Each Monday, we’ve asked you to sit back, relax, and ease into the work week with puzzles created from images in our collections that have been designated as open access. We’ve had lots of fun over the last year, and while we’ll no longer be posting puzzles every week, look out for some new ones every few months on the blog.
For our final weekly puzzle post, put together this scene created by the Smithsonian Office of Horticulture, now known as Smithsonian Gardens. On this day in 1976, the Institution’s first major horticultural display in the form of the Victorian Garden opened to the public in the South Yard, behind the Smithsonian Institution Building. The elaborate parterre, pictured here, was inspired by one section of the garden at the Horticulture Hall at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.
The Original
The Puzzle
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