The Library of Congress's Thomas Jefferson Building will be gaining an oculus! [via Library of Congress]
A new exhibit at the Musee D’Orsay will feature famous French artworks, now relabeled to foreground the black models who sat for them. [via Levine Museum]
The Library of Congress has digitized over 150 rare Persian manuscripts. [via infoDOCKET]
Art historian Andrew McClellan discusses the importance of deaccessioning for museum collections. [via Apollo Magazine]
Biologists recently learned of two frog species with glowing bones...spooky!? [via Science]

Imperial War Museums has digitized hundreds of hours of footage from the NATO film collection. [via Imperial War Museums]
The Library of Congress celebrates the tenth anniversary of BagIt! [via LC Blog]
Oral historian Kate Dahlstrand reflects on conducting oral history interviews with fellow military veterans. [via Contingent Magazine]
![Historian Pamela Henson Listens to Oral History Interview, 1977, Smithsonian Institution Archives, SIA RU000371 [77-365-04A]. Historian Pamela Henson Listens to Oral History Interview](,/0/default.jpg)
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