Fascinating interview with poet Robert Roper, who dug into the National Archives to examine the moving letters poet Walt Whitman wrote to family and friends recounting the ravages of the Civil War, and his experience as a nurse to wounded soldiers.
- All 3,300 hours of Johnny Carson are nearly digitized. [via Los Angeles Times]
- Just like McDonald’s: the food portions in Last Supper depictions have grown over the years, apparently.
- Visiting the American Museum of Natural History anytime soon? Check out their new iPhone and iPad apps.
- Queen's Brian May is still rocking you with his recent project examining a collection of 150 year old stereographic photographs of an English village. It's striking to hear the same man who wrote the lyrics for "We Will Rock you" give a scholarly discourse. [via HuffingtonPost].
- 6500 images of Pacific Islands people and places have been added to University of California, San Diego’s digital collections, a sampling of which are here [via Material World].
- The indicommons folks explore the brilliant-hued beauty of Kodachromes on the Flickr Commons:
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