- The Flickr Commons group always has interesting conversations about the photographic gems from various institutions on the Commons. We just added a recent discovery to this thread on “personal connections” made with photos on the Commons—we were contacted by the future child of the little boy above.
- If you haven’t heard yet, you likely will soon: the New York Times has a new photo blog, Lively Morgue, featuring photographs from their archives.
- The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum has launched a new blog in anticipation of the Space Shuttle Discovery’s acquisition and arrival.
- A beautiful interface: Old Maps Online—as the name suggests, an easy-to-use resource allowing the user to browse many beautiful and detailed historic maps by typing a place-name or by clicking in a map window [via Digital Humanities Now].
- We were reminded that our friends at the Society of American Archivists have a plethora of useful resources, including this guide on using archives for effective research.
- The difficulties of preserving footage of protests, and a project that aims to teach protestors to protect and preserve the videos that they shoot [via @DavidRowntree]:
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