Smithsonian-Bredin Belgian Congo Expedition, 1955 : photograph album
Download IIIF ManifestRequest permissionsDownload image PrintThe photograph album contains images documenting Waldo Schmitt's work during the Smithsonian-Bredin Belgian Congo Expedition, 1955. Images are captioned, and include location and date information. Subject matter includes images of the Princess Astrid Institute of Tropical Medicine including facilities and staff at work; Leopoldville [Kinshasa] from various vantage points; gatherings with American and Local officials; workmen and fish at Wagenia fishery in Stanleyville [Kisangani]; examples of insects and plant life of Yangambi Agricultural Experiment Station; Mangbetu dancers; elephants and other large wildlife at Gangala-Na-Bodio elephant training station; other national parks and agricultural stations; Watusi dancers; expedition participants working in the field; laboratories in Congo; examining mites; Karnak Temple at Luxor; and sites in Uganda. Locations are in areas of Sudan, Egypt, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo including the vicinity of Wagenia fisheries, Stanleyville [Kisangani], Leopoldville [Kinshasa], Yangambi,and Lak Kivu. Numerous other locations in between are named, but too numerous to list.
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SIA RU007231
Waldo L. Schmitt Papers, 1907-1978
1 photograph album
Smithsonian Institution Archives
Box 106