Postcard for NMAI Groundbreaking Ceremony, 1999, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Acc. 08-089, Image no. SIA2013-07854.

Link Love: 1/31/2020

Link Love: a weekly post with links to interesting videos and stories about archival issues, technology and culture, and Washington D.C. and American history.

Hopeful news: after a five-alarm fire, the Museum of Chinese in America is cautiously optimistic about recovering its archives. [via Gothamist]

Sarah McClendon Visits Hall of News Reporting

This week’s motherlode of newly-digitized materials includes the early records of the American Federation of Labor... [via Library of Congress

...a newspaper atlas from the Oceanic Exchanges team... [via Dr. Emily Bell

...almost 100,000 item records from the National Museum of the American Indian... [via Smithsonian Voices]

Postcard for NMAI Groundbreaking Ceremony

...maps to tickle the fancy of any fan of the Upper Midwest... [via Minnesota Historical Society, South Dakota State News]

...and over 5,000 pamphlets documenting Latin American history. [via Harvard Library]

Not impressed yet? Check out the National Archives’ Record Group Explorer to see just how massive a feat digitization can be. [via U.S. National Archives]

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