- Wow—the possibilities are endless. The Victoria & Albert Museum has come up with a quilt pattern maker. I’m imagining artworks as quilts. Now I just need to learn how to sew . . . [via How about orange]
- Flickr photos are getting bigger and prettier thanks to a site overhaul. Double your Flickr Commons viewing pleasure!
- In DC for the Folklife Festival or just hanging out? Come to the Mall with your camera (or camera phone) and help digitize our museums in 3D (and win prizes) by snapping pictures of the Smithsonian museums!
- A webcomic just for archivists . . . [via Jennifer Wright]
- From US Soldiers patrolling the Berlin Wall in 1980 to cute dogs on polar expeditions in Antarctica, CriticalPast has a huge archive of historic video and images to browse through. [via Phil Bradley]
- Software engineers have literally been getting perspective from 18th century perspectival painters: they’re using paintings by Venetian painters from the 1700s to help them design wide-angle camera lenses that shoot in perspective. [via More intelligent life]
- Archives Outside gives a great list of practical tips for dating photographs (and no, I don’t mean your profile pic for OKCupid . . .).
- The Care and Feeding of a Mermaid (!) from State Library and Archives of Florida [via swissmiss]:
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