Help us ID Old Washington DC Photos on the Commons!

Recently, we uploaded a new set of photos by Martin A. Gruber of Washington, DC from the early 1900s to the Smithsonian’s Flickr Commons. Yesterday, we added new photos to that set, and now we need your help!

Are you a DC'er? Do you like Google Street View? All of the photographs in the slideshow above are of unidentified locations around Washington, D.C.from this Flickr Commons set.  So, come on over to the Flickr Commons and take a stab at helping us identify these unknown locales around the city! Just leave your (educated) guess in the comments below any of the unidentified photos!


An example of a successful Then and Now DC comparison by Pixel Wrangler, of "Charles Sumner School ( Also, if you have the photo bug, and are living or traveling in the DC area, we’re putting the call out for “Then & Now” photos for this set too! For those of you not familiar with “Then & Now,” you simply choose an old photo of DC from the Martin A. Gruber set, then take your own photograph at the same exact location, or as close to the same spot as possible (for examples, check out the “Then & Now” group on Flickr). We would love to compare and contrast, and to see what these DC locales look like now! Post the results in the comments of your chosen photo in the Martin A. Gruber set and upload your image to the Smithsonian Through Your Lens group on Flickr! We’ll feature the best images in an upcoming blog post. We look forward to seeing what you come up with—happy hunting!

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