Thankful edition!
- Artist Gabriel Dawe makes rainbows. [via Bored Panda]
- Our Arts & Industries building, the 1st U.S. National Museum, amazes many who visit the National Mall. Learn more about it!
- Some key things you should know about American Indians from the director of our National Museum of the American Indian. [via Washington Post]
- Colombian singer Carlos Vives is donating one of his handcrafted guitars to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. [via Billboard]
- A new podcast about the "truly intrepid" from Atlas Obscura, starting with the story of an Arctic balloonist.
- In D.C. for the holidays? Check out the 187.63 carat Foxfire diamond at our National Museum of Natural History, the largest diamond found in North America. [via Smithsonian Magazine]
- The growing interest in the history of hip hop, and how university archives are rushing to save it before it disappears. [via Boston Globe]
- Maya Angelou on how a library saved her life. [via Brain Pickings and NYPL]
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