NASA has joined the Flickr Commons! Go and check out some of their historical images.
- Our readers and Flickr Commons fans have been incredible in helping us with our call to ID photos from our new set of photos by Martin Gruber of DC in the early 1900s. Now, fellow archivists at the Archives of American Art have put out a call for help identifying a mystery woman in one of their photos—put on your sleuth caps and head on over to their blog to check it out.
- Can it be? The Oxford English Dictionary will no longer be printed again because of falling sales. But don’t distress, grammarians—new editions will be available in electronic form.
- Is web search becoming a leisure activity? From my own habits: absolutely yes! Just remember to look away from the screen every 20 minutes for at least 20 seconds folks, or your eyes might just freeze that way . . . [via ResourceShelf].
- Wanna see drawings of the iPad from 1967!?! Read this conversation with Bob Stein, founder of the Institute for the Future of the Book, who speaks about the conception of “user-driven media,” and how it has shifted the ways we think about the printed word [via].
- The times, they are a changin’: the Venice Architecture Biennale has created the first ever iPad exhibition catalogue.
- Scholars weigh in on how new media is transforming storytelling [via]:
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