worked last year. Got 40 shells. Then went up the glen to the ravine worked last year and collected 90 shells.
[[NOTE: this page is a map]] Bois d'Or Lake Worked the week of June 17 -- X [[Barachois River]] No 1, 7, 6, 8, 4, 3, 2 1/2, 2/ 1 McMullens [[end page]] [[start page]] 11. Monday June 17th. Worked on Locality on horizon No. 8 on Barachois River. The finest locality yet opened. Got 120 good specimens in all Trilobites, Shells & Hyolithes & some things not seen before. Must have secured nearly 100 spec. of Trilobites of two or three species. Several of them extra fine ones. [[underline]] June 18th [[/underline]] On same bed as yesterday got 140 good specs. mostly Trilobites & a few fine shells. [[end page]]
[[start page]] [[blank page]] [[start page]] Wedns. June 19- 12[[strikethrough]]th[[/strikethrough]] On No. 8 today. Shall follow up this bedding. Got 145 specs. Some very complete trilobites, but not as good as yesterday. Found today fine Hyolithes and some very peculiar forms with which I am not familiar. Whole number of specs. collected since June 3d to date 2,269 [[end page]]
13 [[strikethrough]]Wednes[[/strikethrough]] Thursday. June 20th. Still working No. 8. Working deep into the bluff in hard shale. 135 specimens today. Several whole Trilobites and very fine ones, too. Also fine Hyolithes and a number of the peculiar forms found yesterday. This locality a famous one.
14 Friday June 21st. Collected 150 specs on No. 8. 10 whole trilobites. Most of the specimen trilobite and fair heads & tails. Saturday, June 22nd. Sorry to record that No. 8 was exhausted today. Got 105 specs. only 3 whole trilobites. About 50 ft [[strikethrough]] lower [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] higher [[/insertion]] found a few fragments of trilobites and some small shells 15 in number - in all today 12[[0?]] specs. This last locality No. 9
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 15 Monday June 24th Raining today but went about 2 miles down Barachois Glen. 3 miles from Barachois, where I worked last year. Worked under an umbrella. Found shells very abundant and similar to those in No. 1 on Barachois River. Worked under difficulty on account of the weather but secured 300 small shells. Many of them very fine. Have collected & packed to date 2,974 Specs.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 16th Tuesday June 25th Very wet day. No work. Labels in bundles for the 17th page are entered on the labels for 16th page - Should be 17th pg.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 17 Wedns. June 26th Worked today in raine in Barachois Glen same as on Monday. Collected 200 shells. Found 200 ft higher up a horizon carrying Dictyonema. Collected a few just at night. May work there again.
18 Thurs. June 27 Went towards the head of Barachois River 2 miles south of Boisdale road. Found several outcrops of dark shales, thin-bedded evidently Upper Cambrian, along the river in high cliffs. At one point 1/4 mile N. of the bridge on the McNeil farm road collected 100 shells and a few Dictyonema. June 28 Collected 100 shells in cliff in Barachois glen - 1 1/2 miles from Barachois - a new locality on east side of the glen close to Upper Leitches Creek mountain on John Morrison's land. Also collected 50 specs of Dictyonema 3 miles from Barachois southwest of above locality.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 19 Sat. June 29th On what I understood Mathew to call Etcheminian at Barachois. Unable to find any fossils at the point he designated. On the shore of the Lake opposite Okat point I found two band of hard calcarious rock in the shales showing many fragments of shells. Obtained in one bank [[strikethrough]] a few [[/strikethrough]] small perfect shells. A Singula. This is north of Railroad Station near deep east on the way to Georges River 1/2 mile north of the station.
[[image: Map]] Fault Shale Reddish & Brown R.R. Highway to Georges River Fossils Fossils Bras d'Or Lake [[end page]] [[start page]] 20 Monday, July 1s Went to Barachois again and Searched the Etcheminian again but could not find any of Mathews fossils. Collected 60 specimens of the fragmentary fossils on the horizons worked Saturday and represented in Diagram opposite page. July 12th Dr. Mathew States today that there is no Etcheminian at Barachois. Says that it was a [[underlined]] "slip" of his tongue [[/underlined]] when he [[underlined]] said Etcheminian. [[/underlined]]
Small shells. 90 ft Hard dark band. outside red. Small shells & few larger 25 ft Distorted Shale. Crumbling Shales. Red hematite Shale Crumbling & Distorted blackish shale Covered Large Shells Small shells Small shells. [[image - diagram of lines and x marks with written numbers 10, 20ft, 10, 20ft]] No. 1. No. 1 1/2 No. 2 No. 3 Round Shells No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Small shells (round, 1/4 in. The Adam's Shore, Folded Strata. [[written sideways - Matthew did not work this bedding at all. The specimen he named he found in loose Shale on the Shore. So says Mr. McPhee who was with him.]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 21. July 2nd Drove 12 miles to the Adams Shore on East Bay, Escasonia. Got there at noon and secured board and lodging with John McAdam. After dinner went to the Shore and found outcrop of Shales coming down within 10 to 15 ft. of the water. Examined the Shales along the Shore and found several horizons carrying shells. Collected 80 specimens from No 4 & 5 of the diagram.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 22 Wedns. July 3d Collecting from all the bedding on McAdam's Shore. 125 specs in all. Very good.
This Mathew says is Elcheminian. July 12 -Marion Bridge Falls. Irregular bedded Shales No cleavage. Small [[Singulas?]]. Black shales, with [[Singulas?]] [[image - diagram of shale with written numbers No3., No 2. No. 1., No. 4. Small shells.]] Dougal Brooke Dark Shales. very small shells. 200 Yrds below No. 1 found [[strikethrough]] found [[/strikethrough]] small shells in Pinkish grey shale. [[end page]] [[start page]] 23d Thurs. July 4th Elcheminian Hired McAdam to carry us to the Indian River localities six miles from Mc Adam's Shore. [[strikethrough]] Got [[/strikethrough]] Examined shales along Indian River as fat as the upper bridge at foot of Mc Phee's hill. Climbed McPhee's Hill and hired Vincent McPhee to show the way to the fossil beds worked by Dr. Mathew on Dougal Brook 1 1/2 miles N. of McPhee's. This brook runs into Indian River. Just below the Falls collected 75 fine [[Singulas?]] ^at. No. 1 on Diagram. In a strata a few feet lower found very small shells in No 2. In No. 3 very fine Small [[Singulas?]]. [[underline]] July 12 Mathew says this is all Etcheminian[[/underline]]. 200 yards below the Falls found a thin bed of pinkish grey shales with numerous very small shells collected on all 259 specs. No 4
24. Friday, July 5th [[circled text]] [[double underlined]] Etcheminian [[/double underlined]] In morning McPhee took us to a small brook on west side of the road on the hill [[strikethrough]] leading [[/strikethrough]] below his house where in a coal black massive-like shale we found several species of Brachiopods, collected 125 specimens there. [[/circled text]] In the afternoon worked on [[strikethrough]] Greguwak Wicheval [[strikethrough]] [[insertion, in blue]] Gregua [[/insertion]] brook and collected a few shells - 28. [[line up to circled text above]] Just at right went down on McAdams' shore and collected 46 of the beautiful shells in the red colored shale, Red outside but breaks open blackish 199 in all No.1:- All Specs collected to date 4,707
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 25 Saturday July 6th Neil Johnson came for us from Upper Leitches Creek. Got back thru about noon. In afternoon finished boxing up specimens and packed baggage & tools to go to North Sidney on Monday.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 26 Monday, July 8th Hired team to cart 5 Boxes of Specimens to North Sidney - 14 miles for $2.00. Hired Johnson for $1 - to carry myself and baggage & took to Boisdale R.R. Station - 6 miles. [[?]] take train for N. Sidney. Staid overnight in Sidney at Leonia Hotel. Tuesday, July 9th Shipped Boxes at N. Sidney via Plant Lini & telephoned for team from Marion Bridge. Walking down. Got there just before Sundown.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 27 Wednesday July 10th Worked on Mc[[?]] brook till 10 o'clock. Raining a little and bushes to wet. Went over to McLanis Ravine. Worked awhile on No. 3 of last year's diagram. No success. At 2 p.m. found a new outcrop of fossils on the eastside of the river in the high bank. Fossils numerous and finely preserved. These overly the shales of No 3. Collected 125 fine specimens. Bedding No 5 & Diagram on next page. New 1901.
On Page 40 all the beds of the Section are represented as measured from the base. [[image: Map of an area, showing Summit, McLain's Brook, a grassy area, covered McLean's Brook covered, Meadow, Black shale No fossils, France, No. 1. 1900, Upper Beds, Top of Section, Shales along east cliffs No fossils, Exposures extend about 1/4 mile]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 28 Thursday July 11th Collected 140 shells at No. 5 Same as yesterday. In afternoon found another fossil bearing [[shatce?]] at No. 6 many small long beaked lingula. Collected 43 specimen here, Shall work it again tomorrow. [[image: Base to North, [[Paradoisa des?]] here, + obulus, Noe Lanes Path, Bridge covered No 2. 1900., Shale outcrop, Dip on whole section varies from 80 to 30, E., No. x 5 1901, an arrow, Dip 30° to 40° S. [[Le?]], A fault here. Can uplift dip about 80°. Fossils on the uplift., Lower beds., Shales no fossils, x No. x 6 1981, x No. 4 1900, x [[So?]] 10 1901, 1901 No 7 x, No. 3 1900, Small gulch, McLean's Brook 1901, No 8 x 1901, [[Trail by?]] [[?]] [[Black shaled with worn berssound?]]]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 29 Friday, July 12th Worked on No. 6 collected 100 specs Dr. Mathew came at noon. Spent afternoon in going over the McLain section. Asked him to go to McOdrums brook but he said that he could not. [[underlined]] Said he had no time to do so [[/underlined]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 30 Saturday, July 12th Worked part of the forenoon on No. [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 6 Specimens very fine. Took out 80 more. Found a bedding 30 ft. higher having a few large shells, got 20 specs of those and a few smaller shells. Could find no more this No 7 Went to No 2 of last year and began excavating there. Uncovered the fossil band. Shall work it on Monday No 2 is the Paradoxides bed.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 31 Monday July 15th Working on No. 2 - Paradoxides zone. Collected 100 shells & fragments of Paradoxides. Tues. July 16 Made fine collection of 125 specimens on No. 2 Paradoxides zone. Good Hyoliths & 1 Bryozoa-like form (fine) Best Shells just found on this bedding. 5,437 to date
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 32 Wednesday July 17 Wet morning. Packed & Boxed specimens Afternoon went on No. 2 McLaine's brook and got 68 specs. Fine Hyolithes & large shells & fragments of Paradoxides
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 33. Thursday July 18th Went to the Trout Brook locality 7 miles east of Marion Bridge, on Mathew's Etchiminian Found exposures along the Bengal road for 2 1/2 miles of Etchiminian Slates, or greyish brittle slates resting on small thickness of red [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] purplish and greenish shale. The outcropping is about half a mile wide with base on McInnis Lake with summit towards Trout brook. Worked hard all day but utterly railed to find any signs of fossils. Shall go over there again, tomorrow if pleasant. Mathew says this is the best outcrop of Etchiminian he has even found but states that he has no fossils from there. 10 spec stone [[end page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 34 Friday, July 19th Every indication of a rainy day. Thought not best to go to the locality visited yesterday. Went of McLain's Brook and made some measurements of beddings. Found two new outcrops of fossils above the fork of the small gulch and the brook. The first new outcrop is 30 ft. lower than No. 4 of 1900. As shown on the diagrams. This bed is No 8 of this years diagram. The fossils are found [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] x [[insertion]] in two bands [[/insertion]] 18 inches [[strikethrough]] of the beddings [[/strikethrough]] apart at 1 inch hard band at the top carrying a very small Lingulella of this size, and smaller, below this nice band are several species of Brachiopods. Collected 100 specimens. Just at night found another layer of fossils [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 6 ft [[strikethrough]] below [[/strikethrough]] above a thick bedding of Quartzite. [[end page]]
35 Saturday July 20th [[strikethrough]] Found [[/strikethrough]] Worked in fornoon on the lower bed of fossils found yesterday. This is No. 9 ^ [[insertion]] 1901 [[/insertion]] and lies about [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 6 ft above the large 10 ft band of Quartzite. Fossils not very numerous but finely preserved. Secured 60 specimens of long Lingulellas and [[?]]-shaped. Followed the brook to its source in a [[?]] to the N.W. where it entirely disappeared as a brook. The whole length of the brook is about 1 1/2 miles. Just at night discovered an outcrop of fossils in the short gulch running to the east just above No. 4. This No. 10 1901. 6 new beds of fossils discovered in McLain's brook this year. [[?]] 10 [[end page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 36 Monday 22nd Wet in Forenoon. Packed spec. & wrote letter. Aft. Went on McLain's Brook. Worked the outcrop in the Gulch leading East from the brook found Saturday night. And secured about 30 specs. Tuesday 23nd Went again to Mathew's El [[?]] at Trout Brook. Found no fossils. On way home stopped at Morrison's brook and collected a few of the trails found there last year. 12 sp.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 9-161 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. SURVEY OF THE [[/preprinted]] 3i [[preprinted]] In charge. No. Name: Locality: [[/preprinted]] Gulch leading from McLain's Brook to the N. Gate. Marion Bridge Bedding 7 C.B. [[preprinted]] Collector: [[/preprinted]] S. Ward Loper [[preprinted]] Date: [[/preprinted]] July 22 1901. [[preprinted]] Note Book: [[/preprinted]] 1 [[preprinted]] Page: [[/preprinted]] 36 [[preprinted]] Memoranda: [[/preprinted]] [[above is laid on top of text transcribed on transcription page 43]]
[[preprinted]] 9-161 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. SURVEY OF THE [[/preprinted]] 3i of 1900 [[preprinted]] In charge. No. Name: Locality: [[/preprinted]] McLains Brook Marion Bridge Cape Breton (No. 1 of 1900 of Diagram) [[preprinted]] Collector: [[/preprinted]] S. Ward Loper [[preprinted]] Date: [[/preprinted]] July 24 1901. [[preprinted]] Note Book: [[/preprinted]] 1 [[preprinted]] Page: [[/preprinted]] 37 [[preprinted]] Memoranda: [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] 9-161 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. SURVEY OF THE [[/preprinted]] 3i [[preprinted]] In charge. No. Name: Locality: [[/preprinted]] Gulch leading from McLain's Brook to the N. Gate. Marion Bridge Bedding 7 C.B. [[preprinted]] Collector: [[/preprinted]] S. Ward Loper [[preprinted]] Date: [[/preprinted]] July 22 1901. [[preprinted]] Note Book: [[/preprinted]] 1 [[preprinted]] Page: [[/preprinted]] 36 [[preprinted]] Memoranda: [[/preprinted]]
[[blank page]] [[insert of folded papers with no writing/typing showing]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 37 Wednesday July 24 In forenoon working on Mc[[Ildrum's?]] brook As usual found nothing. Afternoon on No. 1 on McLain's brook. Found about 100 of the small shells
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 38 Thurs. July 25th. Drove south 13 miles as far as Gabrous by way of the French road, coming back on the Big Ridge road. Found great outcropping of the Etcheminian Slates and of the red & purple & greenish shales, especially on Big Ridge 6 miles south of Marion Bridge. No fossils to be found.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 39 Friday July 26 On McNeils brook one mile east of Marion Bridge on the River road, secured 125 fine shells. This worked last year. Sat July 27 Measuring up the beddings on McLairds brook. Measurement on next page. Refer also to diagram of brook, page 28.
40. Section on McLains Brook. Descending. Starting at the north fence of the McLain Meadow. [[underline]] Upper Cambrian [[/underline]] 90 ft. Black crumbling distorted shales. 20 ft. Covered. 40 ft. Very dark shales in 4 in. hard band small shells. [[underline]] No. 1. - 1900 [[/underline]] 50 ft. Covered. 200 ft. Shales on east side ravine. conformable. 50 ft. Covered. [[underline]] Middle Cambrian [[/underline]] 40 ft. Greyish Shales. [[underline]] Paradoxides is a genus of large to very large trilobites at 20 ft. [[/underline]] [[underline]] No 2. 1900 [[/underline]] 300 ft. Covered. 50 ft. Greyish shales with hard bands near the base of the outcrop [[underline]] No 3. 1900 [[/underline]] 30 ft. Greyish shales dip 30. at the base of the 30 ft. a fault here the dip 80 and on the face of dip numerous fossils [[underline]] No 5. 1901 [[/underline]] 40 ft. Covered by debris, probably continuous shales 30 f5. Regular bedded shales with numerous hard bands. Small outcrop of shells large & small. [[underline]] No 7. 1901 [[/underline]] 60 ft. Similar beddings. At the [[strikethrough]] top [[/strikethrough]] base a band of hard rock prolific in shells [[gregare & obolus?]]. [[underline]] No 6. 1901 [[/underline]] 20 ft. Same shales at the [[strikethrough]] top/base [[/strikethrough]] top fossils. [[underline]] No. 4. 1900 [[/underline]] 10 ft. Same shales to a gulch running east from the brook a few fossils here [[underline]] No. 10. - 1901 [[/underline]] [[end page] [[start page]] 20 ft. ^ [[insertion]] Same shales [[/insertion]] On base of this 20 ft beds of fossils 18 inches apart carry in lower horizon very small Lingulella [[image]] [[underline]] No. 8. 1901 [[/underline]] 10 ft. Quartzite in fractured bands 12 ft. Greyish shales 6 ft. Greyish shales 1 in. band at [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] top fine shells. Lowest fossil bed. [[underline]] No. 9. 1901 [[/underline]] 15 ft. Hard Quartzite, almost massive. 30 ft. Greyish shales with calciferous veinings 1 ft. Quartzite 80 ft. Coarse greyish shales with calciferous veins 70 ft. Bands of Quartzite 30 ft. Grey shales weathering brown 18 ft. Quartzite weathering nearly white 30 ft. Thin bedded nearly black shales weathering yellowish brown 30 ft. Covered 15 ft. Thin, greatly fractured blue black shales. [[line]] 15 15 McLains Brook here runs into large swamp & finally disappears. Some of these beddings may be repetitions, could not, however, determine them to be such. The fossil horizons were numbered as discovered in 1900 and in 1901. Therefore do not come numerically in order. The labels correspond. [[end page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 41 Monday July 29th Packing up Baggage and Specimens and getting ready to go to Sidney.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 42 Tuesday July 30th Rory McDonald carried self & Boxes of Specimens of Baggage to Sidney. Afternoon Shipped Boxes on Steamer Garmouth.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 43s Wednesday July 31s very Stormy day.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 45 Friday Aug 2nd Went on Upper Cambrian beds in Barachois Glen. Searched beddings nearly to Barachois. Returned to cliff on last side of glen on John Morrison's land 1 1/2 miles from Barachois worked Jan 28 - collected 125 Brachiopods & a few Dictyonema.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 46 Saturday Aug 3rd Went on to No. 8 on Barachois river - Paradoxides zone and collected 80 specimens.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 47 Monday Aug 5th Murdoch Johnson carried me to McPhee's Indian River in the afternoon. Forenoon very stormy. Got to McPhee's at Sundown. Carried our provisions with us and lodged in McPhee house. Struck breeze good & stormy.
To match labels Ship to 50 [[end page]] [[start page]] 50 Tuesday August. 6th. Hired McPhee to work with us at 1.00 per day. Went to Dougals Brook and followed the brook from Huromian down to the Falls. Collected a few [[insert]] 10 [[/insert]] spec brachiopods above the Falls. Collected in 1 2 & 3 157 specimens. [[strikethrough]] Followed [[/strikethrough]] In No 1 found good Hyolithes. Followed the brook to Indian River tracing the beddings according to diagram. C Collected a few Lingulas in dark band in old quarry above McPhee's house. 18 In all 167
Diagram of Dougal Brook section on separate sheet deliver to Mr. Walcott. [[end page]] [[start page]] 51 Wednesday Aug. 7th. [[strikethrough]] In Wickwar Brook [[/strikethrough]] Called at our previous visit by McPhee (Gregwa.) According to Mathew Gregwa (Indian name) Traced up the beddings and noted Lithological characteristics according to diagram and collected in steel grey beds No 37 specs and in dark bed No 7 specimens. Fossils not numerous. On McPhee's Brooke found 19 specimens in the dark bedding same as at Dougal Falls No. Afternoon to Dougal Brook and found fine spec - some new in No. 1 good Hyoliths. Shells not seen before in decomposing rock in jointings. Found & worked 3 higher [[horriyon?]]/several hundred ft. lower. No 5 6 & 7 - In all 70 specimens. Diagram [[strikethrough]] opposite page [[/strikethrough]].
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 52 Thursday Aug 8 Returned to Upper Leitches Creek. Left McPhee's at 6 a.m. Reached Johnson's about 2 p.m. Packed 1 Box specimens and got baggage ready to start homewards tomorrow. Aug 9 Started for Boisdale at 5 a.m. to take the train.
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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[sketches of Cambrian fossils]]
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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[mathematical column notation]] 14 150 ----- 700 14 ----- 2100 75 ----- 21.75
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