- Beautiful frosty photos from The National Library of Wales on the Flickr Commons [via indicommons].
- The new “Flash!” feature on Field Book Project blog highlights photo gems from the Smithsonian’s field book collections.
- Interesting potential: museums using Pinterest and Instagram to highlight photos of and from their collections [via @cjceglio].
- In time for MLK Day week: thousands of never-before-seen documents from Dr. King and other key figures are now available for viewing on the The King Center Imaging Project , and Temple University has a new online civil rights archive: Civil Rights in a Northern City: Philadelphia [via INFOdocket].
- A big week for Wikipedia: they celebrated their eleventh birthday and joined many all over the web in blacking out its website for 24 hours to protest potential internet piracy legislation.
- Introducing Ask Smithsonian—a new Smithsonian magazine feature that will answer a handful of reader-submitted questions in each issue:
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