The Museum of Chinese in America is on day 14 of MOCA 40 Stories, a series celebrating 40 years since the museum’s founding. [via Museum of Chinese in America]
Christmas for marine biologists, also known as #SeaSlugDay, took place yesterday. [via Monterey Bay Aquarium]
The Naming Project reconstructs details about the life of Betty, an 18th-century woman who was enslaved at James Madison’s Montpelier. [via Madison’s Montpelier]
A “Behind the Uniform” video segment from the Museum of Modern Art features the doodling practice of MoMA security officer Brian Wilson! [via MoMA Learning]
This week, attend a virtual screening of three short films from the National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Pearl Bowser Collection! [via Rhea Combs]
Revisit highlights--or full sessions--from the now-concluded American Women of Science symposium! [via Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative]
How about some “Tales from the Tombstones” for your Halloween weekend? [via American Antiquarian Society]
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