H. G. Dyar bluebook 158 - 196

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The notebook documents Harrison G. Dyar's observations and collecting of insects. Covers specimen numbers 158-196 (December 1889 – August 1890 noted) and is entitled “Descriptions of Lepidopterous Larvae continued from Blue Book, 158 - 196”. Entries are headed with number (BB#), followed by reference to vegetation, sometimes location. Descriptions are often accompanied with dates; these often entail characteristics (appearance, color, size, measurements) of specimen relating to life cycle. Insect identifications are sometimes at the end of the entry. There are sketches in insect anatomy, references to catalog numbers, and loose inserts with additional specimen information. Locations related include Florida (Palm Beach, Jacksonville) and New York (Ulster county).

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  • New York
  • Palm Beach
  • United States
  • Ulster
  • Florida
  • Jacksonville


  • Fieldbook record
  • Field notes
  • Sketches

Accession #

SIA Acc. 12-447

Collection name

Harrison G. Dyar Note books, Department of Entomology, 1882 - 1925

Physical Description

1 field book

Physical Location

National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Dept. of Entomology


Box 1 Folder 3

Always bring this Book. Descriptions of Lepidopterous Larvae continued from BLUE BOOK 158 to 196. RHINEBECK, N.Y.
BB 158 10 ON a vine tendril bearing, cork stemmed round leaf. Palm Beach, Fla. Dec 1889. [[underline]]Hatched Dec 25[[/underline]] Head round, yellow testaceous with a few black hairs. Body yellow with 6 longitudinal rows of elevated spots bearing black hairs. [[underline]] Moult Dec 28 [[/underline]] Head pale yellow, shiny eyes & mouth black. two black spines from vertex with black hairs. Body shiny ochre, greenish on dorsum, with rows of black spines bisect by hairs [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] in s-d space. [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] superstigmatal [[circled]] 3[[/circled]] in sub-ventral sp. This on 5 - 12 On the rest cervical spot black, bisected, bet 2 & 3 bet 3 & 4 superstig. spines; on 3 & 4 s-d spines; joint 13 has 2 pair s-d ant. 8 superstig. post. [[underline]] Moult Dec 31 [[/underline]] Head pale yellowish. the spines & four spots & jaws black. The spots are on each side of [[triangle]] plate above it and over the eyes. Body whitish
on dorsum, yellowish beneath, with many black spots. Spines and cervical spot black and furnished with fine hairs Legs spotted ^ [[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] black Length 8mm [[underline]] Moult Jan 3 [[/underline]] Head white, marked as before a few black hairs. Body white, many rather large black spots. The base of subventral spines 2 spiracles surrounded by orange. Spiracles black. Venter greenish Tips of thoracic feet black, abdominal semitransparent greenish orange, with 2 black marks, claspers whitish. Spines as before, black. An elevated black spot above base of each thoracic foot. L. 15mm [[underline]] Moult Jan 6 [[/underline]] Head as before, a black line on posterior portion, concealed by joint 2. A few short black hairs. Body white as before. The spots are a dorsal row & 5 alternating rows on the sides the last subventral. Venter greenish Leg dull orange with black marks. Length 20mm. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] Pupa (by tuft) Jan 10 [[/underline]] With appendages 2 flanges as described by W.H. Edw. [[underline]]Imagines[[/underline]] Heliconia charitonia.
[[double underline]] Copied Apr 22 '90 [[/underline]] Copied Dec 18 '90 159 Hesperid larva on Alternanthera flavescens, Palm Beach, Dec 27, 1889. When young make house as E, proteins but turns the part under usually. Large, spins up several leaves. [[checkmark]] Head as large as any part of body cordate, dull black, closely covered with short white hairs. [[checkmark]] Palpi & mouth brownish & pale. Joint 2 is very small. Not more than half as high as head, thence the body thickens to about joints 8 & 9 & then tapers somewhat to extremity. It is of about uniform width except joint 2 which is very narrow. Body has a slight subventral fold. Upper half of joint 2 covered by a pale brown cervical spot. Body dirty greenish yellow with many pale yellow spots segregated to form an obscure s-d line. A dark dorsal shade. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] enclosed in a leaf by few threads Cremaster fastened in some transverse threads. Resembles in shape pupa of Eudamus. Eyes prominent pilose, A brown elevated spot above them back of antenna case. Color dull yellow, covered by a white bloom Cremaster flat & hairy. [[underline]] Image Jan 14 [[/underline]] Pholisora hayhurstii.
160 newly hatched? on notched leaf weed, Palm Beach, Dec 27, '89. Eggs eaten. [[underline]] Larva [[/underline]]. Long for thickness, all semi-transparent whitish, green food seen through. Length 2 mm Retracted bet. segs. Spins some patches of web on leaf [[underline]] Moult Dec 30 [[/underline]] Same. Black s-d spot on points 3 & 4. Length 8mm. [[underline]] Moult Jan 5 [[/underline]] Same. Eyes & jaws brown, spots on joints 3 & 4. Length 18 mm. Has row of s-d diffuse red-brown spots nearly connected to form band & brown marks on head. J. Jan 9 in silk, spinning up leaf. [underline]] Pupa Jan 11 [[/underline]] Slender, head rather small. Light brown red, cremaster long thick dark brown spine. No imagines [[end page]] [[start page]] 161 On Crotalaria sp. Dec 28 '89 Palm Beach Head orange red, paler in the sutures, band above mouth white eyes black. mouth brownish, a few black hairs. Body orange, a large irregular black patch centrally on each seg. extending over dorsum between the stigmatal bands, largely replaced by 8 white spots, 2 dorsal of which the anterior is longitudinal, the post. transverse, & 3 in s-d space, following around the edge of the black patch. The spots are smaller and less separately defined at the extreme segments. An interrupted white stigmatal band. Black & white spots in subventral space. Thoracic feet black, ringed with white, and abd. outwardly black. Venter with transverse yellowish streaks. Each seg. has 10 elevated spots in two [[end page]]
alternating rows bearing a single long white or black hair, but spots in subventral space carry 2 or more hairs. Length 23 mm. On Jun 5, spun considerable thin web of white silk in center of which pupate Jan 6 [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] depressed behind thorax, abdomen arched. Wing cases prominent posteriorly Abd. punctured. Wing cases very slightly creased. Color light shiny reddish brown, marked with black on antennae cases, leg cases and on veins of wing cases, on collar & 6 streaks on thorax. A somewhat irregular transverse band on each abd. seg. connected subdorsally & avoiding the black spiracles. Cremaster several long spiny hairs set rather far apart. [[underline]] Imago Jan 19 [[/underline]] Deiopeia bella [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] BB161A [[/underline]] On Sophora tomentosa. Head black, a few white hairs. Body orange few long white hairs from black elevated spots surrounded by white, gathered together subdorsal & 2 subventral cervical spot & anal plates marked black & white. Joint 13 has dorsal, s-d & subventral connected by white. Feet black abd. outwardly. [[underline]] Moult Jan 2 [[/underline]] As BB161 but head still black and orange down dorsal line, [[dividing ?]] the spots & stig. band yellowish white. [[underline]] Web Jan 12 [[/underline]] (no pupa) [[underline]] BB161B [[/underline]] On same plant. Head black, body greenish. Web, but no pupa. (from memory) [[underline]] vars [[/underline]] of preceding? No! [[underline]] Mecyna reversalis [[/underline]] HGD Apr 9 1900 [[end page]]
[[Note: vertical red line through text]] 162 Partly curls up leaf of red-stem-orange-leaf & spins web over the top. Palm Beach Dec 28/89 Head orange, palpi whitish, jaws eyes & ends of palpi black. A few rather long pale hairs. Body tapers posteriorly, semitransparent shiny dull greenish showing the inside parts, with a s-d 2 & stig. orange yellow band. Cervical spot nearly white with many irregular black spots. On joints 3 & 4 are a pair and on 5 - 12 two pair of black spots in s-d. sp. edged with white having centrally a white spot in which is an elevated black spot bearing a fine white hair. On 12 is a single dorsal black spot with a double crescent white mark and the anal plate on joint 13 is like cervical spot. On joint 2 ant. stig. are a few black spots and 2 ant on 4 in stig. sp. There is a row [[end page]] [[start page]] [[vertical red line in center of page]] of similar black, white edged spots above stigmatal line and 2 in sub-ventral space. the upper row of which is doubled on joints 3 & 4. placed in stig. line. the bases of the legs are similarly ornamental & there are corresponding spots on the legless segs., supplemented by 2 small black ones on the ventra. Thoracic feet black. L 30 mm [[/vertical red line in center of page]] [[underline]] Cocoon Dec 31 [[/underline]] spun in leaf several thicknesses of web. [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] Antennae cases extend beyond others over abd. separate from it Pale brown, cases darker. (no imago) [Find plant [[/underline]] 'Fiddle wood' [[underline]] Citharexylum villosum [[/underline]] (det. by Mr. F. Kinzel) [[underline]] Moth [[/underline]] Bred by Mrs. Slossan and presented to me April 23 1896. Cat. no. 12109 {Mine Miami Fla. Jun 1898 Out. Feb 26 1898 Cat. no. 14919 [[red ink]] Epi. Mellinalis [[/red ink]]
[[underline]] Sent [[/underline]] 163 See [[underline]] Insect Life [[/underline]] vol II, page 361 On rubber tree, Ficus pedunculata, at Palm Beach, Fla Dec 29, 1889. Mature. 1) [[underline]] Young [[/underline]] Moult [[underline]] Jan 16[[/underline]] Mature. Head 3 mm 2) [[underline]] Young [[/underline]] Head 1.7 mm [[underline]] Moult Jan 29 [[/underline]] Hd. 2.2 mm [[underline]] Moult Feb 4 [[/underline]] Hd 3 mm [[underline]] Coon Feb 10 Pupa Feb 12* [[/underline]] found several larvae and made [[underline]] 1st stage [[/underline]] Hd. 4. [[underline]] 3rd stage[[/underline]] Hd. 7} [[underline]] 2nd stage[[/underline]] Hd. 5. [[underline]] 4th stage [[/underline]] Hd. [[large end parentheses in right margin, joins lines: 1st stage - 4th stage]] [[underline]] Larva [[circled]] A [[/circled]] 1st stg [[/underline]] Hd. 4 [[underline]] Moult Feb 21 [[/underline]] Hd. 5 [[underline]] Molt Feb 24 [[/underline]] Hd. 7 [[strikethrough]][[underline]] Molt Feb 24 [[/underline]] Hd. 7 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Molt Feb 27 [[/underline]] Hd. 9 [[underline]] Molt Mch 2 [[/underline]] Hd 1.2 [[underline]] Molt Mch 7 [[/underline]] Hd 1.6 (dead) [[underline]] Larva [[circled]] B [[/circled]] 4th? stage[[/underline]] Hd. 9 [[underline]] Molt Feb 21 [[/underline]] Hd 1+ [[underline]] Molt Feb 24 [[/underline]] Hd. 1.6 [[underline]]Molt Feb 28 [[/underline]] Hd 2.3 [[underline]] Molt Mch 6 [[/underline]] Hd. 3 (dead) Width heads by calculation:- [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] .40 [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] .53 [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] .69 [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] .89 [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] 1.16 [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] 1.6 [[circled]] 7 [[/circled]] 2.2 [[circled]] 8 [[/circled]] 3 mm [[underline]] * Imago Jan 13 [[/underline]] Scepeis edwardsii [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] Sent [[/underline]] 164 See [[underline]] Entomologia Americana [[/underline]] vol. VI, pg. 141 Sphinx on Carica papaya, Palm Beach Dec 30, '89. Eggs; young larvae. A mature larva [[underline]] Jan 2 [[/underline]], pupated soon and gave imago [[underline]] Jan 26[[/underline]]. [[underline]] Egg hatched Jan 4 [[/underline]], [[underline]] Moult Jan 8 [[/underline]], [[underline]] Moult Jan 12 [[/underline]], [[underline]] Moult Jan 17, Moult Jan 24[[/underline]], Mature. [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] after Feb 1 and [[underline]] Imago [[/underline]] Mch 11. Dilophonota edwardsii A [[image-sketch]] [[end page]]
[[Note: red line through entry]] 165 On Melothria pendula. Palm Beach Dec 30 '89. Spins kind of house. Head pale green, the Δ plate long. Mouth whitish, eyes black, Body shiny leaf green with s-d white line. Spiracles small, whitish. L 13 mm The body is rather short and fat, cylindrical; but tapering, most decidedly, towards anal end. Furnished with a few short hairs. Pupa (BB169) Head pointed, smaller at neck, narrower than body. Eyes somewhat prominent. Body slender cylindrical, tapering to cremaster ^ [[insertion]] which is [[/insertion]] flat below, rounded above, of nearly uniform width but rounded at the end, with a bundle of a spines fastened in a silk of cocoon. The antennae & legs cases for a flat projection beyond the wing cases separated from the abdomen [[end page]] [[start page]] extending nearly to the last abd. segment. Body minutely wrinkled, wing cases nearly smooth. Color, light brown, last seg. nearly black [[underline]] Cocoon [[/underline]] of silk in a rolled leaf. [[underline]] Imagines [[/underline]] Cat. nos. 4516, 4518, 4529. Margaronia infimalis Gn [[end page]]
166 Geometrid eating into head of weed of [[underline]] BB160[[/underline]], Palm Beach, Dec 30. Feet on joints 2, 3, 4, 10 & 13. Segments projecting laterally as in Eugonia armantaria Color yellowish green, minutely granulated. Joints 5 - 9 have s-d & j13 dorsal, a brown excresence, resembling dead skin. Length 4mm [[underline]] Moult Jan 2 [[/underline]] Same, but lateral processes are green branching spines and dorsum is much roughened. Next day the lateral processes had same brown wrinkled appendages of varying length & detachable. [[underline]] Moult Jan 7 [[/underline]] Same. Creased & granulated Length 8mm. (dead) [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] BB166A [[/underline]] On weed [[underline]] Jun 28[[/underline]] Head pale brown. minutely pilose. Body as in above but light brown with black shades & interrupted dorsal line. Two reddish points ant. on joints 3 - 9 [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[note: overlay of figure Greek statue of woman]] [[blue pencil]] OCT 14 1893 [[/blue pencil]] [[strikethrough]] & 13. Body minutely granulated; other elevated reddish spots laterally & fine hairs. Joints 5 - 9 have sub-dorsal processes composed of peices of dead leaves etc. The larva applied several peices of green leaf to its [[obscured by picture]] which subsequently withered; also [[obscured by picture]] ces of paper from label. Length [[obscured by picture]] mm Width head 1 mm [[underline]] Cocoon [[/underline]] of [[obscured by picture]] back spun together [[c made ?]] on [[obscured by picture]] the tumbler. [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] Pale wood [[obscured by picture]] blackish dorsal line, a point [[obscured by picture]] each eye, a line on antenna cases & eyes blackish. Indistinct brownish shades & spots over pupa. Cremaster spinose Length 8mm. [[underline]] Imago Feb 18 [[/underline]] Cat. no. 4581. [[/strikethrough]]
166 Geometrid eating into head of weed of [[underline]] BB160, [[/underline]] Palm Beach, Dec 30. Feet on joints 2, 3, 4, 10 & 13. Segments projecting laterally as in Eugonia armantaria Color yellowish green, minutely granulated. Joints 5 - 9 have s-d & j13 dorsal, a brown excrescence, resembling dead skin. Length 4 mm [[underline]] Moult Jan 2 [[/underline]] Same, but lateral processes are green branching spines and dorsum is much roughened. Next day the lateral processes had same brown wrinkled appendages of varying length & detachable. [[underline]] Moult Jan 7 [[/underline]] Same. Creased & granulated Length 8 mm. (dead) [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] BB116A [[/underline]] On weed [[underline Jan 28 [[/underline]] Head pale brown. minutely pilose. Body as in above but light brown with black sahdes &interrupted dorsal line. Two reddish joints ant. on joints 3 - 9. [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[overwrite]] Oct 14 1893 [[/overwrite]] [[strikethrough]] & 13. Body minutely granulated; other elevated reddish spots laterally & fine hairs. Joints 5 - 9 have sub-dorsal processes. composed of peices of dead leaves etc. The larva applied several peices of green leaf to itself which subsequently withered; also some pieces of paper from label. Length about 12 mm Width head 1 mm [[underline]] Cocoon [[/underline]] of stuff on back spun together & made on the side of the [[t?]]. [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] Pale wood brown, a blackish dorsal line, a point above each eye, a line on antenna cases & eyes blackish. Indistinct brownish shades & spots over pupa. Cremaster spinose Length 8 mm. [[underline]] Imago Feb 18 [[/underline]] Cat. No. 4581. [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]]
167 Noctuid on weed, Palm Beach. Jan 6, 1897 All legs present but walks something as looper. Joint 12 enlarged as in Noctuidal Head , triangular plate & mouth plate dull white; next a black band edged with brown & white mottlings which extend down side of head. Palpi pale whitish. A few black hairs. Body above spiracles pale yellowish brown much mottled & shaded with dark brown Mainly segregated in subgraduate alternating confluent patches. + distinct dorsal & fainter e-d pale yellow interrupted line edged with dark brown, on joint 12 appearing as pale brown spots edged with white. In S-d sps. 3 white spots per seg. the middle one highest, asn above spiracle a yellow spot. On joints 2,3,4, & 13 these spots assume more the shape of a transverse [[end page]] [[start page]] line & are all small & white. Cervical shield spotted with white. An irregular white stigmatal line edged with brown. Spricales black with white center resting partly in broad pale ocherous faintly with brown. Two rows of whitish piliferous subventral dots on 5-12, only one on 2,3,4, & 13, that on 2 large & elevated. Venter dull pale brownish, marked with dark brown. Slight spots on legless segments. Thoracic feet blackish. Length 25 mm [[underline]] coccon [[/underline]] in ground Jun 10 (No pupa)
168 Egg laid by [[female symbol]] D. berenice, Palm Beach Fla. Jan 11, 1890 about noon. Conoidal, vertically ribbed and finely transversely striated. Color cream white. Danais berenice. [For 169 see 165] [[end page]] [[start page]] 170 On pepper grass seeds, Palm Beach Fla Jan 11. '90. Head & thoracic feet black. Body pale whitish brown, paler at spiracles & venter. Four rows of black elevated spots bearing long black spines in S-d space, stig. sp., stigmatal and subventral sp., the last two only slight. Length 6 mm. [[underline]] Pupa Jan 15 [[/underline]] By cremaster in silk on side of tumbler projecting. Head small eyes prominent thorax sloping abruptly to head. Body slender & flexible, 3 flat thin elevations over head. Cases form a point separated from abdomen. Thorax hairy, color dirty, yellowish white greenish on cases; horn stripe down side. (No imago) [[end page]]
[[double underline]] copied Mch 29, 90 [[/double underline]] 171 See [[underline]] Canadian Entomologist [[/underline]] Vol XXII fg. 211 Hesperid larva allied to Endamus on Mangrove tree (Rhizophora mangle) Palm Beach to Figulus Fla. Jan 14 '90. Later seen near Lake North inlet & at Jupiter. Builds house like E. proteus. At last stage spins together two or more leaves. Larvae were found 2.5 mm head, 3.8 mm head, & 6 mm head, the last mature. Also pupae and batched egg shells. Image Jun 17 (pupa) and others. Erycides batabano [[end page]] [[start page]] 172 Lencarctia acraea? on weed Palm Beach Fla. Jun 18. '90. Head black upper part of S plate, [[strike]] narrow plate [[/strike]] labrum , [[strike]] palpi [[/strike]] antennae & lower part of mouth with post. part of head, yellow a few hairs. Width 2.5 mm. Body mottled with black & yellowish the latter color bright in dorsal line & wide stigmatal band, elsewhere dull & grayish. Warts as in Arctiinae, these in subdorsal space (rows [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] & [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]) and on legless segs below (row[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]) black, the rest orange. Hair thin, fine, long & black. Legs black the tips yellow. Spiracles white. Length 37 mm [[underline]] Molt Jan 20 [[/underline]] Head same , width mm. Body black , mottled paler s-v & venter Hair from s-v warts brown. Spiracles white. Thoracii feet black & white; abd. black claspers whitish. Otherwise as before. [[underline]] Cocoon [[/underline]] Jan 28. [[underline]] Imags [[/underline]] Feb 18 [[symbol]] Lencarctia acraea.
173 Sphinx on tomato vine, Palm Beach, Fla Jan 18, '90. Head round, green of leaf, shagreened. Mouth & palpi paler, eyes black 3. Width head 7 mm (The stage before 4 mm) Body same green little yellowish on dorsum with many small white speckles, sometimes obsolete. Annulated On joints 5 - 11 oblique lateral lines, white, edged above with short trans. black streaks, one between each annulet. These present also on dorsum continuing lateral lines except that joint 5 has them also and on 12 they are absent but the line continues white to horn. Horn curved, dark purplish red, bluish at base, length 8 mm Spiracles white, surrounded by a narrow black line & pale blue oval a dark shade outside, [[end page]] [[start page]] and crossed by a pale red band with spot centrally. The one on j. 2 plainer, all marks fainter, black spot absent. Thoracic feet white ringed with black; abd yellowish Subventral space & venter with black streaks in the folds. Length of larva 80 mm. [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] "handle" touching middle of cases. [[underline]] Imago [[/underline]] Phlegethontins carolina. [[end page]]
174 See [[underline]] Insect Life [[/underline]] vol. II, pg 360 On oleander, Palm Beach, Fla. Jan 20, '90. Hd. 2mm Stage before, Hd 1.5 [[underline]] 174A [[/underline]] Eggs on oleander Feb 1. '90. [[underline]] Hatched Feb 6 [[/underline]] Width head .4,,(?) [[underline]] Molt Feb 11. [[/underline]] Head .9mm. [[underline]] Molt Feb 17 [[/underline]] Head 1+mm (same as BB174) [[underline]] Imags [[/underline]] (174) Feb 13 Heads by calculation- [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] .5, [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] .8, [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] 1.1, [[circled]] 4 [[/circlee]] 1.5 [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] 2 mms. Syntorneida epilais [[end page]] [[start page]] 175 Noctuid hidden in grass with head against ant. abd. feet. Palm Beach Fla Jan 24 '90. Rests imbd up Thoracii feet well developed, their base elevated abd. only on 9, 10 & 13. Last seg. tapering; body nearly uniformly cylindrical. Head elliptical but broad at vortex, dark velvety brown, but D plate and a border to it extending from palfi & following central suture to touch body white with a few little brown streaks. At sides of head , especially in a stripe covering the eyes the brown is much replaced by white mottlings; eyes black, palfi white mouth parts semi-transparent whitish. Width 3.5 mm Body pale whitish ochre with broad s-d band of pale brown a narrow subventral one somewhat darker & a linear ventral band almost black,
These marks are all traversal by several guninate narrow, wavy & more or less obscure darker brown lines, especially prominent in s-d space & above spiracles. Bet. j 5 & 6, 6 & 7 the s-d band is interrupted by a velvety black spot with white shades at its edges which extend on dorsum. At these points the wavy line are more distinct. Spiracles small. dull black. Feet streaked with dark brown. A number of small white & black piliferous spots. Few hairs on head. Walks as loopers. Length 40mm (no pupa) [[end page]] [[start page]] 176 Egg on Carica papaya, Palm Beach Fla Jan 31 '90. Nearly hemispherical but slightly conoidal, base flat. Color pale whitish yellow, shiny. Drain .7mm Laid on underside of leaf in small lot not touching. [[underline]] Hatched Feb 3 [[/underline]] Head shiny pale whitish, mouth brown, eyes blacks. Width .3mm Body contrcted bet. segs. pale whitish with long whitish hairs arising from concolorons warts? Length 2.5 mm Head in vertex of egg when hatch. Eat shell. (Refused food plant & died)
[[sticker]] Can cut 26 18 1894 [[/sticker]] MS lost (?) by Riley not published HGD Sept 1893 Copied 6/18/90 [[NOTE: tops of both pages struck through in blue pencil]] Sept. 26 1893 177 Egg [[on window]] Palm Beach Fla, Feb 1 '90 Irregularly spherical, the base flattened Vertically striated, the striae becoming irregular near vertex where they meet. Color pale yellow. Diam. about .5 mm Laid in a flat mass, touching. [[underlined]] [[overwrite]] 1 [[/overwrite]] Hatched Feb 5 [[underlined]] Walk as loopers] Head round brownish. Body semitransparent whitish with purple tinge. Small black spots over body. Thoracic feet black; abd. only on 9, 10 & 13 well developed, concolerous with body Length 2 mm [[strikethrough]]Width head .2 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] .4 [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] about. [[/strikethrough]] Would only eat grass. Began to eat Feb 7, when grass was given. Green food seen through. Eat upper part of blade. As stage progresses cervical spot is brownish & there are narrow brownish s-d, lateral, stig & subventral lines. A few fine hairs. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] Moult Feb 10 [[/underlined]] Head semitransparent, almost colorless, but with a reddish tinge. Eyes black, jaws brown, a brown line at [[end page]] [[start page]] side. Width .6 [[insertion]] .6 [[/insertion]] mm (?) Body green, a distinct brown stigmatal line with 2 more above it fainter, one s-d, the others in stig. space & 1 below it in s-v space. Few short black hairs. Feet all concolorous with body. L 4 mm Eat the whole blade. Walk as loopers. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[overwrite]] Moult Feb 13 [[/underline]] Head shiny pale whitish. 2 faint brownish bands in front, divergent basally; a distinct band at side of head covering eyes succeeded by a fainter one before it. Mouth brownish. W. hd. .9 mm Body grass green with 5 dark brown lines on each side, the upper ones fainter, the stigmatal very distinct, & the subcutial diffuse. Between these last 2 is a broad white band. Venter more whitish than body. A few fine short hairs on head & body. Feet all present, but the 2 ant. pair of the abdominal muscle less well developed than the others and the larva still walks with a looping motion but less so. Length 7 mm. [[end page]]
[[This page 19 of 46 is the same as page 18 of 46 except that the sticker in the top left hand corner is folded up so the top line reads:]] Eggs on window, Palm Beach Fla, Feb. 1 90 [[For the rest of page 19 of 46 see page 18 of 46.]]
[[top three lines of both facing pages struck through with wavy blue line]] [[underlined]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Moult Feb 17 [[/underlined]] Head grass green shiny, marked as before, but mouth pale whitish. A few short black hairs. Width 1.3 mm. * Body grass green, a germinate dorsal brown-ish line, continuing the front lines of head; a pale obscure s-d & super-stig. line each edged with brownish above; a broad dark brown stig. band, and below it the sub-stig. fold is white. Thoracic feet semitransparent, abd., claspers brownish. Spiracles on 2 & 12 are white. L 9 - 13 mm.) As the stage advances a broad brownish red band appears in the center of the white sub-stig. band & the other marks become fainter. J. 12 slightly enlarged as in Noctuidae. * or [[underlined]] more rarely [[/underline]] Head very pale whitish brown, marked as above. Body reddish brown, somewhat mottled with darker brown. A germinate dorsal line & 6 fainter various lines between dorsal line & sub- stigmatal band which [[checkmark]] is as above. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[overwrite]] Moult Feb 20, Brown form. [[/underline]] Head very pale brownish marked with black in Δ plate, 2 broad lines divergent basally & 3 bands at the side, connected by mottlings ^ [[insertion]] also above [[insertion]] Eyes black; jaws brownish, palpi pale. A few hairs. Width head 2 mm Body pale brown mottled with dark brown, more thickly at dorsal, s-d, & super-stig. lines. A s-d. row of brown spots, smaller at extremities. Faint, narrow, irregular, double whitish, s-d. & super-stig. lines. Broad pinkish brown sub-stig. broad edged both sides with white ^ [[insertion]] extending on feet of j. 13. [[/insertion]]. Several small black piliferous spots. Spinacles white those on 2 & 12 large. Abd. feet nearly equally developed, larva walking in usual manner: claspers pinkish, & small white spot above base of foot Length 15 mm [[underline]] Green form [[/underline]] Head pale green, marked same but fainter. Eyes black, mouth pale. Body grass green, finely mottled with white [[end page]]
[[Note: Blue lines through entry tops of both pages]] Faint, narrow, irregular dorsal, double s-d & super-stig. white lines. Broad sub-stig. band as in other form. Piliferous spots white & black. Spiracles as above. Claspers of abd, feet brownish (The brown form comprises nearly 1/2 at ^ [[insertion]] this [[/insertion]] stage). [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Feb 24 [[/underline]] Head shiny pale whitish brown, palpi & mouth paler, jaws tipped black; eyes black. Down front of head are 2 broad black bands diverging basally on either side Δ plate, & ending before reaching mouth. These are connected by mottlings with a fainter band before the eyes on each side. Behind the eyes are 3 more bands, irregular & partly connected. An obscure white band from base of palpi to meet sub-stig. of body.) Few hairs. [[checkmark]] W. .3 mm. Body pale brown mottled with black & a little white on dorsum, the latter mostly in narrow dorsal, s-d, & traces of other lines, & showing a s-d. row [[end page]] [[start page]] of black diffuse spots, more distinct on middle segs. Sub-stig. band pinkish edged with white, extending onto anal feet. Piliferous spots few, white, but black on venter & small. Spiracles white, edged with black, [[strikethrough]] largest on 2 & 12. [[/strikethrough]] Feet tipped with brownish. L. 22 mm at mat.? ground color is rather paler than sub-stig. band nearly the same color as body & containing blackish marks Length 40 mm. (All died in sudden file fluid and no pupa. May be little Nocturid on window of that is [[female symbol]]. Cat. No. 4550) [Headscale. ① .4, [[insertion]] .3 [[/insertion]] ② .6, ③ .9, ④ 1.3, ⑤ 2, ⑥ 3.] No 4550 is Agrotis incivis. [[end page]]
[[red pencil]] May 4 1900 VI [[red pencil line down page]] [[/red pencil]] 178 On Iponicaea [[underline]] sp. [[/underline]] Lake Worth Inlet, Feb 6 1890. Head white with irregular black spots, the largest of them forming a transverse line above Δ plate; mouth black. A few black hairs. Width 2.2 mm Body has pale orange dorsal line edges with purplish black; then bluish white band with faint brownish streaks in center; then pale ocherous s-d band edged as dorsal; then pale lilac space; then irregular white super-stig. band, edged as dorsal, the lower edging interrupted. Broad orange stigmatal band edged below with white & purple black line. S-v. space & legs dull whitish gray; venter white. Lines partially obsolete on cervical spots & anal plates. Elevated black spots, each with black hairs - viz. 2 rows on cervical spot; row in s-d. space; [[end page]] [[start page]] [[Note: portion of entry covered by notepaper]] Out from Nassau 1898 [[underline]] Anticarsia ferruginea [[/underline]] [[8m?]] on joints 3 & 4 two spots coalesced; on [[rest of entry covered by following note:]] On thick leaved sea bean Nassau N.P. Feb 8 1898 =BB 178 (On Iponicaea at Palm Beach that died without eating) [[image of insect]] Setal normal for Noctuidae vi of c-[[eh?]], pre-spiracula of 2 iia & iib rudimentary; v of thorax and iv of abd. smaller; leg plate setae very small. Long, slender, 2 [[ant.?]] [[pair?]] of abd. [[fl.?]] ! reduced, then [[?]] [[pair?]] (7) [[mast?]] so. D & stig lines orange blotched edged narrowly with [[veins / or veinous?]] [[/end note]] [[end page]]
[[red pencil]] May 4 1900 VI [[red pencil line down page]] [[/red pencil]] 178 On Iponicaea [[underline]] sp. [[/underline]] Luke North Inlet, Feb 6 1890. Head white with irregular black spots, the largest of them forming a transverse line above Δ plate; mouth black. A few black hairs. Width 2.2 mm Body has pale orange dorsal line edges with purplish black; then bluish white band with faint brownish streaks in center; then pale ocherous s-d band edged as dorsal; then pale lilac space; then irregular white super-stig. band, edged as dorsal, the lower edging interrupted. Broad orange stigmatal band edged below with white & purple black line. S-v. space & legs dull whitish gray; venter white. Lines partially obsolete on cervical spots & anal plates. Elevated black spots, each with black hairs - viz. 2 rows on cervical spot; row in s-d. space; [[end page]] [[start page]] Out from Nassau 1898 [[underline]] Anticarsia ferruginea [[/underline]] [[sm?]] on joints 3 & 4 two spots coalesced; on the rest 2 spots per seg.; on joints 3 & 4 small s-d. spot per seg; smaller super-stig. & 2 per seg. stig. and on 2, 3 & 4 large s-v. one; on joints 5 - 13 super-stig. one per seg., sub-stig. situated posteriorly. 1 per seg. & subventral row, 2 per seg. Upper anal plate has 2 rows of small spots. Feet spotted with black. All feet present, but larva humps itself when it walks. Length 25 mm [[underline]] Moult Feb 8 [[/underline]] (refused food & died) [[?wd]] is [[underline]] Canavalia obtusifolia [[/underline]] [[end page]]
On thick leaves sea bean Nassau N.P. Feb 8 1898 = BB 178 (On [[?]] at Palm Beach that died without eating) [[image of insect]] Setae normal for Noctuidae vi of c-[[?h]], pre-spiracular of 2 iia & iib rudimentary; v of thorax and iv of abb. smaller; leg plate setae very small. Long, slender, 2 ant. pair of abd. feet reduced, the ant pair (7) [[?]] so. D. & [[st?]] lines orange blotched edged narrowly with various [[end page]] [[start page]] [[red line down center of page]] brown; s-d & super strg. [[?]] likewise lined, space between d. & s-d whitish - between s-d.& super strg. purple shaded - super strg. & strg. touching - s-v space purple shaded, v & vi black, feet pale. D. tubercles white with black rings. Hd. whitish, purple reticular & with a few large balck dots. W 1.3 [[underlined]]Shed Feb 10 [[/underline]] Hd 2.1 [[underlined]] Shed Feb 15 [[/underlined]] Hd 2.8 whitish, black spotted & purplish joint reticulation Brownish cream color d. sd orange, doubly black edges, diluted before edge; a faint shade between. Lat (iii) & stig. coincident divided & black line & edged [[?]], [[?]] white, a red dot above iv in stig. space between s-d & lat = to either & dark brownish. Sub stig again coincident, white rightest. s-v & [[?]] dark [[?]] uniform, slightly lined [[end page]]
[[preprinted]] Royal Victoria Hotel, S.S.MORTON. PROPRIETOR & MANAGER. [[drawing of hotel]] Cable Address, "Morton, Nassau." New York Address, Care of Hotel Gazette, 945 Broadway. Nassau, N.P., Bahamas, .....................189 [[/preprinted]] [[?]] white with black ring and center, setae distinct dark normal. [[?]] is slender 13 tapering. Sits on [[?]] very quiet. Eats at night [[underline]] 5 Feb 22 [[/underline]]
copied in common larva book 7/24/90 179 On plum? Jacksonville† Fla. Mch 2 '90 and on peach Linwood Hill* April '90 [[underline]] *Eggs [[/underline]] laid in mass around twig & covered with frothy brown substance smooth & shiny outside] Egg much higher that wide, flattened on several sides as if pressed together. Rounded at base & flat on top (?) color brownish white. They adhere together by the substance with which they are covered. Height .7 mm; width about .4 mm [[underline]] April 19* [[/underline]] In little nest on branch Head .4 mm, round, black with a few hairs. Body black, paler on dorsum & bet. joints, giving appearance of transverse paler bands. Dark dorsal line. Few pale hairs. L .5 mm Ant. edge of joint 2 nearly white. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] April 22* [[/underline]] Head .6 mm, dull black. Body black, variegated with pale whitish dorsally but bearing a [[end page]] [[start page]] black dorsal line, a row of large s-d black spots. Sides paler black with 2 fine wavy pale lines. Hair few black most abundant at extremities. Joint 2 shows s-d small black process. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] Stage 3 .9 mm head † [[/underline]] Head black, mouth little paler [[mark]] Body black, with obscure & interrupted dorsal line. A line next it distinct, two wavy lines above & below the absent s-d, stigmatical & s-v, all white, running together between the segs. partly obsolete on last & joints Legs black, venter gray, few hairs over body. length 8 mm. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Stage 1 .3 mm hd. † [[/underline]] On hawthorne (?) head velvety black, narrow plate & base of palpi slightly paler. Body black, a bluish white dorsal line its edges uneven. Next it a yellowish mottled band, a s-d. row of obscure bluish spots, above & below which is a white band mottled with the ground color, & below fainter [[end page]]
mottlings, but showing stig. & s-v. band. Venter gray. J. 12 humped. Short & [[?]] sparse hair on body whitish. L. 13 mm [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] March 2 † [[/underline]] in nest. Head 2 mm. Velvety black, pilose, a few long black hairs. Base of palpi & narrow line above mouth white. Skin of j 2 slightly folded over head, white anteriorly. ) Joint 12 somewhat enlarged dorsally. Body has pale brown hairs growing from skin. Most numerous from subventral space. Body black, a white dorsal line joints 3 - 12 fainter post. speckled with black & bordered first by a faint crinkly black line & then by an orange colored bank rather irregular & a little notched by black. A s-d row of blue spots (3 - 12 ) 2 per seg. less anteriorly, succeeded above & below by a narrow irregular & interrupted orange tinted line with white mottlings in the folds bet. sets. These mottlings obtain below s-d [[end page]] [[start page]] lines to & on venter. On s-v. space they are suffused with brownish. Spiracles black. Legs black with brown hair L. 30 mm [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] March 7 [[/underline]] Head 3 mm as before but the orange colored band is more broken up in the long. streaks the blue spots are more distinct, the ant. one [[image]] the post. [[image]] the lines above & below them are orange & the mottlings blue. Hair more abundant, pale brown. Cervical spot yellowish centrally. [[underline]] Cocoon † [[/underline]] of silk, rather thin but [[?]] shape. Larva concealed by yellowish opaque liquid which dries in powder on inside of cocoon. [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] Cylindrical, [[?]] abd. segs. rapidly tapering the last rounded, no cremaster color black. Body pilose appearing covered by bloom (white matter from coon) Cases with ant hair black. L. 20 mm Clisiocampa Americana?
[[note at top of page]] .3 .6. .9. 1.6 3 calc 4 6 1.0 1.6 2.4 Copied 2/5/91 180 (ominverous) [[above first line of text]] [[end of note]] An [[sweet?]] bias May 3, 90. Linwood Hill Head shiny pale yellow, mouth orange, eyes black. W. .3 mm Loops. and [[feet?]] dist. only on 9, 10 & 13. Body whitish appearing green from food within, with many black, filiferous dots. Length 4mm. Joint 12 a little swollen, central [[spot?]] as head but [[fainter?]], [[underline]] Molt May 7 [[/underline]] [[written above date]] II [[/written above date]] Hd. shiny whitish. Eyes black mouth brown. W.6 mm. Body dark green above, paler below, [[lumnifed?]] at 12, & feet [[stig.?]] white line, the latter broad & blending below with color of [[veriters?]]. [[underline]] Molt May 12 [[/underline]] [[written above date]] III [[/written above date]] hd. dull pale yellowish white, eye black, mouth brown. W .9mm. Body same color but more yellow, showing green from included food. A clear ant dorsal, 2-d, & broader sub stig. line [[end page]] [[start page]] below the latter the body is paler. In s-d sphere 2 white spots per set each with a minute black center. Feet on 7 & 8 rather better developed . L 11mm [[underline]]Molt May 19 [[/underline]] [[written above date]] IV [[/written above date]] Head dull pale whitish mouth a little brownish eyes black, ringed with white, a few bale hairs. Partly under [[skin?]] of [[p?]] 2, Width 1.6mm. Body pale semitransparent yellow [[showing?]] green. Dorsal s-d & [[strikethrough]] [[illegible word]] [[/strikethrough]]. Stig white lines, the lower larger & bordered above with dark green. White [[filivivi?]] dots with minute black center, [[short?]] open seg. in each of the spaces. Feet all present nearly equally developed, Join 12 [[evlayed?]] L. 15 (Dead) [[underline]] Another [[/underline]] [[writen above "another"]] VI? [[/written above "another"]] Head 3mm mouth brownish eyes black. Green a few [[bars?]]. Body yellow green speckled with pale yellow. A yellowish white dorsal line, a faint c [[broken?]] s-d, A narrow stig below [[sporadic?]] on j2 8 12, above on the rest [[carat]] extending [[/carat]] on on [[oval?]] feet. Spirals white with fine black oval all feet. L 30mm [[starting at end of line and continuing into right margin]] Another whitish green speckled white lines white but sig. yellowish [[/starting at end of line and continuing into right margin]] [[line leads from previous note to top of page where an illegible note is written upside down]]
Entered ground [[underline]] June 4 [[/underline]] [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] (desc July 6) Cylindrical abd segs. slightly tapering, Cremaster 2 [[?]] sharp spines divergent. Body punctured Color red brown darker in the suture on the back. L. 16 mm In cell in ground - not deep. On dorsum post to each of 3 movable seg. & ant post to the one before then a row of large deep punctures, becoming smaller towards the sides & not reaching beyond dorsal half. Cases wrinkled. [[underline]] Imago [[/underline]] Jan 10, 1891. Cat. No. 5344 Taeniocampa alia (JBS) [[underline]] Another [[/underline]] Feb 13 1891 [[end page]] [start page]] 181 On [[long?]] May 30, '90. Noctuid, Head whitish orange, mouth ^ [[insertion]] & eyes [[/insertion]] dark. W. .4 mm Body whitish, [[f?]] showing green, shiny with many small black piliferous dots Feet on 9, 10 & 13. Loops. L. mm. Rather long and slim. Joint 12 little enlarged. [181A Head whitish with mouth darker and a black shade above it. Eyes black. W. .6 mm Body whitish green, a dorsal subdorsal & stig. narrow white line Feet all present. L. 8 mm] [A [[underline]] Moult May 31 [[/underline]] No shade over mouth. Head whitish green as before W. .9 mm. Body same L.] [[underline]] Molt June 1 [[/underline]] Head pale orange, mouth dark eyes black W. .6 mm. Body green with black piliferous dots. D. s-d & stig white lines the lower wider. Length 7 mm Loops but feet ^ [[insertion]] present [[/insertion]] [A [[underline]] Molt June 4 [[/underline]] Hd. shiny greenish white, mouth brownish, eyes black in white rings partly under skin of j. 2, few hairs. W. 1.6 mm Body pale yellowish white ^ [[insertion]] later green [[/insertion]] d. s-d & stig [[end page]]
one in stigmatal space later quite distinct and an interrupted^ white lines & traces of line in s-v sp.^ A number of white piliferous spots scattered over body ^ [[insertion]] later 1 per seg in s-d sp. [[/insertion]] Joint 12 little enlarged. Spiracle white in horn oval. Claspers of abd. feet brownish. L 12 mm. All feet present.] [[underline]] Molt June 5 [[/underline]] Hd. brownish, mouth orange eyes black. 2 large round black spots on each side not quite touching, one above the eyes, the other before it & a little lower than it beside Δ e.g. ●Δ●. W. .9 mm Body blackish green, a narrow dorsal white line, narrow s-d. line followed by a black shade to the broader stig. line. Feet pale, claspers of abd. pinkish. All feet Joint 12 enlarged. L. 10mm. Venter whitish [[underline]] Molt June 8 [[/underline]] Hd [[strikethrough]] dirty whitish. [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] pale brown [[/insertion]] with a few minute faint brown flecks. Mouth and eyes brown. Round black spots as before W 1.5 [[insertion]] [[?]] [[/insertion]] mm Body as before but black shade extends also a little above s-d line and it through [[insertion]] out [[/insertion]] somewhat mottled. Stig. line obscurely double. Spiracles ^ [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] white in [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] Hds by calc [[/underline]] ① [[underline]] .4 [[/underline]] { [[underline]] 181 [[/underline]] .4 { [[underline]] 181A [[/underline]] -- ② [[underline]] .6 [[/underline]] { [[underline]] 181 [[/underline]] .6 { [[underline]] 181A [[/underline]] .6 ③ [[underline]] 1.0 [[/underline]] { [[underline]] 181 [[/underline]] .9 { [[underline]] 181A [[/underline]] .9 ④ [[underline]] 1.6 [[/underline]] { [[underline]] 181 [[/underline]] 1.5 { [[underline]] 181A [[/underline]] 1.6 ⑤ [[underline]] 2.4 [[/underline]] { [[underline]] 181 [[/underline]] 2.4 { [[underline]] 181A [[/underline]] 2.4 ⑥ [[underline]] 3.6 [[/underline]] { [[underline]] 181 [[/underline]] 3.5 { [[underline]] 181A [[/underline]] 3.5 fine black [[?]] venter & feet pale. L. [A [[underline]] Molt June 8 [[/underline]] Hd pale green, mouth white [[insertion]] jaws black [[/insertion]] eyes black on white ground. A few dark hairs. W. 2.4 mm Body translucent green ^ [[insertion]] a little mottled white [[/insertion]] a dorsal s-d & stig. sharp edged white lines, a little interrupted. On 5 - 12 in s-d space on each seg. a white spot with minute black piliferous center, a broken white line in stig. sp. and another more continuous in s-v. sp. A few short hairs L 20] [[underline]] Molt June 12 [[/underline]] hd. pale brown, darker in the sutures & around mouth palpi pale Black spots as before but supplemented by a very small one above the front spot. W 2.4 mm body above greenish ^ [[insertion]] later pale brown [[/insertion]] but thickly mottled with black especially in stig. space. & narrow interrupted dorsal 7 traces of s-d whitish lines. A broad white stig band replaced by greenish ^ [[insertion]] later pale dirty whitish with white flecks [[/insertion]]. Spiracles edged finely by brown. Legs concolorous with venter. [[underline]] [A Molt June 15 [[/underline]] Head as before except no [[end page]]
The stig & line in s-v sp. seems like the edges of the usual broad stig. band} Spiracles small in ^ [[insertion]] narrow [[/insertion]] edge white around eyes. W. 3.5 mm. Body as before but more spotted with white. The stig. line is narrow & passes onto the anal feet. The lines all go on joint 2 to the head but end at middle of anal plate. Length 30 mm.] [[underline]] Molt June 17 [[/underline]] Hd pale brown, darker in the sutures around Δ and still darker around mouth. [[strikethrough]] Palpi [[/strikethrough]] Ant mouth pale: [[strikethrough]] jaws [[/strikethrough]] Maxillae dark. In front and at sides of head above a large patch of black diffuse mottlings occupying the places of the round black spots of previous stage, connected. Few hairs. W. 3.5 mm. Body enlarged at joint 12 Feet all present mottled with brownish white & black showing traces of d & s-d ^ [[insertion]] narrow [[/insertion]] white lines A broad pale stig. band ^ [[insertion]] not on anal feet [[/insertion]] a little speckled with black & white. Venter pale dirty whitish a little speckled with black & white Spiracles brownish with narrow black edge. Feet pale dirty whitish the tips brownish. A few short hairs. Length 30 mm [[end page]] Cervical spots anal plate with a brownish tinge. [A [[underline]] June 20 [[/underline]] entered ground.] The top of joint shows 2 small confluent black spots (1 each side dorsal line) and at maturity the whole color fades some [[underline]] Entered ground [[/underline]] June 27 [A Another found June 29 on V. [ [[staminumemeum?]] ] [[should be stamineum]] Dig [[insertion]] Moth?? [[/insertion]] Dig up piece of pupa skin Sept. 12. Abd segs. punctured ant. Cremasters 2 very slender ^ [[/insertion]] slightly tapering [[/insertion]] long || spines, curved down towards the end & terminating in a little knob rolled outward. Each side from near the base of the spines laterally springs a little fine hair, divergent at first but curving in beyond the middle & nearly touches the cremaster, ending in a knot. (rest of pupa gone) [[end page]]
182 Egg laid by [[female symbol]] Eudamus tityms June 16, 1890 Spherical but a little elongate, the base flat, vertically ribbed ending in a little circle around summit ^ [[insertion]] with little round elevation in center [[/insertion]] & very minutely transversely striated. Diameter .8 mm [[underline]] Hatched June 24 [[/underline]] Head round, black, sparsely pilose Width .6 mm. Body contracted at joint 2 which is dark brown above, the rest dirty yellow L. 2.5 mm. Put on leaf of vine and made house [[underline]] Molt June 28 [[/underline]] Hd black, punctured W. 1.1 mm Joint 2 shiny black. Body Body pale green dotted with yellow. with ochre at the sides of joint 13. Thoracic feet black. Length 6 mm [[underline]] Molt July 2 [[/underline]] Head subcordate punctured dark purplish black. W 1.8 mm. C spot on upper half of joint 12 same color but shiny. rest of j 2 crimson. Thoracic feet black. Body dull yellow, thickly speckled with small yellow dots [[end page]] [[start page]] but leaving a darker dorsal line, the sides of the last 2 segs. touched with ochre. Body tapers a little posteriorly Abd. feet concolorous body. L. 10 mm [[underline]] Molt July 7 [[/underline]] Hd nearly round, shagreened dark purplish black, jaws shiny black Before whitish eyes a large round buff patch. W. hd. 2.5 mm Body as before and [ [[write over]] A [[/write over]] Another hd 1.7 mm. [[underline]] Molt [[/underline]] Hd. round, strongly depressed on top, shagreened, pilose, as above eyes black however. W. 3.2 Body dark green with small yellow granulations and many yellowish transverse narrow streak over the dorsum, on each seg. a black band || to the streaks, broadly interrupted on the dorsum and supplemented by a spot in subventral region. and traces of two more narrower parallel bands. Last seg. orange, without ^ [[insertion]] much [[/insertion]] black. Joint 2 crimson its spiracle & shiny c-spots black. Tho. feet of j 2 dull crimson, the other reddish, abd little yellowish, venter pale green [[end page]]
[[underline]] Molt Aug 5 [[/underline]] Hd dark red brown, densely granulated, minutely pilose. A large round wavy spot each side mouth. Jaws black, eyes pale on black ground W 4.7 mm Body C-spot stig dark wine red rest of j 2 carmine Spiracles black. Body yellow with many transverse pale grayish lines becoming irregular in stigmatal region. On each seg a trans. black band, replaced by grayish on dorsum & broken above spiracles. Spiracles black venter pale. The feet on joint 2 dark crimson on 3 & 4 dirty orange. One the abd segs coppery red. Anal plate tinged with orange. They gray bands tend a little to black at the sides. [[underline]] Coon Aug 22 [[/underline]] leaves held together by thread [[underline]] Pupa Aug 24 [[/underline]] Cylindrical, thorax robust, wing cases large, eyes prominent, thorax arched, depressed behind it, abd segs rapidly rounded ^ [[insertion]] especially [[/insertion]] from below, last seg blunt cremaster long & large, turned down and fastened by its terminal hooks in trans. threads other of which [[?id]] pupa. An elongated velvety black spot above the eye, & another smaller one above & in line with this. each side. Color red brown, rather light on body, obscured by a dull greenish striae on thorax cases, closely covered by fine black [[strikethrough]] radiate [[/strikethrough]] lines [[?fully]] in 2 [[?]] longitudinal & transverse, the body thickly dotted with black. Cremaster black. L 22 mm W 8mm [[underline]] Imago [[/underline]] March 5 1891 Eudamus tityrus [[end page]] [[start page]] 183 Eggs laid by Spilosoma virginica June 18, 1890. (Laid in [[insertion]] (on window curtain) [[/insertion]] in small patches on back of leaf). [[underline]] Egg [[/underline]] obtusely conoidal, the base flat. Shiny but appearing minutely punctured. Color yellow. Diam. .7 mm. [[underline]] Molt [[/underline]] Sept 28. Hd pale testaceus, largely black except in sutures, labrum, mouth. [[insertion]] & antennae pale; shiny. W 32 Body pale dull brownish speckled with blackish, dorsum (s-d sp) & venter black. Warts ④ sub stig post ⑦ present also on 13 ant. but very small - large pale (dark on venter) Hair abundant of irregular length foxy red, blackish near head. The feet pale Spiracle abd. shiny black ant. white [[/insertion]] [[line]] [185 cont] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 3 [[/underline]] Hd green, sutures of Δ pl & 2 lines || with these above & eyes black mouth pale ant 2 singed black, jaws blackish W 3.4 mm Body green in [[?]] showing whitish at s-d lines A broad brown stig band edged with white [[?]] plainly below. Feet brownish, spiracles whitish in finer black ring. Spines many barbed tipped [[?]] hairs green, the tips black. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 10 [[/underline]] Hd green, labrum, outside of jaws & antennae whitish, jaws & eyes black W 5.1 Body whitish green immaculate, a broad brown stig band, 5 - 13, spotted minutely with yellowish & very distinctly bordered below with white. Spiracles white in a narrow black border. The feet testacious, tipped with brown Abd testaceous outwardly with many paler elevated piliferous spots, & blackish above claspers. A s-v (bet legs) row of subter-ingular brown patches containing greenish piliferous spots. Branching spines green, tipped with black [[underline]] Began to coon Aug 28 [[/underline]] [[end page]]
Hds by calc ___ ___ .4 .6 .9 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.7 (3.4) (4.3) We have .4 .6 1.2 1.5 2.1 2.7 (3.4) (4.4) 184 On liner June 19, '90. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 1 [[/overwrwite]] H. carae? [[/underline]] Head black & shining a little chordate vertically. W .4 mm Body dull white, cervical spot & warts black the latter bearing a few hairs. C. spot & anal plate straight before rounded behind. Warts ① small 5 - 12 ant ② s-d ③ lateral only 1 large one on 13 ④ minute in s-v space whole length L. 2.5 mm Eat half of ^ [[insertion]] front or [[/insertion]] back of leaf a rest there. [[underline]] Egg shell [[/underline]] a little more than hemispherical smooth. .7 diam. Laid in masses ^ [[insertion]] of 200 or about [[/insertion]] on under side [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] Molt June 24 [[/underline]] Hd cervical spot & anal plates black & shiny. W hd .6 mm Body as before, now ① almost in line with ②, ④ sub-stig. ⑤ little elongated above bases of legs and others on legless segs. Body white, hair scanty, longest at extremities L .5 mm [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Molt June 29 [[/underline]] Head cervical spot & anal plate black & shiny. Labrum & base of palpi pale. W. hd [[1?]] mm. [[insertion]] (1.2 from shed head little) [[/insertion]] Body white warts black as before. Hair longer, white, warts as before. Length 6 mm. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 5[[/underline]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] Molt June 24 [[/underline]] Hd black. W. 1.5 mm [[insertion]] (1.5 from shed head) [[/insertion]] Body white c-spot, warts & anal plates black, warts ① 5 - 12 ant. ② s-d ③ superstig ④ minute stig-[[?]] to spiracle ⑤ & ⑥ two rows in s-v space same on all segs but j 13 where is only one ⑦ 4 small ones on venter of legless segs and on joint 13 anteriorly Hair white, a thin black pencil from wart ③ on joint 5 and some long black one from post. segs. Length 8 mm. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 11 [[/underline]] Hd black polished labrum & bases of palpi pale. W 2.1 mm. [[insertion]] (less 2.5) (little [[quote?]] 2) [[/insertion]] Body as before but from warts of row ① grow thin short pencils of black hair meeting over the back, and from row ③ on joints 5 and 11 a long pencils of black hair [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 7 [[/overwrite]] Molt June 18 [[/underline]] Hd as before W. 2.7 mm. [[insertion]] (3 - 2.5+) [[/insertion]] Body as before but with black spots laterally ^ [[insertion]] & ventrally [[/insertion]] and in sutures bet. segs. Hair white, dorsal tufts & s-d pencils as before but larger Feet black, claspers of abd. brown. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 8 [[/overwrite]] Molt June 28 [[/underline]] Hd shiny black, Labrum [[end page]]
(From shed hd 3.55) & cases of antennae white. W 3.4 mm Body white, warts black. A number of later al black spots & venter nearly all black & transverse bands in seg. sutures. Hair white. tufts & pencils black & a few black band from j. 13. Hair not dense enough to hide body. Anal plate black. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 9 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 10 [[/underline]] Hd black shiny labrum & bases of antennae white W. 4.4 [[/insertion]] or 4.6? [[/insertion]] mm Body white, the warts [[?]] & a number of singular marks black venter largely black. Hair white, keeled along dorsum & containing thin 8 black tufts On 5 & 11 ^ [[insertion]] from ③ [[insertion]] a s-d thin black pencil& on 2, 4, 12 & 13 [[strikethrough]] ^ [[/strikethrough]] a few long white hairs ^ [[/insertion]] a few black from 13 [[/insertion]] The hair is so thick as to obscure the body except at the lateral region. (Sept 3 [[?]] all dead) [[images]] On linden Van Cortlandt Park N.Y. June 15 1896. Just hatching and webbing leaf. On e iia fused to I, separate on 4. vi present on abd, no subprimaries on thorax; vii & viii present. Skin covered with fine dense cuticular points. viii with w hair on legless segs, 3 on leg shields. Shed June 21- [end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Jolt Jun 28 [[/underline]] Hd black labrum base of palpi & border to Δ pl above white. Brown post. & laterally w 2.6 mm Body light red brown traces of d- distinct s-d white line & broad stig. band edged above & below by white lines pale [[?]] body. Spiracles white [[?]] black, [[?]] [185] black & white. Anal plate concolorous (Some had nearly all brown). Some get pretty green, spun green Eggs [[?]] e-light June 1890. Flattened at the sides lateral outline [[insertion]] [See under 183] [[/insertion]] oval [[image]], vertical elliptical [[image]] subpyriform, the broadest or upper end a little depressed centrally with a small round central black spot. Color pale yellow on flattened sides and in a narrow ring around the black spot. Elsewhere white. height (from spot to point) 1.6 mm. Width (through white) 1.5 mm. (through flat sides) 1 mm. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 1 [[/overwrite]] Fresh on ash July 1 [[/underline]] Color bright white, yellow [[?]] brownish. [[insertion]] [[underline]] Hatched J 3 [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] Hd shiny black. W.8 mm Body with [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 5 rows of prickle bearing spines All ^ [[insertion]] dark [[/insertion]] setae yellow, the [[strikethrough]] prickles [[/strikethrough]] spines black. 2 1/2 mm Long eat the whole leaf at first stage. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 10 [[/underline]] Hd black or brown, black in front shiny W 1.2 mm. Spine dorsal, s-d, & stig yellowish, the numerous prickles black. Body blackish ocher, a faint yellow stig. line [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 8 [[/underline]] He black & shiny, labrum Body W 1.7 mm [[insertion]] (1.5+, 2-) [[/insertion] body light brown [[NOTE: further entry overwritten vertically, as follows:]] with double dorsal single subdorsal and super stigmatal white lines, A [[?]] reddish, stig band, a shade darker than ground color the spines of rows ① & ② are longer than ③ On joint 3 only 2 rows and an extra spine on anal plate Spines black then branches whitish but tipped with black anal plate black. [[end page]]
copied 8/8/90 186 Egg laid by [[female symbol]] Coelodacys leptinoides? [[insertion]] Found eggs like these on hickory [[underline]] Hatched [[/underline]] Larvae also eaten [[/insertion]] rag from Pk e-light, [[underline]] June 24, 1890. [[/underline]] Shape of 2/3 of a sphere, flat below, outline from above circular, minutely punctured, shiny very pale greenish yellow. [[checkmark]] D. 1 mm [[underline]] [[overwritten]] 1 [[/overwritten]] Hatched July 1 [[/underline]] Head depressed t vertex pale greenish, ^ [[insertion]] yellow [[/insertion]] the lower third shaded dirty brownish. W. between .5 [[insertion]] .5 [[/insertion]] & .6 mm Joints 5 & 12 are slightly elevated dorsally and are crimson. [[insertion]] The [[/insertion]] Body bears small warts ^ [[insertion]] 1 per seg row [[/insertion]]. [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] ant. in s-d sp. 5 - 12 [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] above [[/strikethrough]] s-d [[strikethrough]] line (if was one) and ^ [[insertion]] those on j 2 larger than others [[/insertion]] 3 more rows laterally ^ [[insertion]] [ & one on bases of legs [[underline]] mat [[/underline]] ] [[/insertion]] all small and bearing a [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] few hairs. Body yellowish green s-v space except on 6 & 13 crimson, ^ [[insertion]] & joints 5 & 12 [[/insertion]]. Feet black except anal pair [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] & these [[/insertion]] are elevated Length [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] after [[/insertion]] hatching [[checkmark]] 2.5 mm. (gave hickory) [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] July 4 [[/underline]] Hd. rather higher than wide the lobes acutely rounded. Very dark wine, blackish on the flattened front. W. .9 (?) [[insertion]] .8 [[/insertion]] mm Body a little enlarged [[end page]] [[start page]] a [[?]] larva in 3rd or 4th stage on hickory. .5 .8 1.5 (1.3) 2.1 3.3 dorsally on joints 5 & 12 which with the ventral & lateral region are dark brown Dorsum brownish yellow brighter on J 3 & 4 and [[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] a yellow patch of Δ shape [[insertion]] on j 10 & 11 [[/insertion]] ending abruptly at end of j 11. Warts [[checkmark]] as before, small [[checkmark]] with a few hairs [[checkmark]] [[insertion]] L. 5 mm [[/insertion]] As stage advances the whole body becomes dark reddish brown finely mottled with yellow especially so at the sides of j 3 & 4 and dorsally on 6 & 7. On j 10 a small light yellow oval patch touching on j 11 a longer hemispherical (base [[image]] first) similarly colored spot containing [[checkmark]] 4 partly confluent brown spots [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] July 8 [[/underline]] Hd pale brownish mottled with brown. A broad dark brown vertical stripe [[insertion]] from [[/insertion]] each side [[insertion]] of [[/insertion]] of the mouth running to the apex of lobe once dentate inwardly above the middle. Δ pl & labrium [[checkmark]] pale W. 1.5 mm [[insertion]] 1.3 [[/insertion]] Body pale brown heavily mottled with dark blackish brown especially on a broad dorsal band on joints 2 - 4 and laterally 5 - 10. On 3 & 4 laterally a [[end page]]
subquadrate paler patch yellowish above similar yellowish mark dorsally on 6 & 7 and the Δ yellow patch on 10 & 11 as before A dorsal process on 5 surmounted by 2 tubercles, slight ones similar on 8 & 9 & 12 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 2 lateral ^ [[insertion]] & 2 sv [[/insertion]] rows of minute tubercles & 4 on J 13 [[checkmark]] (i.e. 2 per seg s-d) A few minute hairs. L. 10 mm A whitish ventral band on last segs. As stage advances the lateral brown marks on 5 - 10 fade into the ground color leaving a narrow black s-d line ^ [[insertion]] & [[/insertion]] all the yellow marks [[checkmark]] except those on 10 & 11 [[checkmark]] disappear [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 12 [[/underline]] Hd ^ [[insertion]] shaped as before [[/insertion]] very pale brown thickly and evenly mottled with little crinkly lines of dark brown. Δ pl & labrum pale, jaws red brown. A few hairs. W. 2.1 mm [[checkmark]] a Dorsal process on J. 5 long. 1 in front a little sloping behind, surrounded by two whitish tubercles each bearing a hair. [[?]] i8 a slight elevation on 9. a larger one [[?]], and similar one on 12 are a little larger than that on 8 each surmounted by 2 tubercle which with those on the other sigs form row ① of the first stage [[?]] [[?]] ^ [[insertion]] The lateral ones also [[/insertion]] present, small, whitish, each bearing a hair [[checkmark]] Body is pale brown mostly with dark brown evenly, like the head, except that on joints 2, 3, 4 is a broad dark horn dorsal band * on 6 - 11 a narrow s-d line, & on dorsum J 6-8, are oblique horn lines on each seg. post to while the color is paler. The yellow patch on 10 & 11 is Δ on 10 as before on 11 divided into 3 spots the outer ones elongate the post small & rounded. Venter nearly black [[end page]] [[start page]] 187 ^ [[insertion]] [[?]] the confluence of the mottlings a broad pale greenish ventral band. Thoracic feet ^ [[insertion]] pale [[/insertion]] brownish testaceous. Anal elevated another at rest. a [[strikethrough]] Body thickest at joint 9. [[/strikethrough]] * On sides on joints 2-4 the ground color is of a slightly less yellowish brown than elsewhere. [[X]] (in spec. [[?]] net pale brown, almost whitish As also on last segs. each side dark red. band) [[checkmark]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 16 [[/underline]] Hd higher than side, slightly depressed at vertex. Marked as before jaws bases of palpi & eyes red brown W 3.3 mm [[insertion]] (3.5- 3+) [[insertion]] Body on joints 2 - 4, 6, 11 & 13 not as high as top of head. Dorsal process on 5, long & large its surmounting pair of tubercles pointing forward J 7 - 10 [[strikethrough]] segs [[/strikethrough]] enlarged dorsally, 8 & 9 with ^ [[insertion]] double [[insertion]] process 9th longer but both about [[?]] 5. A slight ^ [[insertion]] double [[/insertion]] one on 12. Surmounting tubercle [[checkmark]] brown, tipped white & each bearing [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] a hair on back of head & [[insertion]] in a [[insertion]] broad d. band J 2 - 4 a dark brown ^ [[insertion]] edged with whitish [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] also narrow s-d lines 5 - 11 Rest of body colored as head, [[checkmark]] except angular mark on [[?]] which is almost the same shade [[checkmark]] (over) [[/insertion]] Egg laid by [[female symbol]] Halisidota tessellata Poughkeepsie electric light June 24, 1890 [[underline]] Egg [[/underline]] Very obtusely conoidal being very nearly a little more than hemispherical, the base flat. Smooth shiny, color pale green. Diam. .7 mm, Height .6 mm [[strikethrough]] Laid singly? [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] 189 [[underline]] calc 43. 54. .68 .86 1.07 1.34 1.68 [[underline]] 2.1 [[/underline]] 2.6 3.2 2.80[[?]] we have [[ partly erased?]].3+ .4 .6 .9 1.1 1.3[[/partly erased?]] 2.10,, 2.34, [[underline]] 2.6 [[/underline]] 2.9, 3.2 v. 90 .3+ .4 .6 .9 1.1 1.3 1.6 2.1 2.3 2.6 3.1 [[line]] 188 (9) Egg of Rhodoflora Florida PK. e-light June 24, 1890. Shape of 2/3 sphere, base flat - smooth. Color shiny yellow Diam .1 mm. [[strikethrough]] variation in the depth of the [[strikethrough]] ground [[strikethrough]] color from blackish to pale brown. A large one nearly black had a white spot above post spiracle on j 11 and another smooth below before spiracle i.e. ② above s-d line ③ super stig ④ sub stig ⑤ & ⑥ subvental sp ⑤ little [[?]] ⑥ post. ⑦ small on vertex and a similarly colored shade under the s-d line below ^ [[insertion]] (s-d and lateral round of ^ [[insertion]] very [[/insertion]] small tubercles whitish each with a single fine hair. [[/insertion]] [[/strikethrough]] A broad vental pale whitish band with which [[?]] the feet are concolorous. Abd. concolorous with body [[checkmark]] spiracles pale grown in fine black ring. [[strikethrough]] Joints 12 7 13 are a little paler than the rest of the body and a pale shade passes up the back of process on 5. [[/strikethrough]] Length 27 mm [[strikethrough]] The larva presents a curious appearance when at rest. Through of nearly equal width [[?]] [[?]] its back is level from head to j4, then the long process on 5, after which the back rounds up, bearing the processes 8 & 9 and in then much depressed at 11 rising a little again at 12 and tapering down to anal feet. x The anal ^ [[insertion]] feet [[/insertion]] are not much used but usually rest against the leaf while larva is feeding In color and shape it much resembles a curled dead leaf of the hickory. The elevation of the back is assisted by the abd. feet being place close together. [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Coon July 22 [[/underline]] under leaf at surface of ground bet 2 leaves parchment like, nearly transparent, not porous [[underline]] Pupa July 27. [[/underline]] Cylindrical abd. segs quickly tapering capable of much motion, an elevation bet. the [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]] eyes bearing small tubercles: at post edge of thorax is a curved row of cutical granulations. Cremasters 2 parallel separate rather thick & bluntly spinose color shiny dark red brown Cases creased and body punctured but minutely. [[/strikethrough]] Copied 3/12/91 189 Little larvae on ash June 26, 1890. Half a leaf punked below, a number of skins and eggs eaten up. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] Second Stage? [[/underline]] Hd. pale whitish brownish in Δ pl. & at vertex. Eyes black W .4 mm Body whitish warts concolorous and hardly distinguishable, bearing long whitish hairs L 3 m (Head [[overwrite]] 1 [[/overwrite]] from shed skin less than .4 mm. Apparently greater than .3 (being over .2 1/2) the jaws brown. Impression of eggs on [[checkmark]] leaf diam .6 mm) [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] July 1 [[/underline]] Hd pale yellowish whitish, shiny faintly brownish at vertex, eyes black, jaws brown W. .6 mm body same color, warts small concolorous bearing [[checkmark]] long blackish hairs. [[checkmark]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] July 7 [[/underline]] Hd as before but not brownish at vertex W. [[insertion]] .9 [[/insertion]] 1 mm nearly. ( [[?]] -?) Body pale whitish semitrans. [[?]] [[?]] darker, Warts as before, hair whitish rather long L 8 mm [[checkmark]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] July 10 [[/underline]] hd pale [[st?]] color eyes black warts brownish W [[strikethrough]] 1.2 [[/strikethrough]] or 1.1 mm body as before, Hair whitish rather abundent [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] July 20 [[/underline]] As before Hd 1.3 [[insertion]] (1.5 - 1 1/4+) [[/insertion]] an orange [[end page]]
[[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] Robust, nearly straight along the ventral line, slightly contracted laterally behind the thorax abdomen large, rounded, the last segs rapidly tapering. Cremaster [[?]], short &thick furnished with many short knobbed spines. Thorax & cases creased, body [[continued on next page]] sparsely & densely punctured} Color [[?]] black, shiny} the spiracles pale reddish [[checkmark]]} s-d spot on j 12 [[?]] a [[much?]] joints [[checkmark]] one on j. 3. [[checkmark]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 7 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 26 [[/underline]] As before Hd 1.6? A blackish s-d shade band and row of segmentary white dorsal spots faint at extremities. Hair mixed with black, rather long. [[checkmark]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 8 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 31 [[/underline]] Hd. testaceous, jaws dark brown, eyes black W 2? [[insertion]] (W. hd 2.1) [[/insertion]] Body sordid greenish, mottled with black over the dorsum. a white ^ [[insertion]] d & super stig. [[/insertion]] line and pale stig shade. Spiracles white in fine black border. Warts large, concolorus hair rather bristly of irregular length. tawny brown mixed with blackish. On joint 12 and orange [[strikethrough]] s-d [[/strikethrough]] spot [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] around the wart ③ Tho. feet testaceous [[checkmark]]. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 9 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 3 [[/underline]] Hd brownish testaceous. Mouth pale eyes & jaws black. W. 2.4 mm. Body nearly black from the thick mottling, d & [[strikethrough]] s-d [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] super-stig [[/insertion]] white lines Spiracles white in narrow black line Tho. feet testaceous abd. black outwardly [[?]] orange spot before wart ③ on 12. Venter as black as body, warts large pale [[strikethrough]] whitish [[/strikethrough]] yellowish Hair fiery red mixed [[checkmark]] with blackish. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 10 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 11 [[/underline]] W. hd 2.6 mm Same exactly. [[checkmark]] ( D [[?]] hd 2.3) [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 11 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 23 [[/underline]] Hd testaceous brown [[?]] mouth & ant. pale W. 3.1 Body [[?]] black only merest traces of any lines, spines white. orange spots on 12 small. The feet [[checkmark]] brownish [[?]] claspers & [[?]] pale. Warts pale hair bristly, black, [[?]] [[?]] red no base. [[checkmark]] [[underline]] Began to coon [[checkmark]] Sept. 3. [[/underline]] of hair & [[?]] as Spilosoma [[underline]] Imago [[/underline]] March 12, 1891 Spilosoma latipennis [[male symbol]] [[end page]] [[start page]] By Calc (r = .8) ___ .4 .5 .7 .9 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.3 4.1 Have .4 .5 .7 .9 1.2 1.6 2.2 2.6 3.6 4.1 190 Eggs on chestnut June 26, 1890. About 150 conoidal but rounded under to the flat base e.g. [[image]] Smooth, shiny pearly yellowish white. Diameter .8 mm Hatched [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 1 [[/overwrite]] June 29 [[/underline]] Hd. shiny black subcordate mouth pale. W. 4 mm cervical spot blackish Body pale whitish with black hair from nearly concolorous warts arranged apparently as in Arctiidae L 2 Later warts become blackish, 5 rows anyway Hd c-spot anal plates black, Warts 5 [[insertion]] dark [[/insertion]] brown [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] July 2 [[/underline]] Hd shiny black, Δ pl. & mouth ^ [[insertion]] brown [[insertion]] W.5 mm Body dull dirty greenish, cervical spot & warts black, as in Arctiidae bearing black hairs. L. 5 mm [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] July 7 [[/underline]] Hd bilobed, black very shiny Δ pl & mouth brown, palpi pale W.7 Body faintly blackish, C-spot, anal plates & warts black. Hair black. L.7mm [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] July 11 [[/underline]] Hd polish black, Δ pl mouth pale W.9mm Body pale black, a whitish [[end page]]
dorsal line. Warts black bearing black hair but paler from joints 7 - 10 especially dorsally being a dull pale tawny [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 17 [[/underline]] As before W hd. 1.2 mm Body black, hair & wars black but hair on 7 - 9 reddish or tawny L. 12 mm [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 25[[/underline]] Regular little [[?]]. Head black W 1.5 mm [[insertion]] about (= 1l6 from shed bd.) [[/insertion]] bases of palpi white. Body black, the warts brownish on 7 - 9. Hair dense of very even length as if clipped except a few at extremities, black, but tawny brown on 7 - 9. Spiracles white; claspers abd feet brownish [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 29 [[/underline]] Same Hd 2 mm [[insertion]] (2.2 from shed hd) [[/insertion]] Body black finely speckled with white. The [[?]] patch narrows at the sides & does not reach below spiracles. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 8 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 5 [[/underline]] As before width hd 3.3 mm [[insertion]] (3+ 3.5-) [Shed hd 2.6 or 2.7] [[/insertion]] Brown hair is in an elliptical patch on 6 - 9 not on 7 & 8. Warts black dirty testaceous in brown hair. Hd black labrum & antennae white [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 9 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 15[[/underline]] W. hd. [[insertion]] [Shed [[/insertion]] 3.6 Same. Brown hair in complete transverse band a little encroached on the black stigmatally. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 10 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 30[[/underline]] Hd black bases of ant. & labrum white. Shiny. W 4.1 mm. Body black. speckled with white; spiracles white [[insertion]] later orange [[/insertion]] warts pale hair "clipped", brownish (foxy) red black at extremities joints 2 - 6 and 11 - 13 except red on 11 subventrally. Length Sept 28 50 mm Salmon colored (W hd 4 very nearly) (Threw it out Sept 29, Healthy) [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] Egg [[/underline]] from shell & Cecropia eggs in e-light July 2 elliptical, flattened above & below. White minutely, shagreened, smeared to leaf by brown substance. Length 2 1/2 mm. Width 2. Hight 1.4 191 On wild plum? Ulster Co June 27, '90. Looks like little Callosamia. [[underline]] Two headed one [[/underline]] Hd. black shiny, a few short pale hairs W 1.3 mm 3 rows of long black tubercles from elevated cervical paler bases, 1 per seg except j 13 which has 2 more at anal plate ^ [[/insertion]] & 12 has only 1 dorsal [[/insertion]] ① next d. line ② super stig. ③ in s-v sp. Each at summit bears from 3 - 7 black spines Body uniform dull black spiracles white. [[underline]] Larger one [[/underline]] hd black & shiny, labrum pale jaws black. W 1.6 mm. Body dull yellow or blackish shaded or all black tubercles as before black, 2 rows of round black spots, 2 per seg. between them i.e. ① s-d, ② stig. Venter blackish. Legs & anal plates shiny black. Spiracles white with minute dark center. L 12 mm [[underline]] Molt July 4 [[/underline]] hd greenish yellow mouth pales a black spot over eyes and another in front off top of Δ pl. W. 2.4 mm. Tubercles as before row ① black with bluish tops on joint 2, light red top on 3.4 yellow tops [[end page]]
as stage advances the ground color becomes greenish 5-13, only tubercle on 12 dorsal and 2 pair ^ [[insertion]] (ie only 2 [[?ons]]) [[/insertion]] on 13 the last pair ^ [[insertion]] on anal pl [[/insertion]] nearly all black row ② have [[partly?]] blue tops, must so on joints 3 ex row ③ black, all spines black Body ochery yellow. Dorsal, s-d, stig & [[insertion]] (in space) [[/insertion]] s-v rows of rounded black spots, 2 per seg. Feet as before. Spiracles white in fine black ring. Cervical spot yellow. L. 18 mm [Newly hatched from Pough. eggs. Hd black & shiny W. 1.1 [[insertion]] (less 1 1/4) [[insertion]] mm Body black, the spines bearing tubercles arranged exactly as in (Molt July 4) dirty whitish or yellowish the spines black L 6 mm] [[underline]] Molt July 13 [[/underline]] Hd yellow green, labrum & bases of palpi whitish. Palpi black as also eyes & jaws & traces of former spots W. 3.5 mm. Body green, bluish on dorsum ^ [[insertion]] Later all bluish [[/insertion]] yellowish laterally Tubercles arranged as before but much larger. row ① on 3 & 4 coral red, on 5 - 12 yellow, all the rest pale but the short spines black. [[insertion]] black spines on tubercles 5 radiate [[/insertion]] Feet yellow, tipped with black, the abd, each with a black spot ^ [insertion]] & row of substig, segmentary posterior spots [/insertion]] Spiracles white, finely bordered with black [[underline]] Molt July 28 [[/underline]][[insertion]] Hd yellow green, [[?]] paler eyes & spot [[?]] [[?]] black W 5 1/2 mm. Body blue green immaculate tubercles ① yellow [[?]] on 3, 4, ^ [[insertion]] 5 [[/insertion]] large narrower at base & spi a tops & [[?]] on 7 large & ant black bases red tubercles The rest blue [[insertion]] one [[?]] pale orange [[/insertion]] [[?]] on c-spot [[?]] spin [[?]] the rest spin [[?]] s-stig row & second row in s-v sp on joint 2-6i 2 [[?]] blue spiracles pale blue in [[?]] black line Feet yellowish [[?]] head claspers of abd bluish [[/insertion]] [[end page] [[start page]] 192 Eggs on chestnut Ulster W. June 27, 1890 Like lower 2/3 sphere, the top flattened & only small portion of base adhering [[insertion]] touching [[/insertion]] to the leaf. [[image]] Diameter .6 mm About 50 [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 1 [[overwrite]] Hatched July 8 [[/underline]] Hd. slightly bilobed. black and very shiny. W. .4 mm. Short pale hairs. Body last joints elevated otherwise feet normal, contacted somewhat in segmental sutures, uniform bright yellow. L. 2.5 mm Hatch with head in one side curled around As stage advances a black s-d line appears enlarged on the last joint. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[overwrite]] Molt July 17 [[/underline]] Hd large, subconoidal flattened in front. Pale yellow, mouth brownish, eyes brown. W .7 mm [[insertion]] (1 - 1.5-) [[insertion]] a few hairs. Body brighter yellow with greenish d. & black s-d lines and a black s-d spot on 13 L. 4 mm As stage advances joint 12 is somewhat enlarged dorsally and bright yellow interrupting the lines which are all black the d. broken into 2 spots on 13 and the s-d thickened on 2. Hd light orange. A [[end page]]
band in s-d space is of a brighter yellow than the rest of body. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 27 [[/underline]] Hd higher than wide, scarcely depressed at vertex, bright light yellow, eyes black, a few hairs W 1.3 mm. Body as before (Hd 1 1/4+, 1.5-) [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 4 [[/underline]] Hd same shape bright shiny orange, (1.5 2-) eyes & a few minute hairs black. W 1.7 mm. Body bluish green, a d. & s-d black line, [[?]] in d-sp. & in s-v sp yellow band. J2 had 2 black dashes in sv. sp. 12 is humped dorsally nearly all orange' 13 is whitish, the yellow bands absent, the black lines large & [[?]] and anal plate pale yellow. Feet and venter pale whitish. L 12 mm. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 14[[/underline]] Hd same reddish orange. W 2.2 mm Body as before. a row of black spots on s-v fold [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug 25[[/underline]] Hd rounded, large flattened in front depressed at suture of Δ pl. above; labrium with 2 elliptical elevations, very smooth & shiny. light reddish orange, mouth parts yellowish W 3.2 mm Body pale blue, a s-d & stig bright yellow band ^ [[insertion]] 2. - 11 [[/insertion]] edged above & below with black, a black dorsal & lateral line with some black streaks next d-line & a number of black spots subventrally above & bet. base of segs a black ventral line. Venter & abd segs pale greenish, the feet testaceous Hump on 12 fleshy, wrinkled with a large central shiny [[?]], all orange or yellow. 13 has only thin black lines broken into spots. Anal plate yellow ^ [[insertion]] Hd [[/insertion]] higher than joint 2. As stage advances the yellow s-d band becomes tinged with orange. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[?]] calc. .3 .4 .6 .8 1.2 1.7 2.4 [[strikethrough]] (3.4) [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] [[have/larve?]] .3 .4 .6 .8 1.2 1.4 2.4 [[underline]] 'coon [[/underline]] 193 Eggs of Hyphantria textor Ulster Co June 27 on wild cherry Laid in a close single layer of about 375 and mixed a partly covered by a mass of short fine white hairs. Egg is spherical, minutely punctured, pale green Diam. .5 mm [[underline]] Hatched July 8 [[/underline]] hd blackish pales at mouth & Δ pl. W .3 mm Body whitish the warts blackish with few rather long hairs L 1.5 mm [Ohters on apple Hd black .4 mm Body pale whitish, warts black, as also c-spot & anal plate. Few pale hairs, L. 3 mm] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 16[[/underline]] Hd black, w .4 mm as above [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 24[[/underline]] Hd black W .6 mm body whitish warts large, black as also c-spot & anal plates. Hair partly black. A faint dark subdorsal shade band. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 29[[/underline]] Hd black, labrium & palpi white W .8 or 9 mm Body grayish in s-d sp. yellowish laterally. C-spot [[?]], warts ① & ② and anal plate black, a pale dorsal line. Other warts blackish, feet black, Hair black & white. [[end page]]
[[written at top, sideways]] Feet paler mottled with blackish spaces in a black under 195 [[underline]] coon [[/underline]] in fold of leaf Aug 28. 195 [[underline]] Imago [[/underline]] Feb 2, 1891 Endropia [[?raria]] [[checkmark checkmark]] HS [[/top, sideways]] [[written at top, upside down]] Hds .3 or .4 .6 .9 1.3 1.8 2.7 [[?]] .4 .6 .8 1.2 1.8 2.7 v .66 2/3 [[top, upside down]] [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] Aug 2 [[/underline]] Hd black labium Δ pl, & antennae whitish W 1.2 mm Body yellowish a white d & s-d line the s-d sp largely shaded with black. Warts as in Arctia [[?]] on legless segs. Feet all blackish. L. 8 mm Warts ② & anal plate black; ^ [[insertion]] rest of warts ocherous [[/insertion]] ① minute [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Aug 12 [[/underline]] W hd 1.4 mm Hd black labium & ant. white. Dorsum black, sides dark gray to black mottled with pale yellow D. sd & interrupted sub-stig narrow yellow line Warts ① & ② [[insertion]] ① paler [[/insertion]] black the rest ochre. Feet black hair thin white. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 7 [[/overwrite]] One taken [[/underline]] Sept. 11. Hd 2.4 Hd antiquadrate bilobed, sunken centrally, the lobes bulging out in front. Black, shiny labrium, antennae & palpi white a few hairs. Body black as dorsum (s-d sp) & venter, gray as sides (i.e. black mottlings in yellow ground. Warts ① & ② black ③ - ⑥ orange ⑦ black. Spiracles white. Appearance narrow yellowish s-d & sub-stig line Feet all black, hairs long. blackish. [Another Sept. 18. Hd 2.4] [[underline]] One [[/underline]] cooned Sept 21. [Hd in 'coon 2.4] [[underline]] Pupa Sept 25 [[/underline]] Clylindrical, ant half of abd. larger than any other part, cases prominent abd. segs tapering, cremaster thin broad & flat terminating in a row of about a dozen broken spines & nearly equal length. Body punctured 3 movable sutures smooth. cases very slightly creased. Shiny red brown. L .11 mm w 4.5 mm [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]] [Underline]195 [[overwrite]] 6 [[/overwrite]] Molt Aug [[?]] [[/underline]] Hd. 2.7 Hd pale brown mottled with dark in front [[?]] with black specks & mottling septd. by 2 broad black bands joined at top. Body [[?]] red with fine longitudinal wavy black line in germinate dorsal 3 or 4 irregular lateral 2 - 4 ventral; [[checkmark]] between the 2 [[?]] a broad pale ventral band. [[checkmark]] Feet[[?]] paler [[checkmark]] Minute black warts + 1 minute hair [[/strikethrough]] [[line]] [[strikethrough]] Oct 14 1893 Geometrid on C.[[insertion]] (cyperus) paniculata, Dutchess Co. June 29. Hd. whitish green with vertical pulverulent crimson before the eyes [[insertion]] mouth brownish, eyes black [[/insertion]] line before the eyes Body same whitish green, dorsal crimson band, interrupted ^ [[insertion]] broadly [[/insertion]] on the middle of each segment and furcate on joint 2 the parts meeting the lines of head when the insect is at rest. Feet of true geometrid slightly touched with crimson. W. hd. 1.4. Length 2.0 mm [[underline]] Molt July 1 [[/underline]] Same. Stripe on head very pulverulent. Width 2.2 Body same, a number of minute black dots, a larger one s-d on j. 12. Spiracles ringed with black As stage progresses the marks become deep carmine brown, fainter & blended with obscure similar colored mottling over the body. A transverse stripe across dordenn of joint 3 another in 8 a little elevated and preceeded by 2 dots around which partly extends a shade from the band [[margin]] Imago July 25. Cat. no. 5164 [[/margin]] [[strikethrough]] Oct 14 1893 [[end page]]
Copied 2/26/91 MS lost 195 [[strikethrough]] Oct 14 1893 Little [[?]] sassafras, June 29. [[insertion]] p [[?]] [[/insertion]] Head red brown with a lateral white spot and one above the mouth W .3 or .4 mm Body has feet as geom. 6 [[?]] behind bet tho. & abd. feet with [[?]] color continuing rather large white spots and same markings on last seg. A brown ventral line. Length about [[checkmark]]4 mm. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 2 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 2 [[/underline]] Hd white [[?]] carmine brown patch covers the vertex and extends down each side before the eyes. Also above the mouth. W .6 mm Body [[?]] brown marked [[checkmark]] as before. [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 3 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 6[[/underline]] Hd .9 mm As before the brown patch more extensive. Body as before but the pale bands mixed with [[?]] A series of [[strikethrough]] s-d [[/strikethrough]] stig black spots [[?]] paler slightly greenish with dark ventral spine Hd becomes brown mottled with black in front with 2 [[?]] ventral white lines & Δ pl streaked long ^ [[insertion]] finely [[/insertion]] with yellowish, venter yellowish s-d yellow spots 5 6 7 & 8, & stig black ones on 5 - 9 first to spiracle [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 4 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 14[[/underline]] Hd pale brown [[?]] dark brown mottling 2 vertical black bands jointed at vertex and above mouth Wd 1.3 mm Body yellowish wood brown mottled white darker brown with an indistinct dorsal band. [[written sideways on page]] Ventral band and s-d, lateral and [[?]] subventral rows minute seg - [?]] black elevated spots each bearing a single very short minutely black hair. Spiracles black L 20 mm [[underline]] [[overwrite]] 5 [[/overwrite]] Molt July 21[[/underline]] Hd as before W 1.8 Body as before vertical band pale bordered sharply with dark brown. s-d & sub stig paler interrupted bands. [[checkmark]] [[/sideways entry]] [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 196 Orgyia leucostigma Poughk. July 2, 1890 Hd. [[orange red/almost vermillion/dark coral red?]] eyes black palpi labium & mouth yellowish jaws dark. W .33 mm cervical spot [[strikethrough]] coral red, [[/strikethrough]] vermillion, containing 2 yellowish warts & from a large wart each side it grows a pair of pencils of long plumed black hairs. On joint 3 - 4, 9 - 11 [[overwrite]] a [[/overwrite]] ① small wart next s-d line. situated in a broad black band which on 9 - 11 is broadly bordered with yellow & on 12 & 11 a little dorsal red tubercle ② in yellow band s-d ③ superstig ④ substig ⑤ on bases of legs & legless segs Body blackish but warts yellowish, a black stig. line & s-v sface & venter yellowish. A large compact tuft of dense white ^ [[insertion]] or pale yellow [[/insertion]] bar on dorsum of 5, 6, 7, 8, on yellow ground, bet. tufts black. On dorsum 12 a long pencil of brown hair tipped by black plumed hairs. Warts bear this [[end page]]
{Hd from pupa 3 mm [[male symbol]] {do [[for ditto]] 2.8 " [[male symbol]] {do [[for ditto]] 3.5 " [[female symbol]] {Hd from dead in coon 2.9 " [[male symbol]]? white hair. [[underline]] Cooned [[/underline]] without molt. Another Hd 2.8 [[insertion]] (2.5+, 3-) [[insertion]] mm Molt [[underline]] July 18 [[/underline]] As before but warts in c-spot [[?]] discolorus. Feet & venter greenish W. hd .36 (3.5+ 4-). [[underline]] Cone July 28? Pupa Aug 1 Imago [[female symbol]] Aug 6 [[/underline]] Moth white, dorsum broadly a little darker a black dot on dorsum of 3rd abd. segment. Put her in the woods and 3 p.m. she laid eggs [[underline]] Egg [[/underline]] Nearly spherical, a little flattened at the top White smooth the top centrally yellowish with a concentric similarly colored ring. Diam 1 mm Laid in a mass on outside cocoon & covered with a mass of little bubbles which dry into opaque white froth. [[underline]] [Sept 4 [[underline]] on elm Hd wine red, blackish about eyes & claspers labrum pale W 1.6 mm Body as [[?]] from 2 [[?]] [[?]] & 1 from 12 hardly mixed with any other hairs Dorsum black, side gray, a s-d & sub-stig yellow line. Venter pale & legs. C-spots & retractile warts on I & ii anal red. 4 dorsal yellow spots on 3 & 4 (ie warts) L 10 mm white tufts on 5 - 8. the last a little smaller (fly)] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[inside cover, blank]]
[[Back cover of bluebook]]