Hot Air Balloon Ascent on Mall, 1972, by Harry B. Neufeld, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 11-009, Image no. 72-5902-21.

Link Love: 10/18/2019

Link Love: a weekly post with links to interesting videos and stories about archival issues, technology and culture, and Washington D.C. and American history.

After forty years, NASA has updated its spacesuit fashions! [via Reuters Science]

Guion S. Bluford at the NASM

The Native Land project maps the Indigenous territories that comprise the world's land. [via Popular Mechanics]

A team of artists retrofitted defunct call boxes with monuments to historic D.C. women. [via WAMU]

Andrea Hart of London’s Natural History Museum discusses the 19th-century “color guide” used by Charles Darwin. [via Washington Post]

Recent additions to the Internet Archive include thousands of playable computer games! [via infoDOCKET

Find the best leaf peeping with the Washington Post’s new interactive. [via Forest Service NW]

British Museum curator Hugo Chapman shows off some (18th-century) hot (air balloon) tickets. [via Max van Balgooy]

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