The Archives is made up of wonderful, helpful, and hard working individuals who strive to acquire, preserve, and make accessible records that document the history of the Smithsonian Institution. Some of our staff have been at the Smithsonian for 30 plus years, while others are just beginning their tenure here.
Continuing our series on introducing new staff, I'd like to welcome our new Finance and Administration Analyst, RoseMaria Estevez.
What's your educational background?
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business and International Marketing. I have also traveled extensively since childhood. As a native Washingtonian combined with the extensive travel opportunities this gave me a unique outlook and education. I started at the Smithsonian in 2002.
What do you do at SIA?
I am the Unit’s Finance and Administration analyst. My job is to keep the Archives running smoothly. I monitor the budget and am available to answer questions on administrative issues. I love being able to assist others in achieving their goals.
What is the strangest/most interesting thing you have discovered at SIA so far?
By far, the most interesting and exciting discovery was to see James Smithson’s papers. Embedded in my brain since childhood are the words “for the increase & diffusion of knowledge”. The words always spoke to me. So to see the papers that started the Smithsonian was beyond cool.
What is the most unexpected thing you have learned about working here?
The difference between visiting and working at the Smithsonian was an eye opener. The collection, behind-the-scenes, and reach of the Smithsonian is amazing. The Smithsonian does so many things and is present in so many countries.
Favorite spot in DC to recommend to visitors?
I love taking first time visitors for a night tour of DC when the lights of the monuments are on and there is no traffic. My favorite spot to visit is the Albert Einstein Memorial outside the National Academy of Sciences.
Produced by the Smithsonian Institution Archives. For copyright questions, please see the Terms of Use.
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