Richard E. Blackwelder Papers, 1926-1964
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This accession consists of journals, field notes, and notebooks documenting Richard E. Blackwelder's career as an entomologist. Materials include his journals from the Bacon Scholarship field work in the West Indies (1935-1937), a journal kept on field trips to the American west (1960-1962), and an album of photographs from his field work in the West Indies. Blackwelder's West Indies journals contain many descriptions of surrounding flora and fauna, including birds, and many also be useful for their geological information. Other materials in this collection that are not cataloged in this registry (because they are not field notes) include journals of his wife, Ruth M. Blackwelder, from the same West Indies trips; notebooks from his research in museums in the United States and England; a notebook listing species in his personal collection; a notebook containing recollections on entomologists Blackwelder met. See also Smithsonian Institution Archives Record Unit 7156 for more field notes from the West Indies.
Date Range
Access Information
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- Insecta
- Coleoptera
- Staphylinidae
- Termitidae
- Arachnida
- Animalia
- Rove beetles
- Beetles
- Insects
- Termites
- Arachnids
- Haiti
- Saint Vincent
- Carriacou
- Antigua
- Grenada
- Saint Croix
- Saint Lucia
- Barbados
- Montserrat
- Guadeloupe
- Dominican Republic
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Saint Kitts
- Jamaica
- Dominica
Collection record
Accession #
SIA Acc. 96-099
8 field books
Physical Location
Smithsonian Institution Archives