- Librarians at the White House Historical Association have digitized 25,000 previously uncatalogued slides! [via CNN]
- In case you missed it, the blog, Missing Scientists' Faces, shared 28 days of African American female scientists during Black History Month. [via @MissingSciFaces]
- Check out some of the Digital Public Library of America's primary source sets for Women's History Month. [via DPLA]
- Spring is springing early on our D.C. campus — first up, saucer magnolias in the Haupt Garden! [via Smithsonian Gardens]
- Now that the 2018 Winter Olympics is over, see what the Olympic's archivist is doing to capture the event. [via SAA]
- The Dallas Cowboy cheerleader uniforms are now part of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. [via CBS DFW]
- Make some beats inspired by nature with BeastBox, a new project from Cornell's Hip Hop Collection and Lab of Ornithology. [via Cornell News]
- The National Library and Archives Canada is investing heavily in opening their First Nations resources by hiring 7 Aboriginal archivists to work with communities and give more control over materials documenting their cultures. [via CTV News]
- Watch Smithsonian geologist, Ben Andrews, recreate volcanic eruptions in our Experimental Volcanology Lab...with baby powder and lasers! [via WAPO]
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