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Palmer Peninsula (Antarctica) Survey, 1962-1963 : diary, November 24, 1962 - March 10, 1963 (1 of 2)

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[[front cover]] [[preprinted]] Memoranda [[/preprinted]] 62
After Dec. - U.S.S. [[strikethrough]] Edisto [[/strikethrough]] Staten A.G.B. - [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 5 Fleet P.O. [[strikethrough]] N.Y. [[/strikethrough]] San Franc [[margin, written vertically]] [[underlined]] Shults [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] [[line across page]] 33-268 Goodale 191 Fendalton [[line across page]] Mr. ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] Harald [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] Georgeson MLC Building Cor. Hereford & Manchester [[margin, written vertically]] [[underlined]] Roy G. Shults Capt U.S. Chief of Staff [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] [[line across page]] Jellicoe Hall 71 Gloucester St. [[line across page]] ^[[insertion]] Dr. B. [[/insertion]] Stonehouse Home 70 : 821 Univ. [[strikethrough]] 66-819 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 65-819 [[/insertion]] XT 895 [[end page]] [[start page]] U.S. ANTArcTic RESEARCH ProGrAM Box 12 [[insertion, with arrow]] This book ends with Jan 4 & is 1 of 5 - [[outlined]] 1963 [[/outlined]] [[wavy line across page]] ^ NAVY 20 FLEET POST OFFICE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA [[insertion, circled]] =[[Pole?]] Stu.= Lt. Pacheco =Chile= [[/insertion, circled]] [[wavy line across page]] Lo These are parts of his ways, but how little a portion is heard of him. [[margin, written vertically]] [[underlined]] whence quoted in Bible [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] [[line across page]] Eddie Goodale [[strikethrough]] 37-219 3[[1?]]-719 [[/strikethrough]] [[circled, on left side of entry]] Office 33-059 XT 807 [[/circled]] [[insertion, on right side of entry, in box outline]] office 1st 31-729 [[/insertion]] [[line joining above circle and box]] Home = [[underlined]] 33-268 191 Fendaltin Road =Christchurch=
[[underlined, diagonally]] Left [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] O. Von. Sieraskoski [[/underlined]] 58-221 [[underlined]] Home Phone [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] 3 - Shirley Rd [[/underlined]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Nov. [[circled]] 24 [[/circled]] off after 2 hrs conversation [[circled]] Ill. Airforce Base [[/circled]] [[insertion]] [[circled]] Scotts [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] in Andrews A.F. Base land next at [[line linking to "Ill." circle above]] Fly at 8 000 Mats Head quarters = [[line linking to "Scotts" circle above]] with members of St party, including Lt. Pacheo. [[line]] Wanted to wave from window but found I was anchored with seat belt. got ticket for lunch I had 166 lbs lugage plus [[underlined]] 182 [[/underlined]] for me with clothes. 172 without [[line across page]] Left Andrews at noon [[line across page]] Arr. Scott at 3.30 p.m
Nov 24 [[?]] Bet. 3:30 and 5 p.m. stopped for 1 1/2 hrs at Scott Field [[insertion]] airfield [[/insertion]] It is Mats U.S. Headquarters. Quite a place, but not so many planes as you would think the size of place and many buildings would warrent Fayler said could give me lump sum check at end of job. I asked when McD asked how I was to be paid. [[end page]] [[start page]] Nov 24 We got into Travis at 9-30 [[insertion]] P.M. [[/insertion]] but it was an hour or more before we got into our room. Crowell and I met Ken Moulton. He and I went out to get a bite to eat, scrambled fried + bacon 3-4 strips & rolls & [[underlined]] butter [[/underlined]] & 2 cups of [[underlined]] coffee [[/underlined]] I walked to & from [[underlined]] terminal [[/underlined]] & only ate half of my bacon. Got back to room at 12± & to bed at 12:30 or 1 p.m.
Nov. 25th Got up at 5 a.m. shaved, read pap. in bathroom with light in front room reorganized belongings in grip & suitcase Had breakfast Officers Club at 8 a.m. [[line]] (10 1/2 hrs to Hickham Field, Hawaii (arr 11.p.m.?) [[line across page]] Sheep intelligence [[fide?]] Crowell & mink! 2 hr. time diff. Travis to Honolulu 3.30p.m Left Travis at 3:00 Arr: 1:30 [[insertion]] a.m. [[/insertion]] our time (Travis [[line]] 11:30 p.m Haw time To G.I. quarters {as compared [[double underlined]] with Travis [[/underlined]] to bed at 1 a.m. Long delay in air [[end page]] [[start page]] 26th November 1962 Up at 5 p.m [[line across page]] terminal & at immigration desk, finally to room to bed at 1 a.m. Down time Awoke at 4 a.m turned [[once?]] up at 5 shaved and dressed & sat around till 6 John [[insertion]] Jack [[/insertion]] got up & dressed I started letter, breakfast at 7.30, to town at 8:30 after walking to PX with Jack, called [[Sarah?]] no answer could not hear Roy on phone so proceed to town & phoned him again from Woolworth [[circled]]'[[/circled]] s He came & picked [[underlined]] me [[/underlined]] up Went to Tropics for lunch
26th [[circled]] I am #26 on food list [[/circled]] Lv. Honol 3:30 p.m. [[underlined]] Ar. [[/underlined]] Checked in at 2 with my [[overwrites Ba?]] luggage out to plane so had to carry mine, ran into nice commander of base who drove us out to plane. Later paged to get on manifest Capt. [[Grendison?]] I [[think?]] [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 26th / above [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] One reason did not go out ^[[insertion, line linking to]] at 6 am [[/insertion]] was raining sun did not come out till 7 30 [[end page]] [[start page]] Alvina S & Barbara July 15. Inc Income # 2,952,150 $22.00 # 4,269,175 $20.35 [[line across page]] AΠC Barbara. July 11 $2.48 # 442-2170-003 (1003) July 11 W.L.S. # 644-4150-004 $ 22.28 (1102) [[line across page]] Miss. Valley Cas. W.L.S. + Alv. $15 [[superscript, double underlined]] 00 [[/superscript, double underlined]] #002948 [[line across page]] Barb. Boeing Air plane #24660 $525 22.00 20.35 2.48 ----- 44.83 = 46.08
46 passenger 11 in crew from Hawaii to Christchurch [[circled]] Smelly Mutton Christchurch Star Fri. Nov. 30 / '62 M. too smelly for Japanese [[/circled]] [[circled]] Jap. [[insertion]] ^ [[circled]] youth [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] Goodwill Misson [[/circled]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Stan Horner Pacific Naval Lab. Canada X Ray medical 1184 Fort Street Honolulu 1157 S.King Alan G. Slipper [[underlined]] Industrial Service [[/underlined]] Welding & Industrial Products Ltd. gave me his funnels [[underlined]] 1370 Makaloa St, [[/underlined]] Crockrell Sales 1111 McCully St
The Honolulu experience of getting urinal bag and tube [[line across page]] see preceding page re [[?]] nite meyer drugs 26th got away fm Canton Id ^[[insertion, with line to text]] at 3 30 p.m [[/insertion]] 7 1/2 hr run expect to get here at 10 30 was actually tomorrow (on time [[nz?]]) What a box lunch, bun, 2 [[sandwich?]] 4 triangles 2 [[ham?]] 2 baloney & kraft Amer. cheese [[end page]] [[start page]] [[image - doodle, 3x3 grid lines]] 3 pcs fried chicken that I saved till last thinking they were Brownies. had little bag of peanuts & a candy bar, & can of fruit juice The above & [[?]] etc bun I ate at 9 with fruit juice & cup of coffee & one of water. [[line]] The sandwiches & 3 cups coffee & 2-3 of water I at at 6 p.m. Plane was frightfully hot took off Tie as did everybody else who had one on. Most were asleep, looked like
bunch of 9th street rum handlers and bums. [[line across page]] 28 [[8 overwrites 7]]th The Dominium Hotel is very Victorian ceiling light switches are in or on ceiling with long cord hanging down like bell cord switch is not in socket of light as at home, but some distance away. The one in W.C. compartment hangs down beside door and gets in way of closing door [[line]] No closets only wardrobes stairs have strip of carpeting down middle a bit worn over stair edges. Halls have carpet practically wall to wall but not quite, rooms see next page over [[line across opposite page, with arrow to overleaf]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 28th Nov [[underlined]] Local time [[/underlined]] Left Nandi 6.08 [[with curved arrow, indicating text should be inserted above]] Arr. 4 00 local tm [[/arrow]] [[double underlined]] 4.00 [[/double underlined]] [[insertion]] 30 [[/insertion]] [[line across page]] Nandi which was just a few sheet iron sheds in 57 now is an elaborate air port with shower booths and all Bought Pitcairn Is Stamps [[line]] Arr. Christchurch 2:30 p.m? (sometime after 2.) Had to fill out three diff papers, name birth date and all the rest. Customs did not open corded box at my request. We told them it was going straight through to McMurdo
[[floorings?]] are wall to wall in rooms. Furniture is all like that we discarded when I was 14 or 15yrs old, if not before. Wash 24{Scott 24 to Travis, spent nite and next {day, till 3:30p.m {[[strikethrough]] Slept at Travis [[/strikethrough]] [[line]] 25 Over nite on plane arr Hickham Field 11 30 a.m. [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]] Slept there LV. to Canton Id slept on plane [[circled]] 27 [[/circled]] to Nandi [[circled]] 28 [[/circled]] Arr. Christchurch went to Bot Garden bet 4 30 & 5 30 dinner at 6± [[end page]] [[start page]] [[right margin, boxed]] All local time [[/right margin]] Checked in at Wash Andrews A.F.B. at 10 a.m. left at noon [[line across page]] Arr. Scott AFB } 3:30 p.m LV ""[[dittos for: Scott AFB} 5:00 p.m. [[circled]] 24th [[/circled]] 1 1/2 hr stop [[line across page]] Arr. Travis [[circled]] 9:30 [[/circled]]}[[circled]] 24 [[/circled]] 9:30 pm Leave Travis [[arrow to right]] } [[circled]] 25 [[/circled]] 3:30 p.m Slept. [[line across page]] Arr. Hickham Field } over nite hrs 11:30 am [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] 11:30 [[/strikethrough]] p.m. LV [[arrow to right]] } 3:30 pm Slept [[line across page]] Arr. Canton Id } [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]] LV ""[[dittos for: Canton Id]]} 10:30 p.m. [[line across page]] Arr. Nandi (Fiji) 4.00 a.m LV Nandi "[[ditto for: Fiji]] 6.00 am (08 [[circled]] 27 [[/circled]] [[line across page]] Arr Christchurch [["?]] 28th 2 00p.m to Hotel about 4 30 Met Sommerson who was at Gainsbourgh on street also Hoffman.
[[doodle underlined]] Uuira [[/doodle underlined]] Dr G. Marlier Dpt of Zoology University of Brussels Belgium E. PICCIOTTO Dpt of Nuclear Physics Univ. of Brussels. Belgian on ship. - going to Pole Station, 28th went Botanic Garden bet 4 & 6 (4 30 - 5 30) Georges Marlier 229 Avenue Montjoie Brussels 18 Belgium [[line in center of page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[text outlined by 'doodled' box, with triangles at corners]] [[underlined]] Philosophy [[/underlined]] of organization [[image - triangle]] Goodal 27th August arrives to April 1st [[/text outlined by box]] Nov. 29th [[insertion, circled]] 29 [[/insertion]] Went out to airport with Jack and Ken Moulton to keep date with McDonald Sat in on Navy conf by accident? No? [[Crawley?]] [[deFarges?]] & Len [[P?]] were there [[too?]] I was late & at rear [[I?]] was waiting for bus at circle when a man offered me a lift Douglas Mac[[insertion]]Mc[[/insertion]]Kenzie [[line across page]] Early in a.m went for walk met Jack at camera shop. went back [[strikethrough]] wih [[/strikethrough]] for film to test.
29th Did not get to Museum to see Turbott [[line]] 30 - 1 [[circled]] 3d [[/circled]] [[underlined]] one night [[/underlined]] 29-30 [[circled]] 2nd [[/circled]] [[underlined]] " " [[dittos for: one night]] [[/underlined]] 28-29 [[circled]] 1st [[/circled]] [[underlined]] " " [[dittos for: one night]] [[/underlined]] [[line]] [[circled]] 27-28 [[/circled]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Nov. 30 - Went to Camera Shop to see about Camera repair. It seemed hopeless Gave me name of L. took it around in a.m before going airport & A.A.R.P to check over clothing. While there learned that Edisto departure had been postponed as she had to take place of her breakers which needed some repairs & had returned to Wellington for the purpose // Met N.Z. counterpart Eddy Goodall. Stayed for lunch at Terminal odd sandwiches
fig bar for lunch desert. came back to town at 3 to pick up camera but too many worn pts. [[line]] Goodall brought Nov. 30 me into Hotel Picked up hopeless camera. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Dec. 1. up at 4:15. [[/underlined]] Worked out list & schedule Went out to Eddie's Airport sorted out clothes picked out Rose needed for trip. Lunch at [[strikethrough]] airport [[/strikethrough]] at Lyttle [[strikethrough]] After lunch w [[/strikethrough]] there we went for [[?]] drive got 3 little crabs. [[line]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 28/11/62 Hotel [[underlined]] Bill [[/underlined]] 2 meals 1/12/6 Lunch 6/8 29th 2/9/8 30 2/3/0 Decr 1/12/62 Break only 0/05/0 Paps 0/00/09 [[line]] 6/10/11
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Today Monday [[insertion]] Dec 3/62 [[/insertion]] Slept Till 8 unacountably, at Breakfast had Mr. Brown & salesman Sells an [[underline]] excelcior [[/underline]] [[insertion]] wood fiber [[/insertion]] type insulating, made vermin & fire proof he said. Says its better than fiberglass & mineral pellets has air cells in wood. Was 14 years in states did not like [devious] taking advantage ways of doing business there
likes quieter more orderly life here. Travels about in house trailer but eats meals in hotel, his local salesman is temorarily living here Bruno Wahl of ----- Munich ----- ----------------------- [[underlined]] Fayer [[/underlined]] [[image - doodle]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec. 3'd Located bus stat. & antarctic books in Public Library and at Museum have entre to both. Found that when I contacted [[left margin - two short horizonal lines]] Goodall that Stonehouse did not come in as expected [[left margin - two short horizonal lines]] at 5 p.m. Though I had been told at 9 a.m. at Univ that he would. [[image - view of book on its side?]] spent afternoon in Pub. Library from 3 to 6:30 (is open till 9 each day) After Univ. visit went to Museum to meet Turbot, He had been with Ardsey at Auckland for 20 yrs. T. is a bird man has met Wetmore though [[strikethrough]] Wet [[/strikethrough]] he has never been to States. Saw Chilton coll. of crust. trans. to Museum from Univ. took me around [[strikethrough]] [[line]] [[/strikethrough]]
His Mt. Cook diorama & rocks is about most beautiful I have ever seen in any Museum. It is simply beautiful. [[left margin - two short horizontal lines]] They have a complete 80 foot blue whale skeleton (minus Baleen plates in shed in yard. Flower Vase in Lobby kept fresh by Garden Clubs of Ch. Ch. A really Modern Museum. Turbot is only zoologist on staff. Chilton coll. in metal ringed jars rings now get rusty few jars need filling [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[boxed right margin]] 1st set ran from 22 to Near Dec 2 or 3d [[/box]] [[left margin box]] Dec 4 to airport at 9:45 [[strikethrough]] Wholschag [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Wohlschag [[/insertion]] came in at noon with [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] few others, [[/insertion]] crew winter people (a few) I asked why now he said back to teaching (when does half year end, but got no chance to talk to him [[line across page, stepping up at right]] So after lunch came back to hotel & went to [[insertion]] Pub. [[/insertion]] Library till 5:15 Found Id lost my lab notes some where [[end page]] [[start page]] Put new batteries in ^[[insertion]] Sat. 2 or [[/insertion]] Sunday 3 [[line across page]] [[underlined] Dec. 5 to air port on 10:15 Bus [[/underlined]] Dec. 5 Wed. night Dec. 5 to Camera Club with Bowron's (100 people) more or less. made date for Wed 12th went to his home after for whiskey & water; at midnight had coffee sandwiches & sweet (egg white, baked (with jelly cakes)
[[written with page rotated 90° to right]] Austin Williams, Univ. N. Carolina Inst Fisheries Research [[underlined]] Moorehead City, North Carolina [[/underlined]] spotted a brown shrimp postlarval ^[[insertion]] (penaeus) [[/insertion]] in N.C. [[line]] A re-examination of Ovalipes species in the Carolinas [[line]] The influence of temperature in osmotic regulation in two species of estuarine sprimps (Penaeus) [[line across page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[text in regular orientation]] Canvas bag 40 oz Duffle " [[Ditto for: bag]] 21 Camera lenes & expos. meter 83 Camera Case 46 Field glasses 82 Brief Case empty 64 Misc. junk 36 Books & paps 51 Cheese cloth 55 Black boots 56 oz each 112 [[line]]
[[underlined]] Dec. 5 [[/underlined]] A.M. 9.15 bus to Aerdrome. saw Wohlsch, made date for 10 a.m on [[underlined]] 6th [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Packed-up-camera [[/underlined]] & odds and ends of papers and registered had to send air mail only way out of here Lunch at 12. and was about to catch 12:35 Bus back to Mus Library when [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[right margin]] Dixis & [[runant?]] [[/right margin]] [[line]] Nov. 21/62 Bank with cards to Condon for check Bought money order to Sci Founations & w.k paps. to Arch. Inst. w.k. 2 pants- to Mus to Foundat to PS & to Mus " " " " " " [[Dittos for: to Foundat to PS & to Mus]] Reglasses & windbrake To Tony re collect lit to Date to Antn to Fenner To Randolph re last turn of laborers [[line across page]] To Sanstone re new earphones & 22 [[end page]] [[start page]] Nov. 24 check in Andrew [[underlined]] 10. a.m [[/underlined]]
Dec. 6 To airport early bus had [[insertion]] wrapped [[/insertion]] packed camera & papers not needed, and took to share house shed where I built small box to ship home; took it to P.O. send registered because of value of camera [[line across page]] melted snow would have dog dirt, cans & what not in it [[line across page]] Tin cans and all. Nobody wanted to empty lavy buckets // sewage truck in Artic got careless, slopped over [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec. 7 Paid hotel bill took taxi to Eddies place, walked then to airport bet 10:30 and 11:15 longer distance than I thought in conf. room wrote letter to Fenner, Ray Greenfield & completed Saw Gressitt in office talked pollution. Also believed it serious; said Dump on ice was wanderful place when he was here 3 yrs ago. Could find almost anything you would want, unused clothing [[insertion]] (never worn) [[/insertion]] and equipment.
Dec. 8th moved out to Eddie's place 9:30 to 10. on 7th by taxi. He has garden out back to which Jack is attending. [[line]] Laid out things in front bed room where mard said I was to sleep at 10:30 to 11:15 walked to airport. Finished & wrote letters. Saw Gressitt & Wohlschlag again. Talked pollution problems again. Gressitt said you could find most anything you wanted in dump. [[end page]] [[start page]] In after noon 2:35 to 3:15 walked to town 45-50 mins to Clarendon Hotel where I "bumped" into Archie Nash we had a drink together at Dominion bar afterwhich he drove me out to Eddies where we met a few of Eddie's friends. Family: mother, two children and grand parents. - Spaghetti dinner this night. To bed at 10:00. [[strikethrough]] Test [[/strikethrough]] Put my camera aside in kitchen & could not find it in afternoon. Lost 8hr looking for it. Had been put from table into kitch cupboard.
Dec. 9th Sunday. awake at 4 up at 5:30 Eddie beat me down. He made Aunt Jemima pancakes plus one egg. 2 apiece. + Log. Cabin syrup. coffee & strip of bacon. Fixed table leg & wrote these notes. [[double line]] Heavily over cast this a.m. 62[[degree sign]] in house at 9a.m. (this is after cooking in kitchen making cakes, & coffee. Bus signs Children are remined they must not occuppy seats while adults are standing [[line]] Driver hangs prams up in front; & probably takes them down again [[line across page]] Picnic with Bowrons at Pyramid Valley; and Thomas's [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec. 11 Slept till 5:45 washed clothes, mended window, defrost refrig. to town to see [[strikethrough]] G [[/strikethrough]] Jorgeson, [[Fisher?]] man. with him we went out to their trout study electric rig for collecting works like a charm little eels and others hiding under shingle in stream bottoms come right up & can be scooped up in dip nets. Should be a
better collecting "gear" than [[rotor?]] one. [[red line across page and down left margin, enclosing remaining text on this page]] Canterbury Mus is a gem - the small museums make the most [[insertion]] of/ [[/insertion]] perhaps what little they have, and in the larger ones such as ours there is so much that the visitor is bewildered if not confused and goes away with more impressions than he can coherently sort out [[line across page] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[Specimen tag inserted into the book blocks several words on this page]] [[insertion]] Cape Orozier, Ross Id. Antarctica. Dec. 19, 1962 Lichen near landing area for helicopter [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] The stream work [[/underlined]] The coffee break A regular little snack [[?]] & 50 employee's [[?]] drinking tea [[line across page]] [[?]] a girl (biol. student) [[?]] fish food [[?]] & note taking [[?]] 2 men. [[wavy line across page]] [[?]] large eel tagged was [[found?]] 4 years in same hundred foot stretch of stream. [[underlined, with multiple zigzag lines]] Territorial [[/underlined]]
better collecting "gear" than [[roten?]] one. [[red line across page and down left margin, enclosing remaining text on this page]] Canterbury Mus is a gem - the small museums make the most [[insertion]] of/ [[/insertion]] perhaps what little they have, and in the larger ones such as ours there is so much that the visitor is bewildered if not confused and goes away with more impressions than he can coherently sort out [[line across page] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] The stream work [[/underlined]] The coffee break A regular little snack bar & 50 employee's of [[what?]] drinking tea [[line across page]] And a girl (biol. student) studying fish food habits & note taking for the 2 men. [[wavy line across page]] One large eel tagged was [[food?]] 4 years in same hundred foot stretch of stream. [[underlined, with multiple zigzag lines]] Territorial [[/underlined]]
Cape Crozier, Ross Id. Antarctica. Dec. 19, 1962 Lichen near landing area for helicopter.
[[two columns, separated by wavy line]] [[column 1]] Latches. Toilets One with Each lab. [[line across column]] [[left margin, wavy vertical line]] Labels on jackets & shirts [[double line across column]] [[blank space]] [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] tighter vestipules window [[ent?]] plywood shutters [[line across column]] [[right margin, vertical wavy line]] Undergrad students. [[blank space]] [[/column 2]] [[/left margin]] [[/wavy line separating columns]] [[/right margin]] [[line across page]] [[right margin, vertical line]] {Floating lab, ice floes dangerous when {breaking up. [[left margin]] [[image - reversed capital D]] [[/right margin]] [[line across page]] Vanda |-| [[underlined]] go early [[/underlined]] {Cape Evans [[box for text, with semi-circle as left hand edge]] {Bonney [[/box]] ((end page)) ((start page)) Dec 12 awake at 4 up at 5, break 6 20 "office" at 8:30. // This is certainly an unpredictable part of the world rough weather & ice enter in to the picture. it is vessel damage that crosses us up. I had hoped to get to Auckland but as of today I may go on to McMurdo while the ship is being repaired. Even with this is the problem of getting back here, as Edisto after leaving Wellington dry dock may go directly to Palmer Land and being our major objective I cannot afford to miss trip. [[wavy line across page]] electric current for raising organism [[triple horizontal line]] from stream and lake bottoms.
Penguin [[colonies?]] Cape Crozier (250,000) 1/4 million [[end page]] [[start page]] {Edisto will leave McM on 19 Dec. Escort. Arneb {about 21 Dec and go to McM [[shelter?]] from East wind [[line across page]] [[underlined]] Dec. 13. [[/underlined]] sorted stuff [[underlined]] & repacked [[/underlined]], went to station. After lunch Berg brought me to town to Jorgeson [[underlined]] showed me traps [[/underlined]] which Berg picked up for plane
Dec. 14 [[boxed text on right]] [[double underlined]] Dec 13. [[/double underlined]] Left at 9:30 [[/boxed text]] [[circled]] Arr at 6 a.m. on 14th [[/circled]] [[line across page]] [[line across page]] Dec 13th Check in 1:30 Be on Hand 7:30 Hang around Board plane 9:00 Depar 9:30 p.m. [[line across page]] Dec. 15 went out to ice Hole Houses with Laird Got a lot of fish in one of two traps. other empty & lots of amphipods from bait [[insertion]] bait [[/insertion]] (seal) meat. {Got dozen fish or so but did {not see anything happen after {wards; killed two in house _ seemed me he pickled most of those he got. Got more next day (now on 21st says do not fish traps so much now. [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec 15th 1962 at McMurdo Temp at 6 a.m. = 15, noon 18 & 8 p.m. 18 sun up [[double line across page]] [[underlying text, in blue]] Haemaroids common [[/underlying text]] [[insertion]] Haemaroids common from sitting on [[strikethrough]] the [/strikethrough]] can. [[/insertion]] [[line across page]] Dec. 16th - [[arrow up]] [[insertion]] to bed at 1:30 a.m. [[/insertion]] snow flurry in a.m. and again at 3-4 p.m. Weather to bad to go out to see Edisto lying 6 miles off shore. Arneb is due in [[line across page]] Cold cuts noon meal did have hot soup & baked beans though, lot of fellows were out collecting, [[wavy underlined]] the lichen boys [[/underlined]]
Weather been bad last 3 days started clearing tonite Dec. 17. [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec 17. Monday snow crystals in the air. I straightened up "shop" [[insertion, with arrow]] in bio lab. [[/insertion]] after supper [[line across page]] Truck of acetylene tanks got upset, slid off to one side I had warned Wilkes about light. [[insertion]] yesterday. [[underlined]] [[left margin, vertical curved lines]] [[underlined]] Tonite [[/underlined]] he got a charred newspaper; two spots [[insertion, in blue]] [[image - sideways V , open at page edge]] charred [[/insertion]] [[/left margin]] [[line across page in several sections]] [[left margin, multiple vertical lines]] [[double underlined]] Met. | Price Lewis [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] didn't want to go to all places[[/underlined]] as Crowell warned me. | [[/left margin]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec. 18 Tuesday snowy windy showed movie after 8 to 10 show. to above 55 [[overwrites 66]] people some were a bit ribaldly most thought it a fine picture. did I tell strauss 250 at Camera Club meeting. [[image - shaded triangular pyramid]] - Write letter to Slum[[?]] [[triple line across page, with doodle at each end]]
Hardest working was Jap. paid att. to what he was doing because of lack of fluent Eng. stuck to his last. [[line]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 19 [[insertion]] write [[/insertion]]Rugotzki for Arctic Seminar papers {[vertical line]] mimeo[graphea [[image - sketch, enclosed vertical lines in perspective]] [[line drawn with triangle at each end]] Bright sunny day but almost too windy for plane [[insertion]] Ch. Ch. [[/insertion]] to land will com in late afternoon + leave within 2hrs about 7pm for Ch. Ch. & then on to N.Y. for overhaul. [[image - doodle of wavy line between two horizontal lines]]
[[underlined]] Dec. 19 Afternoon [[/underlined]] Left 2.20 by Helicopter for Cape Crozier picked up 2 members Scotts Base & got there about 2.30, to Cape, stayed there 3 hrs. Wandered down to shore tough climb back Some Penguins make lovely nests but they get worn down toward end. Fishing Penguins get very bloody as one we saw Got some moss, lichens [[insertion]] [[underlined]] yellow [[/underlined]] orange [[/insertion]] & debris from under rock might have in [[left margin, written vertically, bottom to top]] Green-stone inclusion to Bob Forbes -- [[/left margin]] [[end page] [[start page]] sects in it [[semi-circle enclosing previous text]] Dec. 20th. Owen Wilkes got back had stone from Beaufort Id much desired by Steventon He collects rocks (lava) with depressions to serve as ash trays not a bad idea for give-aways. Has a number from a number of places. [[line across page]] [[insertion]] used in 19th I put away on 20th [[insertion]] Fridden calculator was ^[[insertion]] left [[/insertion]] plugged in & [[insertion]] was found [[/insertion]] running on [[double underlined]] 21 [[/underlined]] st. [[line across page]] [[strikethrough]] Dec. 19/1916 [[/strikethrough]] Cape Crozier, travelling over ice in helicopter much like being above clouds; look like a sea of clouds. Stopped at Beaufort Id en route home; also stopped to fuel. Left Cape at [[line across page]] | 620 p.m. home by 8. [[left margin, written vertically, bottom to top]] Bloody Penguin [[/left margin]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] 21st Dec [[/underlined]]
Conger any [[diahing?]] inimical to other marine organisms? I know dinoflagellates are (red-[[type?]]) [[end page]] [[start page]] [[circled]] 22 [[/circled]] Helicopter burned at 12[[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] just after Hobbie and Mason stepped out of it with their gear & water samples [[line across page]] Conflicting order re sailing date
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[left margin, vertical line]] Dec [[circled]] 23d [[/circled]] Sunday [[L shaped line]] Swept up mess in office - lounge buildg. [[line across page]] Brk door. toppled tree Latch burst. & brk glasses doz. [/left margin, vertical line]] [[line across page]] Brunch at 8, but was up at 6 wrote letters packed few belongings with me to plane on ice at [[underlined]] 11 p.m. [[/underlined]] in broad daylight. [[line across page]] [[strikethrough]] Dinner [[/strikethrough]] Supper at 5:30 to [[strikethrough]] 6:3 [[/strikethrough]] 7 p.m. I ate at 6. [[line across page]] green netting. [[line across page]] Ber 7:30 & 8 kill time. [[line across page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Returned to Ch. Ch. Dec 24 Left at [[underlined]] midnight [[/underlined]] or few minutes past [[diagonal line, upper right to lower left]] [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] [[circled]] 9 [[/circled]] 3 minutes phon to Auckland [[pound symbol]] 3.6 [[/diagonal line]] [[line across page]] [[double underlined]] Alvina [[/double underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] [[circled]] 1.2 [[/circled]] Jack said shock // [[line across page]] [[underlined]] Arr 7:30 to 8 a.m. in Christchurch [[/underlined]] Met by Bob Herrick & Eddie who took [[overwritten]] us [[/overwritten]] me to house where I unpacked washed & dress (red plaid shirt went down town after lunch bought [[lime?]] wreath [[boxed text]] got shoe shine [[/boxed text]] off boy minus finger boy as boss [[image - funnel shaped doodle]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[double underlined]] 25 Dec. ^[[insertion]] Tues [[/insertion]] 1962 [[/double underlined]] up till 12, 3 or 1 las night hanging wreath bough Breakfast at 8-9 [[line]] Reedy's party 11:30 to 12:30 ± then home (191) to lunch & then to beach. for dip & picked up kelp on [[line]] beach Sand dunes [[line across page]] Supper "groper" [[line across page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Wednesday Dec. 26 - 1962 [[line across page]] Bought [[ranas?]] Wrote up points to be consider [[line across page]] Dec. 27. Spent all fore noon looking for wire aft. buying for spagehty dinner [[line]] {Temp. 27th 54[[degree symbol]] high 48 [[degree symbol]] midnite [[line across page]] 28 to Tisdale for Fish lines & hooks to Library once more [[line]] to station. Eddie called Brodie; bought air ticket.
Sat. Dec. 29 Packed to going on ship. got through by 11:30 also washed [[line across page]] clothes. bought eggs; Nes cafe; & wine cooking. [[line across page]] Jack & Eddy went off [[/underlined]] at [[/underlined]] 3 p.m. Fishing To Bot Garden at 4:15 Back at 5[[underlined]]30[[/underlined]] Bldg. Locked at 400. [[line across page]] Dec. 30 Brunch at "home", packed up wrote letters back to McMurdo Ken M, [[Bund?]] Ragotski. [[line across page]] 2 p.m to Bot. Garden Green houses, Fern house. [[line across page]] Dec. 31 Monday with Brodie most notes under Jan 1 [[line]]
Cost of wire and of sending Camera. [[line across page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Jan 1. 1963 [[vertical line, extending right from top across to edge of page]] [[line across page]] [[vertical {, extending down 3 lines]][[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Left Camera behind [[/underlined]] after showing it to young son of Brodie, [[strikethrough]] have done [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] was going to [[/insertion]] phone him, but he wired me / on train [[strikethrough]] younger [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] older [[/insertion]] children got up for younger and for adults. It is a nice country. Had to run back for telegram [[line across page]] Gets [[British Pound symbol]] [[4 overwrites 3]] 0,000 a year and 1200 for purchase of books, plus 3 people from Dept. Librarian [[insertion]] & aid as [[strikethrough]] technician [[/strikethrough]] machinist technicn & machanick. plus drafting, typing for ms, and publicatio
Keeps all material of one station together on station & has folders for each stresses ecolo-aspects. / In R.R. Stn, Lyttleton Sign in Christchur R Sta [[line]] 7 to 10 free [[strikethrough]] Pt [[/strikethrough]] checking of bundles [[line]] Gentlemany Behaviour of all help bus drivers, police, checkers [[end page]] [[start page]] Use half a steel drum [[double line across page]] [[boxed text]] &wire netting [[/boxed text]] [[double line across page, decorated by 2 boxed Xs]] Don Strasburg with 2 man submarine [[line across page]] talk about subs [[line across page]] If we are going to do it right lets have no half way measures [[line across page]] Grant of 40,000 [[double underlined]] dollars [[/double underlined]] & then start looking for detail [[?]] & various assistants
[[line across page]] On Jan 2 Eddie & Jack went out to office ; presently Jack came back & took bundles out to Staten Id. with Bob Derrick. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[double underlined]]Jan. 1[[/double underlined]] spent quiet day at home after getting in at 8 :15 am Jack & Eddie were out somewhere, & then after lunch we took 4 neighbors small children to see Staten Id. getting home for supper, to bed 11[[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] -12, & up at 5 [[line across page]] Went down town but everything was closed (most every thing) but banks were open, for not much if any business.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Jan 2 cont'd. At lunch time Eddie came in as I was preparing mine & took me to the R. R. station so I could go over on 1:15 p.m to Staten Id. /// Me & eng. officer & exec. & few others, made a date for 9 a.m on 3d. [[line across page]] 88° Temperature to [[strikethrough]] yester [[strikethrough]] day the 2nd [[line across page]]
Did not get aboard Staten Id before yesterday the second for a few minutes before lunch; and on 3d was on bd, bet. 9:15 & 11[[double underlined]]00[[/double underlined]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[margin, vertical line]] [[underlined]] Jan 3 To Staten Id. at Lyttleton [[/underlined]] to talk with engineer 8:50 train arr. 9:07 at Lyttleton [[line across page]] 11.28 retd did not get to Ch Ch till 11.45 [[line across page]] [[/margin, vertical line]] Jan 4 went down early for few more fish [[strikethrough]] hooks [[/strikethrough]] & Land [[B?]] for Eddy & 2 N.Z. [[Sel?]] Books on [[?]] Jack 1 for me got back [[line across page]] at 9[[underlined]] 45 [[/underlined]] Eddie did not come in till 12 to take us to ship [[circled]] 12 [[/circled]] [[line across page]] Had a hamburger there in ward room.
took few photos of [[?]] in [[?]] had strawberries & i cream & then rasp berries & i cream. [[line across page]] Fire in rooming house green house opp side of street
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[line]] Jan 5. / Bought 3 cakes soap 40 [[cents symbol]] 2 Dial 1 Ivory [[line across page]] Showed pictures ward room Jan 4 12 C.P.O. 8; on Jan 5 crew mess [[boxed text]] 100 [[circled]] Jan 6 [[/circled]] [[/boxed text]] [[line across page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Jan. 6. Sunday
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Maori woman [[insertion]] and her [[/insertion]] & child G. Lindauer Presented by the Family of the late Mr. & Mrs Ballin [[strikethrough]] [[line across page]] [[/strikethrough]] Ex Tenebris LVI [[underlined]] seated woman statue in lobby of Museum [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] = Very Pretty Bldg. = [[/underlined]]
[[book rotated to left through 90 degrees]] [[right margin, boxed]] 1908 with Shackleton 1910 with Scott. [[/right margin, boxed]] Ant. Explor. Yesterday & today by Sir Raymond Priestly pp. 11 - 15 [[insertion, arrowed]] [[circled]] saw more in 2 months than in 3 yrs 50 yrs ago. [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] The Polar Record, Vol. 10, No. 64 Jan. 1960 [[insertion]] Dec. 1958 Deep Freeze IV p.18 [[/insertion]] [[[[line across page, in blue]] Staten Id. ^"If she, or a sister ship, were freed from orginary logistic duty, fitted with a laboratry and a complement of scientists (as indeed the Staten Island was) and let loose along the less accessible Antarchtic coasts from Oct to April, with launch and helicopter as auxillary [[insertion]] auxiliary [[/insertion]] aids, she could do more valuable work in that time than any static wintering party could accom - [[end page]] [[start page]] plish in a whole year." [[line]] ¶ A voyage in an icebreaker is a stimulating affair As [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Staten Island battered her way along I saw more of ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Antarctic coastline than I had imagined in my most optomistic dreams, I can imagine no more productive means of coastal exploration in Antarctica than to give such a ship a free hand for the whole summer season. In 16 days she had battered her way through 16 miles of solid ice, 6 to 8 ft thick in McMurdo Sound." rest of para is above last image in article. [[/book rotated to left through 90 degrees]]
[[text rotated left 90 degrees]] Field Work Staten Id. 1958-1959 spec. will contribute to studies of age food habits & distr. of several spp. of fish [[underlined]] Coll. by Miller, R. [[insertion]] = Dept. Zool = [[/insertion]] Long Beach State Coll., Calif. ((Extravagant claims?)) [[/underlined]] Specimens are being examined at U.S. National Mus. Geo. Vanderbilt Foundation, & Long Beach State College [[series of three lines across page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[circled]] * [[/circled]] Diving in Antarctic Waters by M. Neushul (Dept Botany, Univ. Wash. The Polar Record Jan. [[underlined]] 1961 [[/underlined]] Vol. 10 No. 67 [[line across page]] [[circled]] * [[/circled]] Photographs of Antarctic Bottom Fauna by J.S. Bullivant N.Z. Oceanog. Inst. [[insertion]] Vol. 10. [[/insertion]] No. 68. The Polar Record pp. 505-508. May 1961 [[/text rotated left 90 degrees]]
Dec. 13 [[double underlined]] Thursday [[double underlined]] Lv. Christchurch 9:30 p.m. Arr. Mc Murdo 6 00 a.m. [[wavy line across page]] Dec 14 [[double underlined]] Fri [[/underlined]] out to ice hole with Laird visited each of houses Red, green, & tan Got [[underlined]] lot [[/underlinde]] of amphipods, crinoid, & couple little starfishes. [[four columns]] [[column 1]] 15th [[underlined]] Sat. [[/underlined]] [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] 16th [[underlined]] Sun [[/underlined]] [[/column 2]] [[column 3]] 17th [[underlined]] Mon [[/underlined]] [[/column 3]] [[column 4]] 18th Tuesday snowy milky weather [[/column 4]] [[/four columns]] [[three columns]] [[column 1]] [[circled]] 19th Wed. Bright & sunny to Cape Crozier LV 2.10 arr. 2:20 LV [[/circled]] [[circled]] At 6:30 home at 8 supper 8:30 ,moss (grass) lichens inclusion debris [[/circled]] [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] 20th [[vertical down to level of end of previous text, extending as horizontal line to left, below column 1]] [[/column 2]] [[column 3]] [[vertical line down left side of column, extending as horizontal line to right, enclosing column 3]] 21st Bright and sunny. Cleaned up & wrote these condensed notes. took 12 noo pictures of main St. & snowmobile. [[image - elongated U on diagonal]] [[/column 3]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Nov. 24 [[/underlined]] LV. Wash Nov. 28 Check in Andrews 10. a.m LV. 12 noon Arr. Scott AF.B. 3:30 p LV """[[dittos for: Scott AF.B.]] 5:00 p Ar. Travis (S.F.) sleep here 9:30 p. [[line across page]] Nov. 25 LV. Travis. (s. on plane) 3:30 p. Nov. 26 Ar. Hickham Field 11:30 a [[circled]] sleep here [[/circled]] Nov. 27 LV. Hickham 3:30p. Ar. Canton Id 10:30p LV ""[[dittos for: Canton Id]] Ar. Nandi [[insertion, underlined]] slept on plane [[/insertion, underlined]] 4:00 a. LV. "[[ditto for: Nandi]] 6:08 a Nov. 28 Ar. Ch. Ch. 2.30 p. Went to Bot Garden with Jack till 5:30 p. after check in at .Dominion Hotel dinner at 6 00p.
[[underlined]] Plastic containers [[/underlined]] 2@ " [[ditto for: plastic]] cover 1/9 1/9 write Ragotski re Arctic | Seminar papers [[line across page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec. 7th Lunch [[underlined]] 3/ [[/underlined]] cheese & cracker [[underlined]] 3/1 [[/underlined]] tape /8 Book for Goodall 4/ Pap. /6 Scotch tape 1/1 Tooth paste 2/4 Bus to Air pt. 1/6 [[line across page]] Drinks. to group. 10/ [[line across page]] Dec. 8. Sardines 1/7 Notebooks 1/11 1/7 /11 2/ [[line across page]] Drinks to Nash 7/ [[line across page]] Rum at McMurdo $1.50
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
Dec 5-6[[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] Hotel Bill 20/8/ To girls. 2 lbs. For Bowr[[?]] 5£. Wine (?) 9/5/ Taxi, 5/6 & 2/6 [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec. 4 [[underlined]] Tuesday [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Film [[/underlined]] - 6/ [[underlined]] Book [[/underlined]] - 15/ [[underlined]] Bus [[/underlined]] - 1/6 [[underlined]] Pap. [[/underlined]] - /03 [[underlined]] Time Table [[/underlined]] - 1/ Lunch. - 3/ [[underlined]] Stamps 85¢. [[/underlined]] Dec. [[underlined]] 6 Lunch [[/underlined]] 6/ Books {9/6 {4/03 [[line across page]] P. Cheese cracker 2/13
[[left margin, vertical {]] At. airport Sunday tip 1.06 [[line]] Dinner [[insertion]] duck [[/insertion]] 12.06 [[line]] Lunch /12/00 [[strikethrough]] 65 [[/strikethrough]] [[line]] Drinks /05/00 [[line]] Pap. /05/00 [[??]] /8/00 [[/left margin, vertical {]] [[line across page]] Thrsday 2£ about = 40 shil [[line]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec 2 Lunch 9.6 Sandwich 9.6 ---- [[double line above and below]] At airport [[/double line above and below]] Lost 10 shilling 10.00 ----- Lunch & Lent on Ken M. 28.20 [[image: line drawing of elongated oval]] [[vertical line to right of text]] Dec. Monday Pants hangers to Bank got 14 for $40 [[/vertical line]] [[to right of line]] 3/0 [[line across page]] Pap. (Star.) 6d [[line across page]]
27th Lunch [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] /03/00 28 Milkshake 2/600 Dec. 1 Concert 1/6/00 Fish & chips 7.06 Paps .03 [[line]] Nov. 30 Lunch Dinner pap. 03 ----- [[text enclosed in wavy-lined box]] Lottery ticke 6 @ 5 30.00 [[/text enclosed]] [[line across page]] [[text in two columns, separated by slant line]] [[column 1]] For wire bought crayfish Pop. £21-9-8 Jan 4, '63 [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] & one Arctic [[Ind?]] [[underlined]] N. Amer Check [[/underlined]] Eddies "C479" 117504 [[/column 2]] [[line across page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] expense [[underlined]] 26th cont'd [[/underlined]] [[line to right edge of page]] Locker fee on 24th = .10¢ 27th Nov. Beer [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] ¢ .80 Rum 5.50 stamps [[circled]] 6.90 [[/circled]] pd 7.00 Restroom man .25 [[line across page]] [[double underlined]] 27th Nov. [[/double underlined]] Bought map of town, a very nice one 4/6 [[line across page]] Tubing 0/08. shill. Fitting 6/09/00 Photo /02/ Paper 03 [[underlined]] Museum [[/underlined]] guide /06/08 Bag, 49/11 gave museum 1/00/00
24th Nov. 2 meals on plane [[line across page]] [[left margin, extended {]] 90 + 90 + (90 for 35th) 2.70 Snack at nite .75 New Yorker .25 Paps .20 [[/left margin, extended {]] [[line across page]] Nov. 25 Breakfast. [[strikethrough]] 90 [[/strikethrough]] 70 + 25 [[left margin, extended {]] Lunch , 50 +.25 Dictionary [[insertion]] Spanish [[/insertion]] .35 Drawers 3x90 2.70 Postcards .36 [[/left margin, extended {]] 13 cups coff Jack & Ken .30 Stamps .50 Room in off Club 1.00 Checked small stuff 2 x 10¢ .20 [[line across page]] [[double underlined]] 26th [[/double underlined]] pap. 10 break 75 bus 30 [[?]] free phone calls 30 [[circled]] in slot, || save money [[?]] out of order [[/circled]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Those inflatable Life jackets! [[line across page]] Demonstrater had to make strap adjustments over some minutes to get it to sit right & also go round middle - [[line across page]] Too much loss of time for an emergency [[line across page]] These belts should be adjusted for each passenger at start so that he could get into it comfortably and with minimum effort ! [[line across page]] International Ticket Scale Corp. New York City Nickle in did function, stock sign
Ida 534 - 11th Ave Skyline 1 - 0472 [[line across page]] Sowerby [[insertion]] [[circled]] 977-611 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] 1521 B Wilder Ave, #74. [[line across page]] Green Field Avn., 17 1711 Mahani Loop [[line across page]] [[circled]] 812-565 [[/circled]] [[underlined]] Margaret Lanin [[/underlined]] [[boxed]] Robt J. Laird [[/boxed]] U.S.S. Staten Id A.G.B. - 5 Fleet. P.O. S.F. [[line across page]] Harald Jorgensen 75 London Stret Christchurch, 1, N.Z [[end page]] [[start page]] Mr & Mrs Fres Bavron [[insertion]] ow [[/insertion]] Bowron 7 Grvynfa Ave Christchurch tanning & photog. [[line]] Friend Ray Greenfield [[line across page]] = green streamer seaweed in very thick patches= Herbicide for E.N.Peverill 979 Colombo St. Christchurch, N.Z. [[wavy line across page]] Alfred Wilson Walsh 1859-1916 appt'd Instructor school of Art Christchurch 1886 Greymouth Hbr In|the [[Otira?]] Low tide Low tide Auckland
[[line across page]] Cloth tape to fasten on inner tube Bike inner tube Have funnel & tube [[line across page]] or any thin rubber tube, with sealed end (Soap & Soap dish) container Lanolin [[line across page]] William R. MacDonald U.S. Geol Survey Dept. Interior Special Maps Branch Wash 25, D.C [[left margin, separated from above text by vertical line]] [[double underlined]] Interpretation of Maps [[/double underlined]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Dep time [[/underlined]] Call bet 11 + 12 [[double line across page]] 417-252 417-253 [[line across page]] Bus dropped me at Fort & King St. Am. Cook Co. [[line across page]] [[circled]] [[double underlined]] Our Flight # 42 [[/double underlined]] 134 Hereford [[/circled]] After Dec. 10 U.S.S. Edisto A.G.B - 2 Fleet P.O. N.Y. N.Y. [[line]]
[[back cover]] [[preprinted]] 7530-222-0078 FEDERAL SUPPLY SERVICE [[/preprinted]]