Aldabra Tortoise at National Zoological Park, 1973, by Francine Schroeder, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Acc. 11-009, Image no. 73-9474.

Link Love: 10/11/2019

Link Love: a weekly post with links to interesting videos and stories about archival issues, technology and culture, and Washington D.C. and American history.

National Museum of the American Indian, 2004

A new app guides DC’s tourists through spots that commemorate indigenous history. [via Thomson Reuters Foundation]

The National Zoo has welcomed two baby tortoises! [via National Zoo]

Aldabra Tortoise at National Zoological Park

A Washington Post op-ed laments the “dire state of the D.C. Archives.” [via Kim Bender]

A Library of Congress blog post features some wildly entertaining 18th and 19th-century board games. [via Library of Congress

Thanks to a public domain map, archaeologists have identified dozens of ancient Mayan ruins! [via New York Times]

A new browser extension will drastically increase your daily art consumption. [via Nikhil Trivedi]

You may know how web archiving works--but what does it look like? [via infoDOCKET]


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