- The Hirshhorn and neighboring areas are enveloped in polka dots, and we love it. [via Washington Post]
- A new African American history treasure trove; digitized post-Civil War 'wanted ads' searching for love ones separated by slavery. [via NPR]
- 11 African American inventors (including the Smithsonian's own Regent, Dr. Shirley Jackson) who changed the world. [via Mental Floss]
- The case for saving arts funding in the U.S. [via NY Times]
- Volunteer coders stepped up to save NASA's earth science data. [via Wired]
- The complete works (25K photographs) of 19th century photographer, William Henry Fox Talbot, now online. [via Hyperallergic]
- The tiny library that operates in both the U.S. and Canada. [via Atlas Obscura]
- The European Space Agency has adopted an Open Access policy! [via ESA]
- 7 new earth-sized planets have been discovered. [via Smithsonian Magazine]
- Facial recognition software may help save endangered lemurs. [via Verge]
- The story of Sally Hemmings, and other slaves at Jefferson's Monticello, will be represented at the historic site. [via Washington Post]
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