Pages from the notes and description of specimens collected on the Philippine Expedition of the Steamer Albatross, circa 1908. Smithsonian Institution Archives, Acc. 16-213, Image no. SIA2017-024551.

Link Love: 10/30/2020

Link Love: a weekly post with links to interesting videos and stories about archival issues, technology and culture, and Washington D.C. and American history.

The Museum of Chinese in America is on day 14 of MOCA 40 Stories, a series celebrating 40 years since the museum’s founding. [via Museum of Chinese in America]

Christmas for marine biologists, also known as #SeaSlugDay, took place yesterday. [via Monterey Bay Aquarium]

Colored sketch of a Discodoris boholiensis, which looks like a sea slug.

The Naming Project reconstructs details about the life of Betty, an 18th-century woman who was enslaved at James Madison’s Montpelier. [via Madison’s Montpelier]

A “Behind the Uniform” video segment from the Museum of Modern Art features the doodling practice of MoMA security officer Brian Wilson! [via MoMA Learning]

This week, attend a virtual screening of three short films from the National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Pearl Bowser Collection! [via Rhea Combs]

Revisit highlights--or full sessions--from the now-concluded American Women of Science symposium! [via Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative

How about some “Tales from the Tombstones” for your Halloween weekend? [via American Antiquarian Society

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