Happy 100th Birthday, Julia Child! Child’s niece recounts fond memories of her aunt for the occassion, and also reveals some of the memories made in Child’s kitchen, which is now on exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.
- Historypin has a new and more usable iPhone app with the same fun functionality as before: revealing historic photos near your current location, and allowing you to view them layered over the modern scene in front of you.
- The power of social media never fails to amaze me: a new species of insect discovered on Flickr!
- Interesting: the Museum of Broken Relationships (and yes, it’s a real museum).
- The Chicago Tribune opens up their photo archives. Here’s one of Buffalo Bill Cody—one of the oldest photographs they’ve found, and perhaps when he was in the city for the World’s Fair [via Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig, SIA]?
- Two of our own recently presented at the Society of American Archivists on web archiving. Read a recap of their session.
- What happens when you ask young kids about modern art?: MoMA Unadulterated— an unofficial audio tour with selections from the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collections, expertly analyzed by kids aged 3-10 [via Mitch Toda, SIA]:
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