Albatross Expedition to the Gulf of California (1911)

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The expedition took place aboard the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries vessel Albatross and traveled from San Francisco California on February 23, 1911 to the gulf region in the vicinity of Lower California. U.S. Bureau of Fisheries was interested in information relating to fish and fisheries of the Gulf, as well as marine invertebrates and reptiles. The expedition was led by Charles H. Townsend (director of the New York Aquarium) and included seven participants representing the US National Museum, New York Zoological Society, and the New York Botanical Garden, and G. B. Bell of the American Museum of Natural History Preparation Department.


  • Karl Patterson Schmidt. (). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Lower California and the Neighboring Islands." Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 64. Retrieved September 26, 2016 from
  • American Museum of Natural History. (1911). Annual Report of the American Museum of Natural History, Volumes 51-52.

Date Range

1911 - 1911


Marine Invertebrates


  • Gulf of California
  • Lower California
  • Mexico


Expedition name