JoGayle Howard with Clouded Leopard Cub, 1992, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Acc. 17-101, Image no. SIA2017-023033.

Link Love: 9/13/2019

Link Love: a weekly post with links to interesting videos and stories about archival issues, technology and culture, and Washington D.C. and American history.

Two historians discuss how research for a Smithsonian exhibit led to the story of 19th-century orator Mary E. Harper. [via the Conversation]

After conducting so many oral history interviews, a pair of labor historians finally get their own! [via NCPH]

The New York Times highlights the Wellcome Collection’s new standards for exhibit accessibility. [via Adam Rozan]

Vernon Rickman Works on Clay Model of a Neanderthal Woman

French archaeologists turned up hundreds of footprints, perhaps remnants of a Neanderthal daycare center. [via Gizmodo]

A journalist for the Washington Post asks why National Historic Sites dedicated to women's history have been so underappreciated. [via National Women’s History Alliance]

A new digital humanities initiative explores the lives of the colonial-era people of color interred in Connecticut's burial grounds. [via Hartford Courant]

Jillian and Paitoon have come home to the National Zoo! [via DCist]

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