- The Smithsonian's Folklife Festival this year featuring China and Kenya is over now, but you can relive some of the festival in the video below. [via Torch, SI]
- Every wonder what the work of a conservator looks like? Check out 5 Days of Preservation to see what conservators work on on a daily basis. [via Nora Lockshin, SIA]
- Some images from the Apollo 11 mission to the moon which celebrated its 45th anniversary last week. [via PetaPixel]
- Speaking of anniversaries, the NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory celebrated its 15th anniversary this week. [via Smithsonian Science]
- The University of California Libraries Digital Collection Project to create a shared system for managing and providing access to the digital content from the ten UC campus libraries celebrated its halfway point this month. [via InfoDocket]
- Web archivists and other digital sleuths are unraveling the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. [via Washington Post]
- Check out this video to learn more about the Europeana Newspapers project. [via InfoDocket]
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