The Smithsonian is pleased to host a presentation today on "Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums," (which is now available below) with Jon Voss who recently organized the first International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums Summit , hosted by the Internet Archive and funded by the Sloan Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. You can view the live webcast of the presentation here starting at 10:30 am EST, and an archived version will be available in the future on the Smithsonian's USTREAM page.
As I've said previously, linked open data has incredible potential for aggregating cultural heritage collections across multiple libraries, museums, and archives, resulting in more open collections access for the public. Imagine doing a web search on say, Abraham Lincoln, and seeing collections and information from multiple cultural heritage institutions instead of having to go to each of their website collection searches. Sounds pretty good to me.
We hope you enjoy the webcast archived presentation which is brought to you by the Smithsonian CTO lecture series.
About Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums (LODLAM)
The first International LOD-LAM Summit, hosted by the Internet Archive and funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, convened this past June, 2011, to bring together leaders in their respective areas of expertise from the humanities and sciences to catalyze practical, actionable approaches to publishing Linked Open Data, specifically:
- Identify the tools and techniques for publishing and working with Linked Open Data.
- Draft precedents and policy for licensing and copyright considerations regarding the publishing of library, archive, and museum metadata.
- Publish definitions and promote use cases that will give LAM staff the tools they need to advocate for Linked Open Data in their institutions.
Find out more about the LOD-LAM community and future regional meetings on their website,, or follow the topic on Twitter #lodlam.
UPDATE: Also see John Voss' Slideshare presentation:
Produced by the Smithsonian Institution Archives. For copyright questions, please see the Terms of Use.
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